As I’ve been growing accustomed to the new rotation and overhaul I realise more and more…
Yeah, frost is busted, too. I accept the judgment of the Conclave.
I did expect my damage to go up considerably because quite frankly mage has been in a right state for this expansion, frost more so than any other, but it is too much.
PvP is super awkward though. It’s weak and it’s complicated. I was tweeting to learn it last night, and bro… I’m topping the meters in BG’s but it’s really difficult. Class just feels awkward, there’s way too many buttons.
you can’t outdps fire mage, while you can’t take invite in lfg, because of firemage. Untill all top is fmag/sp/aug, nobody care about ur dps, if youre not one of them. And honestly fmag+sp+aug have much more dps, than everyone else. Rarely we see boomkin, rogue or ench. But it’s one per 100 group in top. And if it’s not in top, then nobody want it in 20, 15, 10, 0 key.
That’s not entirely true.
I am playing Arcane, and nobody kicked me from the group after realizing. Some checked me before inviting me, and told me they are mostly curious how arcane is performing.
At least this happened in 20s and 21s. And I think most of my groups didn’t even have aug. And the Spriests I got, were merely a shadow of the spec.
When people see mage, they assume ure fire, when youre invited, it’s embarrassing to kick a player out of a group. But even this didn’t happen at high keys.
You have no idea how many times it happened in SL season 4 when I started to do 24s and 25s. Arcane always had potential, but was too complicated for people to comprehend. So they instantly assumed I was carried though 23s and 24s back then.
Point is: No matter the class, the player is the one who decides the performance. The class has limitations, but as long it’s not about a top player, the class doesn’t matter at all. I’ve seen people on survival hunter that rocked, and people on spriests that were rock bottom.
Holy Paladin is overperforming in all content in Fractures of Time. We are targeting a global decrease of healing and damage as we are not looking to change preferred playstyles, but Tyr’s Deliverance will also be receiving additional adjustments as this talent in particular has been more effective than we would like.
Holy Paladins’ mana pools have been more plentiful than we would like in PvP. We’re targeting their base Mana regeneration to encourage player engagement with the variety of mana talents available.
All healing decreased by 8%.
All damage decreased by 12%.
Tyr’s Deliverance healing decreased by 15%.
Holy Paladins now regenerate 55% less Mana in PvP combat (was 25%).
Now are you, at any time, planning to do something about shadow priests? Because they’re hilariously overpowered and overrepresented at +25. 16% - that means around 80% of all M+ runs above M+25 does has one. That’s a bit busted, yea?
And then there’s Evokers. Obviously in M+ things are pretty silly, but in raids… it’s arguably even worse.
Please address Protection Paladin word of glory mana costs. We have been complaining on both US and EU. Yet every patch update, we see nothing. Please either reduce Word of glory to 10-15k mana or at the very least, make shining light and divine purpose procs cost 0 mana.
This mana cost has nerfed survivability in pugging 5 man content without buffing us in any other way to compensate. Our offhealing talents are still the same as they were before the mana costs. So that part of our tree is basically dead as if we try to play in a way that utilizes those talents, we will just go out of mana/be shorting our self survivability in high end content or even +14-15 and above pugs.
Now that cleanse also has a 25k mana cost, fights that require cleansing/self healing or offhealing will put us out of mana quick, especially on afflicted and with certain healers that cannot mass disppell.
The issue was with offhealing, our self healing should at least be free or greatly reduced.
Seconded but I do think finding a way to tune shadow is going to be tricky. Besides PI, a huge amount of what’s putting shadow in this universal position is the dungeon pool working so incredibly well for Mass Dispel and Mind Soothe, as well as affixes.
Mana regen nerf maybe i could understand (even though evoker/hpriest mana is on par) but 8% to overall healing is terrible. Mw/evoker/hpriest all heal as much… well pally was fun for a week.
Damage nerfs? What? We already deal less damage than other healers
All healing is reduced meaning we will have to spam more heals, wasting more mana and THEN another -60% mana regen in PvP combat.
We will oom faster than ALL other healers even with daybreak/divine plea mana return, what’s the point?
Do PvP devs even play pvp/watch pros or just do changes based on data?
Congratulations on this pretty heavy handed nerf.
Good to know that discs survived for weeks when they had crazy damage and healing
no, Changes seem fair, Paladins were too OP, 50% of all games in SOLO were palas and other 50% other healers and as I know only palas have 60+% of winning when others below 50%, so right now it is ok. If the nerf is too strong, maybe in 1-2 weeks they give you a small buff. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to play another week solo shuffle because of Palas
I mean hpalas are super strong yes, and they should have mana nerfs, but not like that, it’s overkill.
Taken from US forums:
On top of that, a Hpal focusing on damage and spot healing the group still has intense mana issues. Why does only Hpal suffer from mana drain when dealing damage when Rsham, Rdruid, MW, Prevoker and Priests don’t see much effect at all from spamming their damaging abilties? Hpal has infinite mana if it plays passive, only heals, and never casts a single CS or judgement, sure, but if it wants to deal damage it just feels punishing. We already get to cast less CS and HoW now. You’re going to send Hpal ST back to being utterly pointless. And Daybreak + Blessing of Winter doesn’t even fix the mana problem.
As I said, if the nerf is really going to bee “overkill” I hope for a buff then, I really want to see something close to a good balance in this game. But from my perspective it’s better when 1 healer is weak and others can play, than 1 is too strong and no one else can play
Rdru has great problems with mana if to spam damage, druid can’t deal mostly any damage and even without that you are going to be oom sooner than Priest, Shamy, Hpala right now. + In solo shuffles you can’t drink, but we can see druids made for shadowmelt+drinking
Yes absolutely, but im seeing rsmans, druids and holy priests being played, it’s not like 10.7 when we could only see rets.
Also, in PvP hpal healing and damage was not OP, it was their mana regen and things like judgment absorving damage. PvP is being also nerfed because of PvE.
You have seen them all this week because it was the first week, checked the statistic on a site about how many healers play every day and it was really 50% of Paladins, I bet if it stay for 3-4 weeks most of healers would stop playing, in Shuffle for Rdru and DCpriests( play for them so can’t remember ratings for all) rating havn’t changet for the whole week, 0 inflation. Before paladins buff yes, there were all healers except Paladins and Dragons. But anyway, it seems we have the same opinion about this, we both hope the game is going to be more fair and not like someone is too OP or too weak.
why is there ptr forum again???
and if they had tested anything, there would never be something like prot pala changes!!! every child can test his heals in the city. he’s oom in seconds!! SECONDS!!!
I’m so speechless.
but tank druid is fine… and spriest is also so fine!! fine fine… and ret single target also fine. hf with with groups search!
and aug is so fine too. fine fine?
embarrassing clown show what’s going on here all the time!