Update game core engine so it uses more than 1 CPU core

Stop paying and playing, if enough people do so and complain then they’ll notice, up to then they’ll probably not pay too much attention.
This game isn’t maintained by people anymore who have love the game and genre, it’s an investors product now.

Define high end, and i’ve not really raided but i’ve seen the abysmal performance in cities and i’m running a 13900k + 4090RTX, not the cheapest setup.
So how much better would people like to see a PC for that matter?

I’m guessing these event logs are needed to keep the game informed on it’s (server side) state so everything keeps running like it should.
Omitting info could potentially put your game in an unstable or desynced state, but that’s just my idea.

People have been throwing rocks a long time, i don’t know how many can remember, but there’s been showcases where people made zones like Westfall in Unreal Engine and such.
But the thing is Blizzard probably doesn’t want to license or rewrite their whole game just because people say they need to.
Just as you’d probably won’t like a person or customer telling you on how to do your job?

So as long as the junkies keep the game alive by paying their dealer, not much is going to change i’m afraid.

One of WoW biggest strenghs is that people can still play it while running it on 15 year old Toasters. They may not be able to enjoy critical places like Valdrakken too much but they can play it.

Just because people spend thousands for overpriced hardware like a 4090 and a CPU with more Cores than people in their guild, so they can play all those horrible AAAA games we’ve seen lately, doesn’t mean WoW is running bad. It’s just old and for its age is running fine.

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It doesn’t matter what you have. If you get low FPS (in any game) people simply tell you to throw money at the problem. When TWW goes live and the next RWF starts, I’ll start collecting screenshots of mythic raiders with FPS counters and their specs on twitch so I can shove it in people’s faces.

You’ve guessed correctly but here’s an extreme example:
The server can either send my client a list of 50 events that affected the HP of a raid member over 1 second…or it can send HP updates every 0.3 seconds from all units. If my UI would only show 20 HP bars and info related to MY character’s CDs, resources and buffs (and maybe boss debuffs), it wouldn’t hinder my ability to perform.

Back around 2010 blizz started realizing this is a problem and the first major improvement they admitted was to lower the tick frequency of hots/dots (and increase their damage) to reduce the performance cost.
Since then they’ve added a million short term procs, hots, buffs, debuffs that are completely meaningless for everyone (usually even for the player they come from).

In the old days having a mid-range PC meant you need to lower the graphics (sometimes to potato) to get 60 FPS. Nowadays lazy software design made the CPU a bottleneck and there’s nothing we can do about it.

I’m sure most will say I’m a dumb armchair dev who doesn’t know what he’s talking about, so all I can do is sit here and keep pointing my finger at a problem.

I’m not saying you’re totally wrong, but what i am saying is that these problems will not be resolved unless the game starts facing mass abandonement.

The problem with the company is mainly money, it requires a lot of investments to get things modernized, and i bet they’re not willing to take the risk now to lose a lot of money when the current situation still nets them enough cash.

If i’m not mistaken they said they wanted to update the content in shorter intervals now after TWW launches, but the alpha has barely been presented and this expansion should drop what? late october then or november?
If anything i foresee the state of the game getting worse quality wise but as long as people are willing to pay. (sounding like a broken record now.)

And that will never happen, because these issues only affect a small portion of players who regularly do “large group” content AND actually care about FPS.
Plus the content creators would suffer through the game even at 10 FPS because they’re literally paid to do so, so the public image of raiding would remain the same even if most raiders quit…

The game engine clearly uses multiple cores, and the scheduler prefers real cores to hyperthreaded ones too. On my i9 PC, which is getting on a bit, it has a strong affinity to one core, but the other 7 full cores are clearly used too.

Have a look at this screenshot - I was flying around Valdrakken, then I closed WoW. You can see the difference once it closes down.


Some modules of the game are spread out among cores but the UI (events, lua, addons) runs on the last core only, and this load increases with the number of players around you.

This is why buying a better CPU makes only a tiny difference in performance.

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I personally wouldn’t use task manager as a metric, because other process might be shifted around in thread context as well during the operation of your PC.

