Update TOS to deal with Multiboxers now please

I’ve seen more recently than ever before in Nazajar farming. Just /who in that area and 80% of the characters will be druids with groups of similar names. Personally I have no issue with it, I tried it myself but didn’t have the patience to get it working. Good luck to those who invest the time and effort into it and the rewards it brings.

Also I’ve had no trouble finding the nodes I need to farm mats myself.

Boxing was way harder to get running years ago… now it’s a lot easier.

If you ever wanted to try again I can help you out.

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Thanks, i may have a look at it again once I’m done with bfa. I lack patience and time rather than ability to be honest. ISBoxer has some nice wizards to get you going.

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It’s the same.
You’re using external software to run multiple clients at once.

Same magnitude, same result. The only difference is “but I am playing” to “it plays by itself”. But in the end, it’s the same.


No it isn’t.

Bots run 24/7 with zero Human input. They have no care for people or the economy. They often have at least 30 of them in a guild.

I box 3.

I don’t ruin the ah or spoil gameplay for others, and help people whenever I can.

There is no way I can gain anything near what bots can.

It’s not, the multiboxer characters still need to be controlled, as to where bots are automatically controlled on a preset path with the help of a program.

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The multiboxer plays only 1 char, and the other extra ones are only playing with the help of a program. :grimacing:


If I do nothing my alts do nothing.

The rule is 1 action = 1 keypress.

Bots can have crazy amounts running at the same time. With no keypresses.

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It is completely different and you obviously need to read up on Multiboxing if you think that. Attitudes like that are why threads like this exist. You are just plainly wrong I’m afraid


Yes, but if the main character presses no keys, the alts just stand their with a finger in their nose and also, does
absolutley nothing.

Where as bots are programmed to go on an effective path for materials, and I am 100% sure the Multiboxers, even how good they are, are not as effective as bots.

Bots are kinda better than humans at being effecient, atleast when it comes to gathering.

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I need to make a vid sometime of how it works.

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I think when multiboxing first came about it did not have the systems we have today where you can multi herb/mine nodes. Now we literally have swarms of druids going around depleting nodes on mass. Some even affect the economies with the mass volume they can gather, others spread on a multitude of servers.

It has been exceedingly frustrating trying to find a time of day that there isn’t a flock of druids removing all resources before you can get to them in Nazjatar.

Whilst I recognise that multi boxing is not against the rules I don’t think it’s a very fair practice when it comes to gathering.


I agree 100%.

This is why multiboxing should be limited to a max of 5 characters played at one time.

it is obvious we are also against botting. But 1 keypress = with 3 chars 3 actions. There are 3 chars moving, not only 1.

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I remember the underground bots in Cata under Vashj’ir.

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To be honest, i don’t really think it’s too much of a problem, it’s annoying when they farm everything in an area.
But as long as there are an actual human behind the keyboard, all power to them to get a multiboxing setup. I mean we can all do it, if we wanted to

But on the other hand, as a player that gets gold by buying tokens as i can’t be arsed to farm it.
Yeah i don’t mind the prices went down a bit more.

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This is not how Blizzard see it. There is 100% Human interaction.

But there’s the thing, there are still key presses, they still need SOMEONE to control them, as to where bots are controlled by just a program, they need no human interaction whatsoever.

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Not all boxers farm mats to sell.

If I farm them it’s to use myself. I am probably the poorest boxer ever (damn my alt habit), I pay subs and buy the odd token.

I find 3 boxing is just enough to get my dailies done faster, and I have been doing it for so long it’s just my hobby.

Exactly, that you have invested the time and money into such a setup. Fair enough, as long as you’re doing the key pressing :wink:

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