So basically what you’re saying is you heard people crying because they couldn’t do it… So you decided to make it easier.
Gotcha lmao.
So basically what you’re saying is you heard people crying because they couldn’t do it… So you decided to make it easier.
Gotcha lmao.
yeah same I loooove hades!!
Exactly, like 40 soul ash isn’t a massive difference either, I do feel they need more variety for anima powers… but I mean thats future goals
I feel you, like its just something to speed through to get your ash and you done, no point to enjoy it anymore
Well, how much do you think would be reasonable? 35 obviously is not, not by a long shot. You get same or even greater amount of anima for completing a world quest.
Some people have a life and don’t want to spend 30 minutes to 60 being stampeded by poor RNG. That’s not fun for people who like playing other games aside from WoW. If you’re that bothered about it, request they remove soul ash from Torghast and make it a piece of challenge mode content.
WHY the HELL would you do this? Oke for anything bellow layer 7.But in this patch Layer 7-8 should have stayed hard.Some people like to progress and look forward for ilvl and challange in Torgast.There was no need to have changes on those Layers Blizzard!
Now there is no brawlers guild,no mage tower like challange…nothing for months.
There is still the Twisted Corridors section though. That is the challenge mode part of Torghast, and it is coming next week if I am not mistaken.
A few…
I bet 80% of people just made 190 leggo and didnt bother with TG at all.
But 210-225 leggo vs 190 is huge difference.
/ ten chars
Not me :<
I have had the “When you do holy damage”… which will never apply to me, so there might be some that aren’t appropriately assigned -_-
Since beta the communication and all the changes and additions to the game have undergone a new philosophy from blizzard at least this is what it feels like.
Thank you for listening and thank you for the communication. Pleas please keep it up we really appreciate it!
P. S. Please. Look into pet survivability in pvp hehe.
Don’t worry people will come into forums and cry for nerfing Twisted Corridors like layer 3 and now 8.
I’m sure this post will make me a ton of friends, but here goes anyway…
Before the nerf I killed layer 7, and I had an absolute blast. I didn’t get time to do layer 8, but I really wanted to. Oh well, such is life.
After the nerf I killed layer 8, and it was easier than layer 7 before the nerfs. In fact it was really easy to the point of being boring.
Now, I think layer 7 beforehand was appropriately tuned. It was difficult, yes, but it was also incredibly fun with a small group. We worked together, we travelled all over the tower getting power-ups, and we felt a constant sense of danger as we climbed.
They told me that layer 8 was 300% harder. That sounds like way too much - it shouldn’t be impossible.
But here’s the thing: These are legendaries. These are items on a level with Frostmourne - incredibly powerful artifacts. You should not be able to spam these out, and if you want to get them quicker, you should show exceptional skill. We all accept this when it comes to epic items - it’s okay that not everybody can defeat layer 8.
Getting Soul Ash should be a test of skill more so of “HAVE YOU DONE YOUR WEEKLIES M8?!” Blizzard really had an opportunity here to make something that wasn’t just another weekly grind. To truly provide difficult content with potent rewards for those with the willingness to go for it, without simultaneously spending tons of hours developing areas nobody ever got to see.
And they did… this. I mean it probably had to get nerfed, but this much?
Well probably good change idk…
I enjoyed how hard thorgast was but rewards were just stupidly low … being frustrated for 1 hour because 50 ash? I ddint get why people were so mad because 50 ash.
If you want tweak something its rewards…transmog, mounts anything. Why should i care about it at all after i got my lgeendary? Yeah its like main feature of SL and you caan get nothing interesting from it after few weeks
I honestly doubt it. Twisted Corridors are labeled as the Challenge Mode part of Torghast, and are completely optional. The only point of doing them is for the challenge, cosmetics and if you want to get the guaranteed mount for the Maw.
That’s exactly why they’re going to nerf it once the crying starts about it as well, given that they gave in to the crying already. I’ve done layer 8 now after the nerf, it’s a joke. It’s just another chore now, not even slightly challenging. Same will happen to twisting corridors once people start crying.
Ruined. We finally had a good solo content but it got nerfed because people couldn’t aoe spam entire floors down. Island expedition’s were a huge failure, no need to turn torghast into that.
I can tell you right now next week they’ll either remove that mount from there or make twisted corridors 8 easy enough for the majority to solo. Because the mount in the maw is something most current players will want day 1, week 1 and no second later.
The maw is tedious without a mount.
Man while i agree with you i’m fed up with this sentence in the same thread for eight time.
Higher layers are twisting corridors.
You mean a hot steaming pile of garbage? Torghast grind for Soul Ash is mind numbingly boring and annoying.
They can put their challenge and fun in Twisting Corridors. That’s the solo content that should be fun and a challenge.