Updating Torghast this Week

Iv done before nerf too but it was definitely hard… only because as disc priest is easiest thing in universe it doesnt mean another classes have it same ez lvl…you are like hyper vocal about it how great you are and everybody stupid but trust me even monkey can do it on priest


The key failure of torghast is that it’s not optional for people to do. What lets raids and mythic+ and pvp get away with having people not like it is that there’s an alternative to getting what you get from there. I don’t complain about gladiators getting 226 gear because I can get it myself from other high end content.

There’s a subset of wow’s population that likes rogue like progression in torghast. Players who don’t have no alternative besides doing it anyways for legendaries, which are mandatory if you care about player character progression.

Nothing else in the game is quite that mandatory besides renown, which is also harvesting it’s share of criticism because of that.

Torghast could have stayed hard as it is, if it was balanced between classes and if there was an alternative way of getting what it offers.

I think they should just make the mount from the Beastwarren elite a guaranteed drop and it would solve the issue.

Only if they broke the rotation and made shadehounds the hunt quest next week too instead of just this week. But yeah.

Torghast is a joke now, they removed any challenge from it to appease the backpedalling smoothbrains.

Then you shoulda stuck to the lower levels…

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Blizzard is forcing me into higher layers because you still get soul ash there. Yes I know your schtick of “iT’s NoT mAnDaToRy CoNtEnT”. Well it is mandatory content if you want to push M+ and Raiding.

He thinks to be God’s gift to the game while he is way below the quality he thinks to be

the irony that you are paying only for extra itlv - since the effect of legendary growth is negligible between 190 and 235 .

They’re “forcing you in there” for the best gear in the same way they’re “forcing you into 2.4k PvP” for the best gear.

You aren’t being forced anywhere. You are pursuing the strongest rewards in the game, and even then only a small bonus towards them actually. You don’t need to do Torghast layer 8 this week - it’s just 120 Soul Ash. (IIRC? Either way it’s very low)

You’d have been and still will be absolutely fine, especially in the lower tiers of content. (I don’t know how good you are)
Alternatively you can just git gud or find party members to take it on with you.

They’re not though. You can get the best gear (226 ilvl) from Doing a +14 key, a mythic raid boss or 2.4k pvp. There are options, where you can pick one you like.

If I were to do Layer 6 (which was already making me want to uninstall as boring as it is), I’d miss out on 170 soul ash per week. (45+40 and that 2x because 2 wings), that adds up after a few weeks, especially for multiple specs and alts.

Torghast grind is one of the reasons I can’t even be arsed to play alts, because it’s just such a massive time sink, even at lower layers.

Why does everyone always assume that just because I hate Torghast, I must have to be bad at it? I hate it because it’s a useless trash pack grind that takes forever. I’ve not failed a single Torghast run in my life.

Sure it does. Missing out on a high level raid item also makes you miss out on item level. So does Conquest. M+ is the only activity you don’t gain an extra reward from doing compared to the other ones.

That is to say, doing M+ and raiding rewards the same. Doing M+ alone rewards the same. Doing M+ and PvP rewards the same, but doing raiding and PvP rewards more.

You need to run each wing once if you’re good enough. If you complete layer 8 you get layers 1-7 for free. It takes like 1½ hours at absolute max, probably 1 hour, to get it done. “Massive time sink” my bleep.

I mean fair enough if you just don’t enjoy it, but don’t come here telling me that the entire game is bloody unplayable because you’re unwilling to do a chore for 1 hour a week. Compared to the absolute nightmare we just endured in BfA, this is peanuts.

That’s some good politician-speech, I have to say. Okay, you haven’t failed any high-end runs, but did you try to do them in the first place? xD

It’s 40 per wing. It makes no meaningful difference unless you’re a world first raider.

Exactly. Just… get over it folks.

Apparently blizzard has listened and made the decision that torghast should be clearable by the average solo player on layer 8. I doubt they’ll buff it again.

No, cause increse of ilvl is also a stat dump.

The whole problem is that I main healer and have no proper DPS gear. On resto shammy it’s incredibly boring as each pack is pretty much the same. CC 1 mob, slow the others, try to nuke down 1 while kiting, rinse and repeat. On elemental it goes slightly faster, though not much because I don’t have DPS trinket nor a legendary. Depending on powers dropping, it could be excruciatingly slow. My last run on Layer 6 I got no DPS powers until floor 2, so it took me more than 25 minutes to complete the first floor. The whole run was 1.5h, FOR A SINGLE WING.

Don’t forget, you need to do 2 wings, not 1. That’s 3 hours per week. Hopefully after the nerfs it’s less long because it’s not a challenge, just a time sink.

Not what I said. If it was only 1 hour a week, you wouldn’t hear me complain. Finishing 6 floors in 30 minutes sounds like a dream to me. Also didn’t say the game is unplayable, I said the currency is mandatory if you want to push end-game content.

As terrible as visions were, it was once per week 20 minutes and I was done, vs 3 hours in SL.

Always second guessing. I’ve not missed out on a single piece of Soul Ash since release, though I have yet to do my runs this week. I do them in the weekend because Wed/Thu I raid and Friday I really don’t feel like celebrating the start of the weekend by locking myself into Torghast for an evening.

Only for floor 8. Floor 7 is 45, so that’s 85 per wing. The difference between 7 and 8 is minimal, just like the difference between 6 and 7 is minimal, everything takes too long.

It didn’t take 3 hours to do both wings as a healer.

Source: Cleared it on holy priest.

It’s not a schtick, its just basic logic but you hate it because everyone thinks that they “deserve” the best rewards for being mediocre.

iM BeHinD oN soUl AsH

Yea, and behind everything else to because you’ve not cleared hc or stepped foot into mythic either…

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