Use sharding in phase 5?

Go back to retail with your sharding.

Just accept AQ opening will be awful.

The servers are still hardware they own, it’s just that cloud computing is basically everything working as a ton of small parts put together into one system with resources going to where the demand is, and makes it more flexible in terms of server loads since servers can basically “borrow” resources from elsewhere.

It’s just that the way the cloud is set up makes it optimized for sharding. Or “layering” as they call it (basically just sharding but larger in scale and fewer of them).

This is why pservers can handle server loads on these scales better than Classic servers, because the Classic servers weren’t made for this.

Our Classic servers are just retail servers made for Legion, MacGyver’ed to host a game that was made for completely different servers.


so is it to much to ask for them to rent 300$/month servers to host each realm? heck at this point complelty ditching the classic client and using pserver one would be better than what we have atm.


When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Invest in some people to make the game run smooth when there is more than 100 players around you. It worked pretty well on private server, maybe try their code out.

I mean private servers ran way smoother with more people around using abilities, maybe its the poor way blizzard insisted on implementing batching, maybe its the cloud servers not being able to adapt and handle sudden burst in player population, maybe its the backport that is just not made for it.


it’s not the batching.

It’s not the “burst of player population” it can’t handle, it’s what the blue post mentioned in the other thread.

^ This is what the cloud handles worse than isolated servers. They just didn’t want to admit that it’s something they could solve by turning it off. Because it would require restructuring the entire system itself.

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So the backport was a mistake? Should have just used stock mangos.

Backport on Legion servers without turning off the cloud functionality, yeah, that was a mistake. As we’ve seen ever since the launch itself.


What’s funny is that this is something they should’ve stress tested without layers up, before the Classic launch itself.

Guess they were too focused on the layered performance and left the unlayered stuff for later? Which is part of what led to a simple guild vs. guild wpvp scenario, not even counting any other guilds, which makes it unplayable.

Keep in mind, there are tons of things tied in to their cloud service in various ways. So if they’d disable the cloud computing, they’d have to find ways to make their other systems work properly without it. Classic probably wouldn’t have been ready in time for the launch date if they had gone through this route.

What we’re left with now is just making it worse in the long run though.

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Cloud Computing was the worst thing that happened for WoW Classic.

Cloud Computing work really well when your algorithm are
parallelizable and can be distributed across a lot of machine. For example, 3D rendering when each node generate a small portion an image in parallel, this is obviously faster than rendering the whole image on 1 computer that have to do all the work in sequence.

But when you are working with a 15 years old game who have been developped for single core usage, it’s bad.

They should migrate WoW Classic into classic server architecture where each server contain a real WoW server, with high-end hardware (NVME SSD, 64 GB RAM, 4 Ghz+ CPU), or rewrite the “message” system. But for them it’s easier to add layering and yolo, no more work involved.


Imagine a multi-billion dollar company can’t run a 15-year old game as well as some Russian guy in his mom’s basement. Does Blizzard realize that after this and Reforged they’ve destroyed their reputation?


no, just get better servers, stop letting blizzard screw you guys over with bad servers, jfc these kinds of posts is why the term blizzdrone is a thing

they did stress test with both layers on and off during the stress tests, THEY DID NOTHING WITH THE DATA

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We need layers for sure for AQ opening!
It took me 2 HOURS to enter ZG last week!
I was stuck in those massive lags and server shutdowns!
This is not a good experience!

They won’t disable sharding. Its not 2005 anymore. Grow up. Sharding is a very good addition to the game.

…You’re posting on a retail characters too?

it will happen

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