Useful War Mode Macros

In group PvP focusing the right target at the right time as a group, when seconds count, is crucial.

Below are two macros for broadcasting your current target to chat. Further down is a macro to broadcast your current location to chat, for when rest of group is far from target.

Binding these macros to keys can result in very fast and easy broadcasts to your group.

Target to Chat

/script t=IsShiftKeyDown()and"focus"or"target"
/run if UnitExists(t)then SendChatMessage(UnitFactionGroup(t).." "..UnitClass(t).." > "..UnitName(t), IsInGroup(2) and "INSTANCE_CHAT" or IsInRaid() and "RAID" or "PARTY")end

Target to Raid Warning

/script t=IsShiftKeyDown()and"focus"or"target"
/run if UnitExists(t)then SendChatMessage(UnitFactionGroup(t).." "..UnitClass(t).." > "..UnitName(t),"RAID_WARNING")end

Location to Chat

/script px, py = C_Map.GetPlayerMapPosition(C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player"), "player"):GetXY()
/run SendChatMessage(format ("[%s] %.2f, %.2f",GetSubZoneText(),px*100,py*100), IsInGroup(2) and "INSTANCE_CHAT" or IsInRaid() and "RAID" or "PARTY")

Useful Addons

Need help identifying healers and other targets? Want to improve your awareness? See my list of useful addons for WAR Mode.

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