Use sharding in phase 5?

I think it’s pretty obvious to most of us from the big cities at buff times, that blizzards servers will not handle the AQ gates opening as is. As such i think we need to start thinking about what the best solution to that issue is.

You could obviously restrict the number of people who can either log on, or enter the zone. This is such a massive once in the games lifetime event though that i feel that is not really an option at all.

You could go for layering, but it feels kind of overkill. Why do we need 3 copies of Eastern plaguelands, because there are 10,000 players in silithus?

I feel like sharding is the best option as a 1 off, single day, single zone tool. Each server can have 5 + copies of silithus for 1 day to ensure we all experience the event without server crashes.

For the god sake, go back to Retail.


what is your solution then? because you can’t possibly be stupid enough to think that if they do nothing it will result in anything less than mass server crashes

Best solution would be blizzard actually investing a bit of money into the game instead of seeing everything as an opportunity to make money.


What do you mean by that? buy better servers? (i hope not, as that is not a solution at all. )

Go back to retail or xbox live. You have no clue what mmo is supposed to be.


hell no!
how about blizzard stop being so greedy (cutting costs on servers) instead of paying for servers good enough to handle the game as it was intended!
we actually pay every month for these crap servers!

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and you dont seem to have a clue about anything either so why comment at all?

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No its moron retail players who troll this forum who think we want to play their single player xbox live game. GO BACK TO RETAIL

How is upgrading to actual physical servers not a solution? One of the main reasons we’re in this mess and can barely enjoy any medium to large scale world event is because Blizzard opted to go with this cloud based server garbage.


Literally not a single useful reply in the thread, wow.
Yes obviously Blizzard has to do something, or the Kalimdor/Silithus world server will simply go down, just like STV did this week.
I believe the re-introduction of layering is directly related to that. They are seeing how many people will put their money where theit mouth is and unsub. My guess is not very many. And then it’s one simple step to just layer every realm come AQ gates event. Why, they might well keep the layers on for ever after (smaller realms will simply only have one layer).
That is what I predicted at launch and still stand by it. Layering is here to stay.

Said by the lvl 110 retail trial troll character.

Go back to retail with your sharding.

Just accept AQ opening will be awful.

The servers are still hardware they own, it’s just that cloud computing is basically everything working as a ton of small parts put together into one system with resources going to where the demand is, and makes it more flexible in terms of server loads since servers can basically “borrow” resources from elsewhere.

It’s just that the way the cloud is set up makes it optimized for sharding. Or “layering” as they call it (basically just sharding but larger in scale and fewer of them).

This is why pservers can handle server loads on these scales better than Classic servers, because the Classic servers weren’t made for this.

Our Classic servers are just retail servers made for Legion, MacGyver’ed to host a game that was made for completely different servers.


so is it to much to ask for them to rent 300$/month servers to host each realm? heck at this point complelty ditching the classic client and using pserver one would be better than what we have atm.


When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Invest in some people to make the game run smooth when there is more than 100 players around you. It worked pretty well on private server, maybe try their code out.

I mean private servers ran way smoother with more people around using abilities, maybe its the poor way blizzard insisted on implementing batching, maybe its the cloud servers not being able to adapt and handle sudden burst in player population, maybe its the backport that is just not made for it.


it’s not the batching.

It’s not the “burst of player population” it can’t handle, it’s what the blue post mentioned in the other thread.

^ This is what the cloud handles worse than isolated servers. They just didn’t want to admit that it’s something they could solve by turning it off. Because it would require restructuring the entire system itself.

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So the backport was a mistake? Should have just used stock mangos.