If people want to be sure or have a look at how “well” it behaves thread wise, you could use process explorer (MicroSoft) to see how many threads the program is using and the context switching amount / time.

here’s a screenshot of me running WoW just hanging around in Valdrakken on Draenor server.

https ://ibb.co/4WFfz23

(Edit: i broke the link because 422 error, which i am guessing is a user permission)

Intel introduced WoW into it’s Intel Optimisation Application at the end of last month. This is used in Intel’s 12th to 14 gen processors.

I would assume it runs on more than one core or Intel wouldn’t bother. I’ll trust intel on this one.

Consoomer brain rot, “if you are public multi-billion company you should be able to raise dead and manufacture dyson spheres from thin air”

There is a difference between multi-billion companies not fixing bugs or underpaying workers and multi-billion companies not rewriting code for a 20 years old game anew or making second installments of this game just for fixing CPU usage.

Of course “technically” they should do so, but if we’ll throw out this infantile maximalism, go outside, touch some grass, remind yourself about basics of economy that you could have put together while exchanging Pokemon cards with kids in kindergarten, remember what kind of budgets game development usually have, you’ll realise that such endeavor will be costly, even for multi-billion company, will this project pay off for them and net some profit? Of course not, the only thing it’ll net them is Joe on the forums will stop complaining about this particular thing and will move onto another subject of the day.

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This particular “thing” is that ever since gaming became competitive ~20 years ago, the most basic expectation was to be able to play at 60 FPS. That’s why games always allowed us to sacrifice quality for performance, but that doesn’t work if the CPU is bottlenecked by bad optimization or design in general.
WoW isn’t some magical, charity gift. It’s a product, a piece of software and me being a customer I will keep pointing out this aspect even if I’m the only person who cares.

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by bad optimization or design in general.

Hokay. So.

WoW isn’t some magical, charity gift. It’s a product, a piece of software

You gave the reason right there: WoW is not a magical thing. And what you ask of Blizzard is this: Magic.
It is technical impossible to “optimize” the code to split it into multiple threads without completely breaking the software.
And rewriting the game will take MUCH longer than you’ll be willing to wait for it to be finnished.

thats why we have a multi billionair company with experts. 99% of all devs, software engineers can do it so i believe in blizzard that they have also this skill set

Hooraay then. Let’s spend another 100 wipes on some random nymue-type boss in TWW because half our people are stuttering so hard it’s impossible for them to reliably dodge all the trash on their screen.

shrug Well, make a statement then: shows way to the door
Just have to go though it and don’t look back. Easy as that.

I have not even understood even the topic of the discussion

Even most of modern games dont utilize multi-core so much and gpu still remain the biggest upgrade one can make to increase settings while maintain some like 120fps if your using atleast 120hz monitor with what it matters that is. Large multicores dont hurt if one does some other stuff beside gaming but GPU still remain the biggest upgrade one can make. I dont think there is so much problem with the wow engine than sometimes with how they optimize new zones in expansions if they go overboard with fog detail and shadows and such, then I order new gpu to keep settings high.

CPUs are glorified calculators that gets fed numbers and does stuff from those numbers from simple math like + and - to more comlicated formulas.

In modern CPUs when we are talking about cores it’s pretty much saying that a quadcore CPUs is 4 cpus in 1ish (May or may not be additional features as well).

Simple or older programs usually just relied on one core meaning that actions in programs largely happens sequentially. However with multiple cores we get the ability for tasks to be divided across the cores and thus be done in parallel (albeit still constrained by bottlenecks here and there when sequential operations has to happen).

So what OP is saying is that the game only uses 1/cores of the CPUs hardware that it should. (Ignoring that recoding this stuff can get messy quite quickly).

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It actually pretty much is. There is simply way to much code that has to be processed by the CPU on one single core. Especially since CPU cores nowadays are designed to work much more with each other than to bruteforce massive amounts of code through one core.

If you mean the new spell animations in raids and in epic bgs then probably true yes. I use the dynamic for spell density cause of this and otherwise optimize stuff for high settings instead ultras. Im running gpu 3060 ti and ryzen 5600x for budget build and I can see large scale choking and dip fps heavily with it if enter in ebg example or try some wpvp thing with alot ppl on the place. I think its poor optimization from blizzards end, they could do gfx lighter with mmo in mind and leave heavyer attempts with gfx for single players which dont do so much processor calculations as mmos.