Useful Addons for War Mode

These addons are useful in War Mode for targeting and awareness. Remove spaces from links. Got any other addon suggestions?


Healer icon above nameplates for awareness and targeting.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/h-h-t-d


Enemy player detection for awareness and targeting.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/spy


Map ping direction arrow for awareness and targeting (requires TomTom addon).

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/tomtomping
https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/tomtom

Details! Damage Meter

Damage dealt by allies and enemies for awareness and targeting.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/details


Raid frame replacement for awareness and targeting.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/grid2


Buff and debuff icons above nameplates for awareness and targeting.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/flyplatebuffs


Nameplates replacement for awareness and targeting.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/kuinameplates


Audible alerts for spell cast awareness and targeting.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/gladiatorlossa2


Camera customization for awareness and targeting.

Suggested Settings

Main Settings

Reactive Zoom: Enabled
Dynamic Pitch: Enabled
Target/Lock Focus: Enabled
Camera Max Distance: 39
Camera Move Speed: 25.5
Camera Shoulder Offset: 0
Head Movement Strength: 0

Situational Settings

Zoom: Enabled
Rotate: Disabled
Zoom Setting: Zoom Fit Nameplate
Zoom Min: 9.5
Zoom Max: 39
Continuously Adjust: Enabled
Entry Zoom As Min: Disabled
Toggle Nameplates: Disabled
Adjust Shoulder Offset: Disabled
Adjust Head Tracking: Disabled
Dynamic Pitch: Enabled
Only Attackable: Disabled
Ignore Dead: Disabled
Nameplate Visible: Disabled
Hide Entire UI: Disabled

Import Profile: https:// wpvp .tv/wow/addons/dynamiccam/profile.txt

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/dynamiccam


Keep track of your cursor during combat for awareness and targeting.

https:// wow.curseforge .com/projects/cursortrail

Prat 3

New chat message audio alert for awareness and targeting.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/prat-3-0


UI customization to reduce screen clutter for awareness.

https:// wow.curseforge .com/projects/kkthnxui

Chinchilla Minimap

Customize your minimap to reduce screen clutter for awareness.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/chinchilla


Customize your action bars to reduce screen clutter for awareness.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/bartender4

Objectives Display

Prevent world quests expanding your quest list and reduce screen clutter for awareness.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/objectives-display


Hide world quest talking head frames to reduce screen clutter for awareness.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/bequiet

xCT+ Combat Text

Alternative to floating combat text to reduce screen clutter for awareness.

https:// www. curseforge .com/wow/addons/xct-plus

Useful Macros

Try these useful macros that broadcast your current target or location to group chat.

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