I hear from guildmastes about such thing anD now I have experienced it myself.
I didnt even play the game today, i just log in and see that today I got 3 dishonorable kills.
like what? how? I def didnt kill any npc for horde while sleeping, and all i did Qued AV. SO i guess no point even farming honor this week for me, coz this affects ranks badly, but feels crazy unfair coz i didnt even get them myself, what is this weird bug that ppl randomly get 3 DKs out of nowhere???
OK guys I got reply in game from players! these kills are a visual bug form the first week,it doesnt affect your rank. I had 3 dks from first week so they show as now week, but if u get them your rank moves instantly, if your rank didnt move, its just a visual bug