[UPDATED 9 MARCH] 9.0.5 Update Notes

so they actually buffed fire mages, made no changes to boomkins and left bottom tier under performing specs with a tiny legendary buff

meanwhile mm got nerfed, ww ruined or close to it

what to say about this balancing team, out of their minds

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troll it is then

Honestly, most of the PvP related changes here tells me Blizzard is no where near in touch with their PvP playerbase.

First off, the nerfs are horrible (yes, I play a Holy Paladin), instead of nerfing holy paladins you should buff other healers to be as viable as holy paladins, this PvP season is probably one of the worst seasons to play as a healer imo.

The game is also currently super unfriendly to players with alt characters and the change:

Players below max level will now earn 30% less Honor from battlegrounds. This should not affect how many experience points are awarded from battlegrounds.

Just proves me they don’t want people to play alts. I have already honor capped 2 alts while leveling to 60 to get a bit of gear once I hit 60, and with the current powersurge from fresh lvl 60 to conquest geared players for PvP is horrible, even after beeing able to buy full rank 1 gear at 60 and upgrade 2 items to rank 3, you are still left at 160 ilvl, which is just enough to maybe tickle someone else in a BG. If anything they should increase the honor cap to 30k giving people a chance to gear up so that they atleast can feel somewhat usefull while grinding conquest gear. At the moment, as a PvPer you can go from 59 to 60 upgrade all your gear and still feel less powerfull than you did at level 59.

Went over patch notes and only buff i could find to fire mages was venthyr covenant buff wich no reasonable fire mage plays.

MM hunter nerf on NF is fine and should bring it more in line with other covenants maybe it’s path to unnerfing aimed and arcane shot nerf.

Where’s my skip maw intro button, tired of doing it on every alt.

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I prefer it to the other questing, a quick level. But a skip would be nice for those that want it (they could speed up the shards of the helm bit though)

can’t play m+ anymore 20 to 30 fps drop with all addons disabled!

Did you check if your graphics settings reset after the patch?

every setting is exactly the same, updated nvidia drivers, cleared cache, scan and repair files, av off, addons off. 30fps loss
check out spires more ppl saying the same insane fps loss there.


It really sucks man Nvidia should be the best there is for gamers and instead you are getting lagg and fps drops on it i have 100x weaker AMD graphics and i have no issues so far :thinking: Blizz must have added better support for AMD cards my only explanation.

everything was great yesterday, today this
 adding better amd support wouldnt make nvidia lose performance, could, in the worst case not gain

I just did a spires and it was same as ever for me 120fps - I lock it at that (I know that does not help)

I’ve an AMD 5800x cpu and a nvidia 3070 Gpu. All settings on max in WoW. What specs you running.

BRD is bugged like hell, all mobs in Emperor room keeps evading when engaged. Standing top of them helps a bit, but they still evade sometimes. Same problem with the boss too.

We CaNt nErF cLaSsEs MiD pAtCh
also: ww monk nerf fixes

but in theory it’s good they went a little bit into the middle from the top

now, the boomies and rets

ah blizzard continuing to prove them self a clown company i bet a lot of people wish their work place was as forgiving of sheer incompetence as blizzard is

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