Upcoming guild: the Disciples of March

Hmm… that actually sounds good, but I don’t want my guild to be associated with evil, because you know, Defias = bad.

I highly encourage you to do the human heritage questline, you’ll find that the well-meaning parts of the defias split off to form…



Don’t listen to these Defias Brotherhood propagandists please make the guild exactly as you originally thought of it don’t change a thing

I don’t know… Gayagenda and Obilot makes good points; there are too many fourth wall references that makes the whole idea sound lolish

I’ll be honest with you, I just assumed from the get-go that this was some sort of joke. I’m still not wholly convinced that it isn’t and that I’m about to look foolish by offering any form of sincerity but on the off-chance that this is legitimate, here goes:

There are absolutely political comparisons you can make within WoW. I think you could very easily make an arguement that members of the Defias - although they don’t really exist anymore - can be compared somewhat to Russia in the early 1900s. Working class men and women, sick of being unpaid for their hard work taking things back in their own hand. Gilnean characters likely were or are monarchists, and you can argue there’s elements of authoritarianism present in Stormwind to some extent with the whole prison full of torture implements to extract confessions - or Silvermoon with elves quite literally brainwashing one another.

Acknowledging and playing into the political elements of those is arguably necessary for roleplay involving those locations.


I think there’s a big difference between
"I want to run a Scarlet Crusade guild with authoritarian overtones where dissenting thought is disallowed and punished"
"I want to put a political leaning into a video game from 2004."
and I think the biggest difference between the two is how personal the latter may be compared to the former, because if you are passionate about the tenets of socialism, and you put that into a guild, but then someone else’s character is critical or dismissive of that political view - are you going to be able to acknowledge that it’s not an attack on your world beliefs, and that the character might not represent the view of the person on the other end of the screen? Even if you can reconcile that, could everyone in your guild?

If you are going ahead with this, I wish you luck - I’m not saying this to say you can’t, or that you shouldn’t, but just to be aware of pitfalls if you do. And if you’re not and this was all a big joke - well, you got a couple of paragraphs out of me while I was waiting for LFR to pop.


Let’s tackle the elephant in the room. Weird names aside; I don’t care about names if you can sell the concept to me. If you can sell it in WoW.

Consider this challange. How are you going to create events for your guild? What content will you provide?

Think about it like… a lot of the socialist passion comes from demanding changes, rebelling (in some way or another) against some kind of unfairness that concerns the working class at large.

Who are you going to rebel against?

Walking in Stormwind asking for better conditions?

Then how is your guild going to rebel?

What I am trying to say is. Aside from the name and the passion that you have for socialism, which will arguably bind your group together, what is the guild going to be like, what is it going to offer to the players that join in, and what will you do if your protests call the attention of other players?

These aren’t ways to shot down your guild but if you want to rally people around you for more than a month, you must put (heh) work into it.

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That’s a lot of questions.

First off, we WON’T hate or reject anyone who has a different viewpoint from ours, however, we only accept the kind of people who strive for the same values as us. And to address our enemies, they are; the nobles, the royal family of Stormwind and big business owners.

What I believe Zaphius is asking is what is the guild actually going to do? Are you going to create a story about evil nobles oppressing people and focusing your guild events around that, with NPCs created by your guild that fit the theme of your story? Or will you walk towards players RPing nobles or shop owners in Stormwind and demand fair pay and good working conditions (even if said characters may not be oppressing anyone)?


Hahaha! No, it won’t involve npcs. That would be rather stale and pointless. What we are going to do in the guild is organizing demonstrations and actively fight against the higher class people, that includes sabotage, spying, infiltration, etcetera

Alright, but demonstrations, spying, sabotage and infiltration against whom? Other RPers? How do you plan to organize these things?

and if you’re going go after other RPers, how are you planning to organize it? Your best bet, I think, is to create your own set of noble characters that the guild can go after. That way, you have a lot of control over the direction the story goes, and you won’t have to bother with trying to get other noble RPers on board.


It might be hard to find willing aristocrat and bigshot RPers (especially ones who share your views and wants in RP). If what you want is sheer social roleplay where you demonstrate a vague concept around Stormwind to bring a sense of immersion and community, that’s perfectly fine, in my opinion - but know that without planning it won’t lead to anything. You don’t have a tangible enemy, you don’t have any means of campaigning and you don’t have an endboss. Things like these should be clear to potential members when you’re advertising.

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Like I already said, our main enemies are the upper class and the royal family.

Cool, so how do you plan to talk to High King Anduin Llane Wrynn or, given his absence, Regent Turalyon?

I don’t really follow the line of reasoning here. I think one can host protests without petitioning mr turalyon directly.


However sedition is very much illegal still and according to Before the Storm, it’s cracked down on quickly. You don’t have a right to criticize the monarchy.

At the risk of being a partypooper or getting called someone who tries to stifle creativity… but I don’t see this working out as a viable concept. Ruld earlier mentioned it best though.

Still, if you do happen to manage , I’ll be the first to say " I was wrong."

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I do find that kind of interesting though (sorry to go off topic here) because there’s a whole questline with Anduin at the end of Legion where it’s literally just him being criticized by members of the public who don’t realise he’s nearby.

Then again, I don’t think we see those members of the public afterwards so maybe we can deduce that they were all quietly dealt with… :worried:

I use the word “right” here less as you will get automatically arrested for criticising the monarchy, and more in the sense that it’s not a protected right that you’re entitled to. Criticism is not always sedition, but sedition is always cracked down upon by the SI:7 who sensor such speech. Freedom of speech laws don’t exist in Stormwind, i.e. you don’t have the right to criticise the monarchy, organise protests, etc.


Good chance they’ll arrest the wrong person though.