Useful Trinkets and Items for RP, War Within Edition

Though the previous topic on the matter Useful Trinkets for RP, A Compilation and its predecessor Useful Trinkets for RP were locked, and with the original still being a very good guide to trinkets with visual effects, I’ve tried to keep its successor up to date by simply editing the post. With the release of Dragonflight and now the first second third SEASON OF AWAKENED raid The War Within, I thought it was a good time to bring the list back, with some new updates as new items and trinkets are found! As always, the list is bound to be incomplete even right now and to grow when more are added, so feel free to chime in. Generally, the rule for the inclusion of a trinket in the list is that it shouldn’t require a Hostile Target. This list has items other than just trinkets, such as Quest Items or just plain old On Use stuff.

I organized these in categories depending on their visual effects, but they’re still only suggestions on my part and not a rule for how they should be used.


Effects that usually trigger an animation on the character, such as punching or swinging a weapon.

  • Grong’s Primal Rage - Stomps the ground repeatedly while roaring.
  • Emissary’s Watch - Performs a punch animation even with a weapon equipped. For Monks, this attack is different depending on your spec!
  • Abacus of Violent Odds - Performs a punch animation even with a weapon equipped. For Monks, this attack is different depending on your spec!
  • Moroes’ Lucky Pocket Watch - Performs a weapon swing animation.
  • Incisor Fragment - Performs a weapon swing animation.
  • Ramping Amplitude Gigavolt Engine - Increases speed with an exhaust particle effect behind.
  • Might of Krosus - The user stomps the ground and leaves behind a fel green crater. Example:
  • Apparatus of Khazgoroth - Apparatus of Khaz’goroth, which requires getting 5 stacks of a buff it gives for every melee crit you do, and then gives you a fiery aura that definitely isn’t straight out of DBZ. Getting the crits isn’t too difficult for most melee classes but it could be neat if anyone wants the flair. Example:
  • Holy Censer - Quest item EXCLUSIVE to ALLIANCE that does a weapon swing animation on a very short cooldown. Can be used anywhere.
  • The Swineskin - Toy, throws a ball at a target with a punching animation. Requires a friendly target.
  • Foot ball - Toy, kicks a ball at a target with a kicking animation. Requires a friendly target.
  • Icon of Unyielding Courage - Performs a different weapon swing depending on the weapon equipped, which is also different from Emissary’s Watch or Holy Censer.
  • Gnomish Auto-Dodger 600 - Displays the defensive stance effect for a while, with 4 shields that surround and orbit the user.
  • Practice Ravager - Do the bladestorm animation until cancelled, or for 10 minutes. Doing it for too long will leave you dizzy for a few moments!


Effects evocative of the Light with bright, shimmering particle effects.

  • High Powered Flashlight - Casts a pillar of white light that looks exactly like an Elune Stone.
  • Overflowing Ember Mirror - Overflowing Ember Mirror is from a quest in Revendreth, but creates a bubble-like shield around that bursts after a while. Example:
  • Shard of Annhylde’s Aegis - Creates the same barrier animation from the Aegis of Aggramar in Legion. Example:
  • Tarratus Keystone - Creates a very short-lived portal of Light next to the target to heal them.
  • Archive of Faith - Channels a beam of Light at a target, then surrounds them in a Holy bubble at the end.
  • Mydas’ Talisman - Covers the user’s hands in an intense particle of effect of Light.
  • Lingering Sunmote - Creates a bright effect on the ground, similar to a consecration.
  • Ankh of Life - Instant cast with Classic’s Renew particle effect. Can be used on a Friendly Target as well.
  • Shadowmoon Insignia - Uses the Paladin’s vanilla Holy Light particle effect, though with no casting animation from the player.
  • Bauble of True Blood - Casts an elaborate Holy particle effect around the player.
  • Figurine of the Colossus - Creates a ring of light with 4 golden shields that orbit the player.
  • The Lion’s Roar - Casts a dome of Light akin to Anduin’s from the trailer for BFA, and the intro quest for Shadowlands.
  • Brimming Ember Shard - Channels a beam of Light at a target. Dimmer than Apexis Focusing Shard.
  • Apexis Focusing Shard - Toy, channels a denser beam of Light at a target.
  • Vial of the Sunwell - Produces the disc priest atonement spell effect. Example:
  • Faith’s Crucible - Fires off tiny holy bolts at allies. Difficult to see, however.
  • Caregiver’s Charm - A holy rune briefly surrounds the user.
  • Investi-gator’s Pocketwatch - Become wreathed in a golden glow with a sandy effect all around. Also useful for time magic!
  • Ward of Envelopment - Grants friendly players in the targeted area a holy bubble.
  • Brimming Ember Shard - Same as the Apexis Focusing Shard, with a slightly more modern visual.
  • Tome of Light’s Devotion - Conjure a paladin libram beside the user for a few moments.
  • Tattered Arathi Prayer Scroll - Ritualistically lower yourself to a knee, then open your arms skyward, acquiring a golden glow around your hands. Persists for 15 minutes or until you move, but mounting while it’s used is possible.
  • Radiant Focus - Hold a golden gem and channel a stream of holy light at a target. Can be used on anyone and anything, but requires a target. Persists for 2 minutes or until you move.


Shadowy effects evocative of the Void.



Effects that evoke Fel/Legion.



Effects themed around Arcane magic, including runes and casting effects.


Misc Magic

A variety of magical-looking effects, from fire and arcane to blood.



Effects generally related to Lightning and Wind effects.



Nature related items and toys that are better suited for druidic purposes.

