Unwavering fools Kazzak (H) recruiting for 10.1!

Unwavering fools Kazzak (H) recruiting for 10.1!

Server : Kazzak (Horde)
Language : English
Raid days: Thursday & Sunday
Raid times : 20.30-23.00 Server time
Recruiting : Raiders and Socials
Progress : 8/8 Heroic

Get Curve/KSM and have fun. Not in a hardcore fashion but there is a heavy emphasis on everyone doing their part and contributing. We want to be running m+ together in the evenings and helping each other as much as we can when we can. Also everyone puts in the effort in gearing (mostly through m+), reputation farming (if needed) and keeping up to date with enchants and consumables. We learn by doing it together.

We strive to improve as much as we can with the limited time we have for gaming. Trying goes a long way, so does asking for help. Wanting to improve as a team is a big must and a general vibe we want to have. There is an expectation that people have a basic grasp of their class and where to find information regarding their classes and so on. We also expect that people help each other as much as we can.

What/who we´re looking for

  • We are looking for nice and good people who are mature and have a sensible approach to the game.
  • Active during the evenings.
  • People who want to do content together either as raiders or socials.
  • Value progressing as a team, building and creating an atmosphere where we all can enjoy pushing heroic raid and mythic plus content together.
  • Has a functioning mic and willing to use it :slight_smile: .

Raid Schedule
For Dragonflight our raiding days will be Thursdays & Sundays, 20.30-23.00 Servertime (CEST)

2-3x DPS - HIGH
1 x Offspec Heal- medium

Were currently planning for 10.1 on the horizon so happy to discuss roles and things moving forwards

Please feel free to contact me on discord Cervet#2247 or Tofuscramble_#3113