Untimed Mythic Dungeons & Farmable Delves

Can we have a alternate option to the timed M+ Dungeons that is untimed up to +10 so for those of us who don’t care about achiv’s can just form groups and take our time to while being able to farm Heroic Gear and get a Mythic Vault if we can do +10’s.

Can Delves be farmable so we can farm gear all day long like M+ without the need of Coffer Keys the Bountiful delves should only be for the Crests let us farm the Heroic and Champion gear at least or it is only worth doing 4 Delves per day and 8 delves per week after that they are worthless you can do so much better with the content feature Blizzard.


NO. There are people that did a Delve 11 30 minutes after the patch went live.

If they allow that, then there would be no difference to simply mail the gear directly to you. Why bother farming at all ?

(A) If you want to take your sweet time in a slow paced mode then go do some Raids. Or, ask Blizz to make you 5 man raids.

(B) If having a timer at the top corner of the screen bothers you, download an addon that removes it. Problem solved. You can take your sweet time.

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Let’s even add an achievement and special mount for not timing anything !

Literally no good reason why Delves shouldn’t be farmable if they are designed as a 3rd pillar of End Game Content.

And as for Raid’s don’t be an idiot they give gear once a week we need gear we can farm that is the point I am aiming at end of the day the timer is for those pushing +11 which isn’t for Gear so why not have a non timer option for +10 and lower there was no Timer from Vanilla to WOD which is a longer time than there has been a timer.

@Brigael - I did say we don’t care about achiv’s or anything like that we just want the farmable gear and vault so please read the post first it’s just an alternate option and all I hear is M+ players complaining all day long about keys not being timed this way it gives them a place to go.

Being an endgame pillar means that there has to be balance between all the modes.

PvP is also an endgame pillar. But fortunately you dont have to spam M+ to play PvP. Or have to climb to 1900 rating to get a PvE weapon.

Delves does not live in its own little universe. It lives in a room with M+ and Raids. And as I mentioned on my coment’s above, that has consequences. The main one being that HOW you farm things is different. To prevent disruption in other modes.

And that is why Delves have limited bountiful cashes.

Whatever your objectives are, Blizzard wants you to keep playing ideally every day until S3. That is how the company wins money.

If you can fully gear in 1 afternoon by farming things then in 1 day you are fully geared. Do that with 10 alts 10 times and you are done for the season.

So. They prevent you from doing that. By putting in things that slow you down. Like weekly lock-outs in raids. Like RNG in M+. Like bountiful keys in Delves.

And Blizzards job is to find the “sweet spot” where we are kept farming for long enough, before we get bored of waiting and quit.

Its the way the world works. Dont like it? Play something else. There are plenty of SP games out there.

At that point, let’s just give everyone a full +10 Vault every week just for loging in.

I mean, let’s take this a step further, let’s give Myth Track Raid gear for doing Heroics, legit the same thing. :slight_smile:



I never understand people that want dungeons to “take their time”… I really dont…

Dungeons are designed from the ground up to be done with a timer in mind. Dungeons to “take your time” would have to be made differently.

They would look more like mini-raids than dungeons really… Which begs the question: WHY? Just raid then ! :smiley:


What i don’t understand is the point of “If you can do 10’s” like if it’s a timeless run then there is no way for a “Deplete” which means that everyone will do 10’s even it takes them 12 Hours, which has also been done by some Chinese Group if i remember correctly in SL where they sat in a Spires of Ascension for like 12 hours or so :smiley:

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Seems Legit

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Raid gives gear once a week you can farm M+ for gear all day every day it’s not the same thing.

And the M+ timer is more for people who want to push +11 keys for the achivs and title not for gear which stops at +10.

Dungeons used to have no timer before Legion so having an alternate mode that was that system wouldn’t be hard to do it has existed longer than the M+ system has.

Yes Dungeons used to have no timer, also Dungeon Gear used to be not even on par with Raid Gear, which it now is with M+.

Introducing a non timed mode, would also mean that Gear from said non timed mode would need to be straight up horrible, otherwise WHO would even play regular M+? Don’t even start with “Peopl who want Achivements”, only the 0.1% is doing it for achivements everyone else just want’s the Mount OR relatively free Gear that’s it.

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Well M+ players complain all day long about how long they have to wait to get into keys and about keys being depleted they won’t have to complain about either if there is an untimed Dungeon mode seeing more reasons we need this mode and little to no reasons why we don’t.

Because they are all anti social af, they won’t make friends or join community and rather sit in a que simulator all day so they can complain about a non issue.

