Upcoming Changes to the Ashran, Isle of Conquest, and Wintergrasp Epic Battlegrounds

Alliance can literally turn the Docks flag before horde even gets there. And both sides can outrange turrets, so not really favored.

Vehicles have to scale somewhat, otherwise they’ll become completely irrelevant when we gear up, and making them scale with driver’s gear breeds toxicity, so I can understand why they did that.

Great changes so far, please also consider fixing Alterac because it’s unplayable as it is. Everyone skip the mini boss, no fights ever and doing achievements is impossible due to how people play it (rush to boss and afk). There was only 1 fight from over 30 rounds I’ve played so far.

For Wintergrasp please also consider buffing the damage for the hand-held rockets to shoot demolishers + some way to reward attacking teams because I haven’t won ever as an attacker.

Ashran usually has unplayable lag, otherwise good changes!

Consider releasing Epic versions of Arathi and Eots, the maps has the space for at least 25vs25

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Why why why why WHYYYYY.
It’s bad enough at 30, are you blind to the terrible state of your servers?

what!?! Docks is what wins the game. Now you’re buffing docks!?

At least you got WG correct.


It’s almost like the peeps doing PVP balance don’t even play their own game anymore. It would explain a lot of things.

Maybe they just look at spreadsheets? lol.


I guess so.
Anyone who has played more than 2 IoC BG’s knows you rush docks and if you win you defended your glaives, or if you lose you have to kill them to have a chance of winning, which is already hard enough.

It’s insane.


“the meta is too centralized! I know! We’ll buff the thing that centralizes the meta!.. BRILLIANT!”

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Giving Glaives more health seems like a good change, even if Docks are already the go-to strategy in many games.

Right now it goes like this:

Docks are great if Glaives never die. But if the enemy team has a few Stealth classes who knows what they’re doing, then Glaives will always die, no matter how many there are defending them.

In that regard it is reasonable to buff their health, so that defenders actually can, you know, defend them!

Hangar is right now incredibly powerful, because very few players can do incredible gate damage with it.
With Docks you need the entire team to guard the Glaives in order for the strategy to work. With Hangar you just need 7-10 people and you’re set on a winning course. That’s really powerful. And it synergizes with the Quarry and Refinery.

And buffing the Workshop makes that more viable on its own, which is also a spot-on change.

All in all, making Docks better doesn’t mean Blizzard are stupid and don’t understand that Docks are already great. They do understand. The point of the change is not to make Docks better, but to make Docks more reliable and then buff Workshop so it’s equally viable - and then have Hangar remain as that one base where you can get a lot of damage done with just a few players.
Collectively those are good changes.

Don’t play the “Blizzard are stupid”-card when their changes are pretty shrewd.

still, can’t believe they finally made it. Many changes are still needed, tho

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Every game I tell people “don’t let Horde take Hangar for free”
Most games I go to hangar alone or with one or two people and the Horde caps Hangar… then we lose Glaives and eventualy lose the match.

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Can you remove Jeron Emberfall ability to knock people of platform. He is a lot harder compared to alliance mage wich is pushover.


But glaives having little health is absolutely crucial for them to be balanced. Their offense is exceptional, it only makes sense for their defense to be the opposite of that. Most games, while almost everyone rushes Docs, barely anyone attacks the Glaives if it’s lost. Most games it’s like 3 people who know how important it is to kill them and actively try to do so, while often Glaives go virtually ignored the whole game. Given how little people care about attacking them, the low health was crucial if they were to be destroyed. Now that their health will increase, they will be virtually impossible to kill and will become even more powerful after already being the most powerful vehicle on the map.

Is the Horde Mages knock back removed? Cause that is the single biggest imbalance between the two bosses.


Battlegrounds mean nothing as long as mercenary mode exists.

Especially epic bgs where your team has minimum 10-13 afk low iLvL horde mercenaries leeching honor on Alliance side.

You should remove that mode to make BGs enjoyable.

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Balanced around what? You’re looking at it as if it’s an isolated change. It is not.

Glaives get better.
But so does Workshop.
And Hangar is still incredibly powerful if paired with Quarry and/or Refinery.

So what’s the result of these changes?

Well if everyone goes Docks, gets it, and stands around defending the Glaives, then they’ll still lose, because Workshop + Hangar will be better.

Isle of Conquest had this balance scenario before. Remember when everyone went for Workshop instead of Docks? Yeah, that was when Glaives weren’t viable enough on their own. You needed more.

It’s great that Blizzard buffs the Glaives so their health is more reasonable, so you can actually defend them if you choose to commit to the Docks. That way they don’t become irrelevant compared to a beefed up Workshop.

But by also making Workshop better, it means you can’t just AFK around the Glaives and expect to win in 5 minutes. You’ll lose in 4 if you do that.

These changes – combined – encourages people to always try to get more.

You’re fighting over 3 bases and you basically want at least 2.
That’s way better than today where you just need 1 base and Workshop is irrelevant.


I seem to get crazy lag in every single Ashran and IOC, not so much in Wintergrasp and none in AV.

Players shouldn’t be locked into two teams. It dooms the game mode into becoming lopsided because everyone flocks to the side that wins the most.

They either need to remove it or make the side stuff matter.

Interesting point of View on Life that, overstated about people being unhappy in life are unhappy overall. Maybe you missed the point leave the mumbo jumbo elsewhere please.

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They’re right though, Horde frequently sabotage alliance games by merc mode.


Socrates is that you?