šŸ’ˆ [UPDATED NEWS, thank blizzard listening feedback :D !] Void elves color could have been way better

platinum white hair? hmm googleā€¦aye that would work and would look different from blood elves white hair color. We on the same track as I said further up pure white with tint of grey.

Yeah, and I was expecting for void elves to get black hair myself. I was surprised they got 2 shades of almost the same colour instead. I mean they are void elves, so the fact that they donā€™t have black as an option is something I cannot understand. Personally I would love instead if they could just remove race restrictions to hair colours or eye colours and add the full palette of options for everybody. Or even if that is not possible, at least 1-2 shades of each colour would be good enough. But I feel like self expression should be important in a mmo a lot. And the way we make our characterā€™s appearances and transmogs is really important for tons of people. We all want to enjoy being imersed into our characters after all so having the options to do so is really important for everybody regardless of what race they play ^^

These are just additions that they share with the Blood Elves at the moment, thatā€™s fine with me pending ā€œthe real new Void Elves customization options.ā€

They will necessarily receive other hair colors, hairstyles, beards, jewelry, eye colors ect ā€¦

Considering what the Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei received, one might expect something surprising.

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jesus there is no pleasing people is thereā€¦


By the way things are happening of late, Iā€™d recommend people who want this voice it loudly and spam their in-game suggestion box with the same request for platinum and black hair color, both on live and PTR. May as well happen as well before PTR is over, since adding recolors is a quick job after all.

Now is the time.

It is nice they gave these colors to the High elven fans, but ColdshƔde have a point; the Void Elves are neglected
It would kill them to add a hair color to the Renā€™dorei - jet black - when the said haircolor is already in game and several Void Elven NPCs have them?
Iā€™m not complaining, the blue eyes, blond hair is nice, and Wakanda Quelā€™Thalas forever!!! and all butā€¦
ā€¦but the Allied race is called Void Elf
Would be nice guesture to give something to the Void Elven fans too, because they exist, and us High Elf fans, truth to be told, hijacked their race :roll_eyes:
But I guess this is the typical ā€œdonā€™t look the gift horse in the mouthā€ situation

What is the world if i canā€™t get my hair color like a cat :smile:?

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Apparently not. People will complain unless they have it their way :100:

Iā€™m someone who wished for Black hair as well, but Iā€™m 100% happy for the new options and I want nothing more.

stop pressing my buttons! you know my weakness thats unfair!


Well, it should be possible to choose the ā€œcosmeticā€ ingame mousover / race; I surey wouldnā€™t mind, although my void elf ā€œfamilyā€ will proudly stay who they are.

I feel the same, itā€™s so damned depressing that even when Blizz makes changes and does updates itā€™s still wrong. Itā€™s still not good enough. Itā€™s still more complaints.


Maybe this will help:

Because the 2 colors youā€™re calling greyā€¦ Theyā€™re not that.
Theyā€™re also distinctly not ā€˜exactly the sameā€™.


Heā€™s probably not a super-chromat. :wink:

Jesus wumon, Iā€™m a man!
ALL men see in only 16 colors, like Windows default settings.
Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a color. We have no idea what mauve is!

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So am I.

Yeahhhhh no.
Iā€™m a graphic designer and digital artist. I definitely see more. :nerd_face:

I might not know all the names, but I know what #e0b0ff is. :crazy_face:

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Those blondes are lovely though. Do not remove anything, just please add a Black and a White <3 thank you


hmm wait a minute, maybe the top far left is the blood elf white hair color. maybe its just the lighting that makes it look different shade of blonde. I wonder is Vereesa Windrunner white hair color different from blood elves white hair color?

Well this plantium white hair color might be different from the blood elves.

Itā€™s not enough.

Itā€™ll never be enough for these people.

Donā€™t stereotype.

Iā€™m 100% happy with the customizations and donā€™t want anything further.

But, itā€™s natural for people to Complain because they didnā€™t get exactly what they wanted. Happens to all races. But Anti-Helfers always wanna group us all together like we are some kind of evil devil group who want to bring destruction to Azeroth


Wait! We are not?!
Errā€¦ I mean of course we are not!
(Damn, I need to stop skipping the meetingsā€¦)