Has nothing to do with M+ itself, it’s just the mentality of the forum crybabys.

Blizzard them selfs have removed Depletion on 2 and 3’s as a Baseline and once you done all on 10, you don’t deplete below 10 anymore either and this goes up with key levels do them all on 11,12,13 and they don’t deplete anymore past that level.

Its not surprising. M+ and Raids are totally different game modes. For example, the “fail condition”. Depletes for M+. Wipes for raids. Not the same thing.

However. You are looking at this from the wrong perspective.

Ask yourself the following question : WHY do raids have weekly lockout ? Why not daily, or every 2 days. 1 week is a suspiciously arbitrary number.

To answer that question, you need to count hours/gear. Which you fail to take into consideration.

Can you spam M+ ? YES. But 1 dungeon is 40 minutes. And on average, you will get 1 piece every 5 dungeons.

So… that is… 1 piece of gear for 3.3h of gameplay. Or 0.33 items per hour. Assuming you finish the dungeon on time. Raids… well you clear the whole raid (NM and HC) in 1h. And you get ~ 1.5 items per raid. So about 1.5 items per hour.

And that is why Raids have lock-out. Because if they did not, then spamming raids would be hands down, with out a doubt, the most efficient way to get gear.

And why does gear have anything to do with this ?

The reasons people push keys depends on players. Who sais it has to be above a +11? Why cant players push from +2 to +10. Or seek KSM or things like that ?

Your statement is YOUR opinion. The reason why YOU play M+. But its not the only way. Dont extrapolate.

Basically M+ is M+. It is the way it is. And if you want it some other way, you will need to change the dungeons from the bottom up and make them look more like a Raid. You cant just remove the timer and call it a day.

What are you talking about ?

You want easy dungeons to “take your time” ? You got those today. Heroic and M0. Its their PURPOSE.

Prior to M+, you ONLY had heroic. After that, nothing. Just raids. When M+ was introduced, they filled that “nothing” that was missing. But the heroic dungeons still exist today.

In fact, compared to pre-Legion we have MORE “easy” dungeons than ever. Before it was normal and that’s it. Today you got normal, heroic, M0, time-walking… ect…

Not to mention Delves. They were MADE from the ground up specifically to cater to “take it slow” people. Simply form a group of 5 and do a Delve. Or a dungeon.

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Just time your 8 ++ or 9+
and just go into 10 and do not time it but complete for vault…
Repeat this all the time
from 10 you go to 9
you time 9 + and you again go into 10
It’s farmable if you ask me :smiley:

I never said M+ wasn’t farmable I asked for Delves to be farmable.

Delves, Mythic+, and raiding are meant to complement each other when it comes to gearing.
Delves act as a form of bad luck protection for players, allowing them to obtain something from the game if they are unlucky in Mythic+ or raids.

Blizzard gives you around four keys from weekly chests, and you can farm World Quests for coffer shards to create more keys. Additionally, you can do Echo of Azeroth for about two more keys if you have five currency to start it.

Furthermore, you are guaranteed to receive one Hero Track gear piece from them.

This system provides more gear from various sources for players.
Making Delves farmable would be unwise because it would make raiding and Mythic+ obsolete.

While Mythic+ is farmable, if you look at the pool of items available for your class in each Mythic+ dungeon and consider that each dungeon only drops three pieces of loot upon completion for a group of five players, it’s not a 100% guarantee that you’ll get the loot you need for your gear.

Delves are a great alternative source to help you increase your item level faster.

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Delves will never Replace Raiding or M+ as people do those for the Achiv’s and Mounts not just for the gear I would say the gear is generally the last reason they do them, where for Delves it is primary reason people do them.

You can farm delves without the coffer keys, coffer keys do not count for the weekly vault.

I used to spam t1’s to get my coins to convert to crests once all I had left to do was upgrade the gear I had.

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Are you sure about that?

If delves become farmable, then they will balance the loot against other farmable modes.

Would you prefer to have 4 delves per week give you gear, or have a delve give you 5-10% chance for an item?

And before you ask where the 5-10% comes from:
M+ have a 40% chance to drop an item and take anywhere between 30-60 minutes (depending if you have a group, if you deplete and so on).
On the other hand, delves can be soloed in 10 minutes. It stands to reason that if you want farmable gear, it needs to be balanced against the game mode that already offers farmable gear.

So yeah, would you prefer each delve to have 5-10% chance for it to give you gear, but be farmable?