Update game core engine so it uses more than 1 CPU core

Regardless, newer CPU’s are doing okay with the game, if you set them up properly, set the ram properly and keep them adequately cooled.

Case in point, never had issues back up to 2018 with a FX8350 processor with WoW, some did but never had FPS slow down. My only guess was some used the free heatsink fan that came with those which weren’t up to the task at all and CPU would throttle down, which isn’t good.

Most of the FX83xx processors need water cooling of some sort, just to keep at least one core turbo to it’s highest speed as long as possible.

Each system is different though, one set up may work better than another person’s computer which can affect performance playing WoW overall. Sometimes faster ram is not the answer but slower ram with tighter timings.

No slowdown at all right now on my 5900x and 4080. Bought that before the 5800x3d came out. So…

As long as you have close as possible CPU/GPU to not have one wait on the other, decent fast timings on ram, it’ll play the game no problem with some settings in game. Not everything has to be on level 10 graphically.

Definitely recommend if you’re on a AM4 socket to get a 5800x3d, the extra cache will help a lot with WoW and other MMO’s that need data throughput to be dealt with quickly.

If not, then 7800x3d is another good processor for gaming as well, until the 9800x3d comes out at some point in the future.

Either AMD latest processors or last gen, same to Intel is good enough for the game really. Sometimes you just need to fine tune the settings both hardware and software to get the most out of it as well.

4080 is so strong gfx card that you wont probably see any slowdown with any heavyer games than wow either in many years. :joy:

…you are still CPU Bottlenecked~~…

Always. Especially below 4K resolution.
You will not get FPS close to monitor Hz for people who want 100FPS+ in heavy workloads aka packed expansion hub cities, raids, BGs

It is simply a case of way to many heavy calculations in the main CPU thread. And you can’t “optimize” that without rewriting the entire game.

144FPS everywhere and at all times?

There’s the problem: For YOU not everything has to be 10.
Of course you can tweak the game so far down until you get your desired FPS, but there are people who just plainly want to play at max. settings. and not even a current gen top model AMD/Intel and AMD/nVidia System can handle 144FPS Raids/BGs with maxed out settings.
Every CPU will Bottleneck.
Everyone. Not even to date threadripper give you 144FPS in Valdrakken.

Yes, 144FPS ist standard for “Game runs with no problems, no slowdowns at all”

I think a good alternative right now would be for Blizzard to implement FSR 3 with frame gen. I saw a video of someone using it on their RX 7000 seires card that has the feature baked into it from a driver side. Offloads most cpu tasks onto the gpu and the fps bump was huge. The fact that it will work on any gpu with at least Asynch capabilities is awesome. Though I understand it’s not as simple to drag and drop FSR into a game without some problems, such as ghosting. Hopefully Blizzard considers it.

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