Unsustainable situation on Spanish servers

That would be great!

But most alliance cowards are war mode off. or making raid/parties for call to arms quest then asap turning it off.

it’s fair guerrilla tactics when you are outnumbered by horde
and I like 30% exp buff

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I like tactic hate how you “ABUSE” that do just that with bonus and asap turning it off.

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I wish i could do smth else but with our numbers its all we can muster for wPvP


That realm merge is not enough, clearly.

However, that realm merge has no downsides to it. There is no situation in which the merger makes the situation worse for anyone.

So it’s not bad news - nothing bad is happening. At worst nothing is happening.

But honestly I’d love to be in such a merge. It’s the same kind of merge we got, except in your case both realms are speaking the same language, which is awfully nice.

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I believe you just get benefits out of this merge,not what you wanted but clearly better than not being merged. As someone noted the AH will be better, since it’s cross faction.

Dude, the AH is between servers, not between factions, this merge does not solve anything, we still have 0 competitive guilds to make mythical content and Blizzard has a new server of 10k players that does not need another fusion, it is just a smoke bomb to be silenced, because the problem still remains

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The ah is between factions btw you can test if you want.(of the same server ofc)


Cthun people are doing migrations leaving the realm because guilds cant reclute people for doing mythic. and if you connect the realm and give us 60 people only… Well…

Theres only 1 guild that did 12/12 mythic

I understand that but it’s not worse than before .

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I understand your first point, it’s indeed a bad connection (luckily it failed so far, but they’ll retry it) cause you don’t really get to play with each other, great majority of the hordes on the resulting realm will be from c’thun and great majority of the allys will be from dun modr, hardly any utility, it’d have made more sense to connect c’thun with tyrande, or exodar, at least there’s a better ally-horde ratio, although maybe they intend to connect them later.

The 2nd statement I can’t agree at all, not only if you merge every server in spain you’ll have a gigantic realm, but outland has been declining since bfa and is left with 110 guilds total this tier, pretty much all of them are alliance; even just dun modr has almost 200 alliance guilds, uldum has over 200 horde guilds, tyrande and exodar have like 70 guilds each, majority being alliance and c’thun is probably around 35 horde guilds, outland is nothing in comparison, even just tyrande + exodar would eclypse it.

The auction house is cross faction and even for the low populations (C’thun alliance/Dun Modr Horde) on each server it means being connected to a much bigger group, its a pretty standard connection if you ask me and its not like there are many servers to pick from… Dun Modr/Tyrande/Exodar are all alliance dominant anyway.

Hello Blizzard, I would like to know why we Spaniards receive the worst treatment, being the only ones who do not have decent macro servers that seem to be all empty, we only ask to join all the Spanish servers or at least at least join all those that are empty .

A costume in Black Desert costs 30 euros and the game deliberately made the endgame gear look like hot garbage in order to push you to buy costumes.

I presume people complaining about this particular connection maybe wanted a connection of the likes: c’thun-exodar-tyrande, this definitely would’ve brought a decent amount of horde and ally overall (obviously ally majority, but none of those realms is as horde-empty as dun modr is).

They should just connect cthun to Sanguino macro realm to create a big horde server and then make a new connection of: Dun modr-tyrande-exodar (and the other servers that are already connected to those) to make a big alliance server with a decent horde pop.

Think the most likely outcome is DunModr+C’Thun+Exodar as 1 realm and Tyrande+Zul’jin as the second…

If you only mix same faction servers together it doesn’t really help out the lower faction, but in general it seems like blizzard considers the entire population as a realm and less so faction splits when they pick server connections.

This connection is actually very similar to the Frostmourne/Thaurissian connection they already did in the US servers.

Ah merged ages ago between factions.

If server connection happens, then connected servers also share the same ah.

Why would you?

Every Spanish realm is totally dead except Dun Modr for alliance and Sanguino macro server for Horde.

People are moving from Tyrande horde everyday as it is just impossible to find guilds that actually do things. (Me included)

Even if there re 1000 hordes playing, if they dont want to raid, it is useless as wpvp is already connected.

Just make 2 realms, one with a nice horde pop and the other with a nice alliance pop, as they will find each other in the world anyways.

They dont care. They clustered my Server with a Gazillion Russians, without even thinking about the language-barrier. They dont even use the same alphabet. Makes PUGing horribly frustrating.

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