Update game core engine so it uses more than 1 CPU core

game using only 1 CPU core in main hub city is not how WOW should move forward,
it is not 2008 any more
do not just spam content, fix that old game instead


WoW’s coding would put Dr Frankenstein to shame.

Lemme fix that for you

It is NOT 2008 anymore. PCs are much more powerful and much more cheaper these days. It’s time to drop the “stone age PCs” support.


Correct me of i am wrong here, but they added some multi core support in BFA. While it can still become way better.

its definitely not multicore you can open task manager and see your cores and maybe if you are lucky it uses 2 but only 1 is really working. only reason intel cpus are good is because high single core ghz otherwise you could buy a threadrioper but it doesn’t male sense in this game to have like 8-32cores

Ah yes, because multithreading and multicore support is such an easy thing to do, especially in a project such as WoW…


I have 14 cores, just opened WoW, it uses at least 6 of them, so it is not a WoW issue.

i love all the expert opinions here on multi core / threaded programming when they’ve probably never ever written a complex program that should utilize multiple cores.

graphics goes multicore with dx12 implementation,
but main game engine like processing game events and addons goes on single core like in 2008
even X3d class CPU’s have problems with 40 man scenarios in this game, that is why blizzard removed 40 man raids ?
and yes, my “opinion” is quite expert - that is a fact not opinion, main game engine goes on single thread like in 2008, and it is most likely not optimized very well too
go to main city and see how many CPU cores have high usage
this forum is so fun with these blizzard defenders coming right away and sawing all doubts they can muster to save blizzard, when they are obviously incorrect on the issue

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I am using an very old PC with an AMD FX 4320 8 Gb Ram , a Rog Strix 480 with 8 Gb , and all Cpu Cores are used between 80 - 100% all time. They implemented some Multicore use/support and also improvements for AMD Processors fore sure with i think BfA .
Imo I have since i switched to windows 10 pro from win 8 and put an up to date Harddrive into my System, with graphics on max , i have 15 fps in Val , 30 open world Df , and in SW OG 50+ fps . They have definately done something to use all System resourcess better the last years. When your System uses only one Core maybe the other Cores died ore it´s an Bios issue at your system. I am no Blizzard Fanboy but i am thankfull they have done
these improvements, otherwise i wouldn´t be able to play the game with my PC.

Today 20+ fps Val and 30 -55 fps open World DF with Graphics on max direkt x 12 and maxrange of sight - all 4 cores up to 100% usage.

My brother in Christ. Do not take this in a bad way, but I have some spare parts that could help you run the game better.


yes with such old hardware with no power spare you will obviously not see what I am talking about
main game engine is single threaded in WOW and ancient
multithreading is a bit better with dx12 implementation, but big problem now is main engine being single threaded
this is not about hardware, this is about old game code requiring an update

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Try some of these setting - it worked for me as I had similar to what you have and then suddenly jumped to approx 70 -80 fps. I never used every single one as I am not a min maxer but it helped a ton.


Aye I sometimes wish it could just balance between all cores and threads too. Sometimes reading the responses from those “claiming to be pros” makes me wonder if I should go out and purchase a faster better rig but I am not a minmaxer nor do I strive to be a E-Sport pro - so I hold back until Blizzard announces actual changes. For now my tortoise will just have to do.

Before i put a SSD in i had only 2-5 fps in raids and Valdrakken - i am lucky as h… atm , for me it´s absolutely playable now.^^

go ahead then and offer Blizzard your expert insights on how to improve their 20 year old engine, i mean you must have at least some tips on how to squeeze more performance out of it right?

why not post an example here on how to handle multicore (not thread) performance and avoid deadlocks and dataraces?

also don’t compare GPU parallelism with CPU parallelism please.

Well I’m just saying I have pretty much a whole PC laying around for which you’d only need RAM sticks and your own storage. It can run WoW decently on good FPS everywhere, and it really isn’t worth for me bothering listing it anywhere and dealing with people. :smiley:

If you admit that WoW’s UI and event system (which takes up most of the CPU) can’t utilize multiple cores, then shouldn’t it be the developer’s responsibility to ensure the number of events don’t overwhelm an average PC? Especially considering newer CPUs tend to add more cores rather than per-core performance?

The client’s event log became bloated with unnecessary data that can’t be turned off and causes visual clutter at best, game stutter at worst.
These spikes improve a few months after the raid tier comes out, proving it’s blizzard’s fault they existed in the first place.
Imagine if tuning, optimizations and bug fixes happened before launch rather than when everyone’s left the season.

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I never said it couldn’t, i said people don’t realise how hard it is to synchronize threaded or multi core applications to avoid deadlocks or data race conditions.

Also LUA, the glue layer for script support for addons, so people can talk to the system in a safe manner is not known for being the fastest, but it’s quite flexible.

Wait untill you turn on advanced combat logging, or were you referring to just that?

I’m not giving Blizzard a free pass or anything, i mean they still have a lot of bugs still present in the older expansions, however.

Just ask any professional programmer how fun it is to debug multithreaded / multicore applications.

From the first version of WoW right up to it’s present form, Blizzard has made many great changes in the engine, but i’m guessing they can only stretch it up to a certain point without introducing a totally new and rewritten engine?
That would be quite costly to pull off i think.

Not my problem. Blizzard aren’t some indie company that hires devs who learned software architecture from youtube tutorials. I’m just here to point a finger at a very real problem.
During mythic progression plenty of streamers with high end PCs are getting sub 20 FPS for entire raid phases/fights, so people who say “just get a better PC bro” need to stay out of these topics.
Hundreds of wipes on the same boss are frustrating enough without having to deal with terrible performance, especially if you know it’s going to be optimized later once everyone’s stopped playing.
I’m not an expert so I must take blizzard’s (silent) word for it that we can’t have options to filter out unnecessary events in content where our brain can process maybe 1% of what’s happening in our event log.

PS: I have (unfortunately, briefly) worked on optimizing an old corporate content management software’s DB backend that has outgrown its planned scale by a huge margin. I know it’s just as frustrating for the devs as for the users, but as long as this game requires a sub AND costs a full game’s price every X months, I’ll keep standing here throwing rocks at them.

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