Unrestricted RP-PvP

I came to wonder, how come there’s mostly no unrestricted RP-PvP between guilds?Most i have seen are rare occasions of guilds rping in BG’s, small one sided slaughters or most prominent, reststricted RP-PvP. I wanted to ask about your opinions and perhaps methods how to make unrestricted more popular, If you’d like it to be popular at all and stuff to keep in mind. Generall discussion thread about that tpoic.

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Because only Horde bothers to get ilvl above 380


I imagine most Rpers aren’t interested in PvP


Unrestricted meaning actual duels? I’d be down for that.

An unrestricted PvP setting does not leave much room for, well, much of anything else at the time. Typing out a conversation when engaged in a high-intensity gameplay sounds stressful at best, so at that point the RP aspect of RP-PvP will be hard pressed to work out.

Not saying it can’t be done. I’m saying it’s probably a niche type RP, rather than something broadly appealing.

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In my experience Unrestricted RP-PVP just turns into people crying loads about how their mighty knight got owned because they never bothered to play the game outside of RP.

On top of that campaigns with unrestricted just turns into pseudo-battlegrounds where no one does any RP outside of the occasional yell for someone to charge in.

Altho it has a cool niche in like, duels and small scale fights with buds.


Yeah, but not just that. The chat also gets filled with OOC stuff. At least it did in silverpain 2.0’s unrestricted part.

I do find unrestricted rp-pvp to be nice and cool, absolutely something i want to do at times. But also not too much of it since there is not much room for roleplay.


Ahhh I’ve been expecting you.


I was actually thinking about coming to AD to try and engage into more RP. However, coming from Emerald Dream - US, RP-PvP is my bread and butter. So one thing that’s offputting is that people keep telling me that there isn’t a big unrestricted RP-PvP scene.


Grim Gest killed the Alliance too hard in the last Soggoth campaign, they never quite recovered

Sorry for that folks


Unrestricted RP-PvP kind of boils down to the same reason as why I don’t really like solving IC duels with WoW PvP. It’s so fast and chaotic. Spell effects exploding everywhere, skills spammed out, characters jumping around each other. Not to mention those cases where your RP gear isn’t in your classes Transmog pool, meaning you actually have to wear that low level leather armor if you want that specific look. Meanwhile Chad the warrior over here is comfortably wearing his epic raid plate with his flasks and potions at the ready, just itching to stomp some non-raider into the mud. If I’m going to lose, I’d rather have it be some cool roleplay reason rather than PvP skills and item level. I respect those that can balance both, but I personally can’t stand it.

  • people are forgetting that corrupted gear has really messed up PVP in general
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Most of the conversations in restricted aren’t exactly peak interest either.

There’s only so many times I can see someone shout “hold the line!” and “push forward!” when auto-attacking before it gets a bit samey.


makes u explode into 200 void beams/stars by giving you a stern look

starts posting on the arena forums about stars and void

not to me mention how restricted is a snooze fest if you play any kind of spellcaster
oh you don’t have a wand, just count to 5 and cast a fireball, then count to 5 again.

oh you want to make an impact and feel like you are actually the powerful mage you claim to be in rp? nah you can only cast low damage spells and no aoe.

meanwhile the chad warrior can charge in, heroic jump and take on 10 other guys because the healers are just spamming health down his throat.


I would’ve agreed with you before we got the elixir of tongues, back then there wouldn’t be any RP in restricted anyway so why not make it unrestricted - fights are faster and feel more epic, healers actually have something to do, etc. I’ll admit I’ve been guilty to ocasionally just running in and standing in enemy lines as a PvP-geared healer back then just because of how bored I was.

But now that we’ve got the elixir of tongues you can actually RP with the enemy, make it a storyline. And yes, although that often devolves into weird semi-banter or gross insults, there’s a potential and a fun to be had there that makes it waaaay better for RP imo.

don’t need to be rp-pvping for weird things to be said. Have you seen some of the stormwind RP? And just to have an example from horde side too, you seen the people who was rebel rpers?


That orc over there has some form of pasta sauce on their crotch!


Can’t believe they all rebelled because warchief windrunner banned dolmio brand pasta sauce from the horde