These addons are useful in War Mode for targeting and awareness. Remove spaces from links. Got any other addon suggestions?
Healer icon above nameplates for awareness and targeting.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/h-h-t-d
Enemy player detection for awareness and targeting.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/spy
Map ping direction arrow for awareness and targeting (requires TomTom addon).
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/tomtomping
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/tomtom
Details! Damage Meter
Damage dealt by allies and enemies for awareness and targeting.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/details
Raid frame replacement for awareness and targeting.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/grid2
Buff and debuff icons above nameplates for awareness and targeting.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/flyplatebuffs
Nameplates replacement for awareness and targeting.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/kuinameplates
Audible alerts for spell cast awareness and targeting.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/gladiatorlossa2
Camera customization for awareness and targeting.
Suggested Settings
Main Settings
Reactive Zoom: Enabled
Dynamic Pitch: Enabled
Target/Lock Focus: Enabled
Camera Max Distance: 39
Camera Move Speed: 25.5
Camera Shoulder Offset: 0
Head Movement Strength: 0
Situational Settings
Zoom: Enabled
Rotate: Disabled
Zoom Setting: Zoom Fit Nameplate
Zoom Min: 9.5
Zoom Max: 39
Continuously Adjust: Enabled
Entry Zoom As Min: Disabled
Toggle Nameplates: Disabled
Adjust Shoulder Offset: Disabled
Adjust Head Tracking: Disabled
Dynamic Pitch: Enabled
Only Attackable: Disabled
Ignore Dead: Disabled
Nameplate Visible: Disabled
Hide Entire UI: Disabled
Import Profile: https:// wpvp .tv/wow/addons/dynamiccam/profile.txt
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/dynamiccam
Keep track of your cursor during combat for awareness and targeting.
https:// wow.curseforge .com/projects/cursortrail
Prat 3
New chat message audio alert for awareness and targeting.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/prat-3-0
UI customization to reduce screen clutter for awareness.
https:// wow.curseforge .com/projects/kkthnxui
Chinchilla Minimap
Customize your minimap to reduce screen clutter for awareness.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/chinchilla
Customize your action bars to reduce screen clutter for awareness.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/bartender4
Objectives Display
Prevent world quests expanding your quest list and reduce screen clutter for awareness.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/objectives-display
Hide world quest talking head frames to reduce screen clutter for awareness.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/bequiet
xCT+ Combat Text
Alternative to floating combat text to reduce screen clutter for awareness.
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/xct-plus
Useful Macros
Try these useful macros that broadcast your current target or location to group chat.