Its not surprising. M+ and Raids are totally different game modes. For example, the “fail condition”. Depletes for M+. Wipes for raids. Not the same thing.
However. You are looking at this from the wrong perspective.
Ask yourself the following question : WHY do raids have weekly lockout ? Why not daily, or every 2 days. 1 week is a suspiciously arbitrary number.
To answer that question, you need to count hours/gear. Which you fail to take into consideration.
Can you spam M+ ? YES. But 1 dungeon is 40 minutes. And on average, you will get 1 piece every 5 dungeons.
So… that is… 1 piece of gear for 3.3h of gameplay. Or 0.33 items per hour. Assuming you finish the dungeon on time. Raids… well you clear the whole raid (NM and HC) in 1h. And you get ~ 1.5 items per raid. So about 1.5 items per hour.
And that is why Raids have lock-out. Because if they did not, then spamming raids would be hands down, with out a doubt, the most efficient way to get gear.
And why does gear have anything to do with this ?
The reasons people push keys depends on players. Who sais it has to be above a +11? Why cant players push from +2 to +10. Or seek KSM or things like that ?
Your statement is YOUR opinion. The reason why YOU play M+. But its not the only way. Dont extrapolate.
Basically M+ is M+. It is the way it is. And if you want it some other way, you will need to change the dungeons from the bottom up and make them look more like a Raid. You cant just remove the timer and call it a day.
What are you talking about ?
You want easy dungeons to “take your time” ? You got those today. Heroic and M0. Its their PURPOSE.
Prior to M+, you ONLY had heroic. After that, nothing. Just raids. When M+ was introduced, they filled that “nothing” that was missing. But the heroic dungeons still exist today.
In fact, compared to pre-Legion we have MORE “easy” dungeons than ever. Before it was normal and that’s it. Today you got normal, heroic, M0, time-walking… ect…
Not to mention Delves. They were MADE from the ground up specifically to cater to “take it slow” people. Simply form a group of 5 and do a Delve. Or a dungeon.