Unrestricted RP-PvP

Sorry, I’m a SWTOR-head now.

Until I finish the story stuff anyway. Then I’ll drop it.

Lurking on the forums it’s not that bad, actually. There are people who join discussions about sports and so I join discussions about the games I like. The fact that I have taken a break from wow doesn’t mean that I have zero business with the game. I plan to come back shortly before SL and return to RP and maybe PvP.

As for what I’m doing with my time, it sounds ironic that WoW players, out of all people, lecture each other on how others should spend their time better when they display the same self-indulgent behavior. I mean, I’m sure there would be a lot of people blaming you for the terrible use of your time, finding “strange” that you are playing on a videogame for hours (that lowers social and cognitive capabilities) per day/per week. Criticizing someone on a similar basis sounds fairly hypocritical.

How does this game lower social and cognitive capabilities?

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I remember the Silverpine campaign from last year had unrestricted PvP between Tarren Mill and Southshores, in teams of 10 for each side. It was great fun. Sad to see it be so rare.

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Long-term videogaming in general does affect the mind negatively: playing videogames for long periods of time decreases attention skills, decreases compliance, decreases quality sleep and increases irritability, among other things.

I haven’t looked specifically about WoW, but it’s likely it does. Besides you can check for yourself how many regular players in WoW are affirmed members of society.

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Are you seriously trying to play the high ground card about having quit wow, when here you are showing such an interest that you’re still posting on the forums for roleplay in an imaginary world of which you aren’t even a part of anymore?


One 0.2 second Google search later

[…] Video game use is known to affect attention. The studies included in the review show that video game players display improvements in several types of attention, including sustained attention and selective attention. Furthermore, the regions of the brain that play a role in attention are more efficient in gamers compared with non-gamers, and they require less activation to stay focused on demanding tasks.

(because you’re not a gamer anymore I highlighted the important bits for your inferior attention capability)

Evidence also demonstrates that playing video games increases the size and competence of parts of the brain responsible for visuospatial skills - a person’s ability to identify visual and spatial relationships among objects. In long-term gamers and individuals who had volunteered to follow a video game training plan, the right hippocampus was enlarged.

Scientists clarify that […] brain training can stimulate meaningful and lasting changes. After 12 hours of training over the period of a month, study participants aged between 60 to 85 years improved performance on the game that surpassed that of individuals in their 20s playing the game for the first time. Moreover, two other significant cognitive areas were improved: working memory and sustained attention. These skills were maintained 6 months after completion of their training.

A recent study […] found that playing 3-D video games could also boost the formation of memories. Participants were allocated to either a group that played video games with a 2-D environment or a 3-D environment. After playing the games for 30 minutes per day for 2 weeks, the students were given memory tests that engaged the brain’s hippocampus.

Source: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/318345.php


I’m not playing any high ground card. I’m just saying it’s hypocritical to criticize how people spend their time if you are being self-indulgent with your own.

In the end, I think WoW at its prime is really a masterpiece and a great thing to experience - I have played WoW for several years and understand it’s fashion. But it is a questionable habit and it comes across as very superficial to claim that I shouldn’t be doing videogame-related activities just because I’m not subbed.


For each and every of these studies there are studies that confirm issues related to other videogames: that violence in videogames desensitizes people is currently being debated, but it has been confirmed by many experiments and has been supported by the American Psychology Association.

Some papers include:

  • http://lol.medieraadet.dk/upload/mulige_aasager_social_hensynsloeshed.pdf

  • http://videogames.procon.org/sourcefiles/Desensitization.pdf

  • https://web.archive.org/web/20140327041826/http://wpmedia.blogs.ottawacitizen.com/2010/06/study_2.pdf

Aside from this pieces of data that are controversial, what is uncontroversial is that on average videogaming affects our sleep patterns, which in turn cause several damage to our daily cognitive activities and as I said, increase irritability, decrease attention etc.

You also deliberately quoted, from your page, just the bits that furthered your cause; the article itself claims that these studies are still in its infancy and that it has been confirmed that, for example:

In gaming addicts, there are functional and structural alterations in the neural reward system - a group of structures associated with feeling pleasure, learning, and motivation. Exposing video game addicts to game-related cues that cause cravings, and monitoring their brain responses, highlighted these changes - changes that are also seen in other addictive disorders.

And concludes that the situation is complex and further studies are required.

Okay but who asked?

Telling you that you spend your time commenting on something you are not investing time in is not hypocritical.

But you should not. You don’t spend your time on the server, so why should you be telling us what to do about it, which you have done multiple times.

I know you got a thing for going on the forums at least 1 time a week just to repeat the same post over and over again because you are not subbed so you never got anything relevant and current to add to the conversation. And every time it shows how outdated your information is on what ever the current topic is. example: there are no griefers on wow rp and i never seen any! (litterally saw griefers in Orgrimmar today and yesterday)
I will have to ask you kindly to use all the power on your phone so that you can stop posting now.

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Okay but who asked?


damn broooo thats crazyyyy :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

The poster above me?
I’m sure these 87 IQ replies make you guys feel very smart huh.

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You see, I was only pretending to be retarded

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Only for those who don’t know when to go to sleep in time. Its just that simple. That is on the individual. Also i now order you to post another comment about IQ as i send you to /r/iamverysmart/

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This one’s going on r/iamverysmart.