  • Horn of Cenarius - Conjures a wisp that flies at a friendly target.
  • Mylune’s Call - Causes a vibrant grassy field to grow around the user for a limited time.
  • Path of Elothir - Causes the user’s steps to leave behind a trail of green leaves.
  • Glimmerdust’s Grand Design - Casts an Ardenweald wisp towards the target. The next time they take any damage, they become enveloped in a unique, blue barrier. Example:
  • Fast Growing Seed - Plants a sappling that quickly grows into a small tree. Short cooldown!
  • Satchel of Healing Spores - Surrounds a friendly target in a cloud of green spores.


Mechanical or engineer-based items and toys with visual effects or server-side models.



Effects that change the user into another model. Perfect for NPCing and other such uses!



Effects that, in my view, didn’t fall in any of the categories above.

  • Precious Bloodthorn Loop - Allows you to stealth for a few seconds.
  • Hourglass Sand - Hourglass Sand is also not a trinket but it’s easily collectable from Blackwing Lair and has the same visual effect of Slow Fall. Can only be used on yourself. Example:
  • Desecrated Oil - Become grayscale. Useful for petrification, corruption, etc…
  • Deepstone Oil - Become petrified, halting all animations until the debuff is removed.
  • Scepter of Spectacle: Order - Shoots a golden, Order-magic-like orb forward. The wand must be equipped first.
  • Temporally-Locked Sands - Become trapped in a time bubble for 5 minutes, in a choking animation. Might be handy as a barrier too.
  • Mistcaller’s Ocarina - The caster plays a song during the cast, which can be interrupted and restarted to continue playing it.
  • Blue Drog - Covers the user in a blue tint. Similar to the Paint Bladders, but retains material properties (so reflective materials like metal still remain shiny).
  • Dented Can - Play the fishing animation indefinitely (only works on fishable water).
  • Convergent Prism - Play the “weapon(s) raised” animation on a loop. Also places a gem in one hand, which can fire off a laser beam of customizable colors, that only your raid can see.
  • Ethereal Transmogrifier - Summons an ethereal that offers transmog services. Useful as a set piece in case decorative NPCs are needed.
  • Scroll of Inner Truth - Acquire the monk meditation animation in midair.
  • Scroll of Torga’s Swiftness - Move DRASTICALLY slower for a small while.
  • Sunwarmed Sand - Same as Hourglass Sand, also turns the skybox to daytime.
  • Arathi Book Collection - Conjure an entire desk with books to read from.
  • Cave Spelunker’s Torch - Wield a torch, lighting up its surroundings.
  • Flickering Torch - Identical to the above, but remains wielded while mounted or performing most non-combat actions.
  • Holy Candle - Put down an Arathi candle.
  • Abyssal Trap - Place a hunter-style bear trap beneath you for 1 minute.
  • Soweezi’s Comfy Lawn Chair - Place a lawn chair to sit back on. Lasts 2 minutes, with a 2 minute cooldown.
  • Awakened Supply Cache - Once used, hold a large crate. You then get the option to sit on the crate, hold a TWW style lamp (with a light source), hold a prismatic gem, hold a golden Titan artifact (with a light source), hold an astroglobe, or hold a modern-style Titan Orb. Visuals for these and others can be found here: (thanks to Hartuum for compiling these!)
  • Hallowfall Supply Cache - Once used, hold a large crate. You then get the option to sit on the crate, hold compass (different model from the Lost Compass, hold an open Arathi tinderbox, hold a censer (your character with lean their head back slightly to smell it!), hold an open map-style scroll with blueprints (you can walk around with it, unlike the map), or hold an Arathi-style torch, which is held properly by every race unlike the Cave Spelunker’s Torch, while also allowing it to be carried on a mount and choice of whether to draw your weapon or not. Visuals for these and others can be found here: (thanks to Hartuum for compiling these!)
  • Sacredite’s Ledger - Hold an open book and a quill. Persists even while mounted or moving.

This is for sure a very handy list!
Nicely done!

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Very cool and usefull list thank you so much!

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I’m so glad you brought this back! Such a well-organised list :pray:


Really nice list! This will help me out a bunch

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This deserves peoples attention!


Looking items to use in order to live out your imagination on magical effects and otherwise? Check the lists and submit your own findings :>


That’s a nice post. Trinkets and toys to seek out.

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[Heatbound Medallion]

Not sure where I got it, but it lets u smacka cone of fire in front of u on a 1min30 cooldown.

Pretty cool for mages/shamans etc!

edit: Oh and the [Stone Breaker] toy. Summons a big stone pillar in front of u that u then smash, followed by headbutting a falling boulder, and throwing the remnants around. 10 min cd.


Came across this: Convergent Prism

While normally it just has your character raising up a crystal, holding something in your character’s off-hand slot and sheathing/unsheathing displays the offhand instead (at least client side)

As a druid in cat or bear form, instead it repeats the combat swiping animations!

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Currently at the Trading Post, you are able to find Ethereal Transmogrifier.

A toy that permits you to transmog wherever you are (if you don’t have the Yak) with a 10 minute CD and 10 minute up-time. This grants us a good chance for NPC use in roleplay.

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Thank you kindly, for the effort and time put into this list :smiley: <3

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I haven’t been able to take a look at any useful additions in 10.1.7 yet, so if anyone runs into anything, do feel free to mention! I’ve sneakily added a few new ones over the past month or so.

I’m sorry if this is off topic, but does anyone have more information on how the Projection Prism can be used in RP? I’m very familiar with utilizing the much shorter lasting Reflecting Prism to upkeep various appearances through occasionally swapping with an alt, but I haven’t gotten a chance to try out the Projection Prisms strength and weaknesses. If anyone’s been using it for that kind of purpose, I’d love to know more about how you’d go about it as the items seem a bit different. :pleading_face::pray:

You use your reflecting prism as you usually would but once instead of twice, then use the projection prism. It might seem ineffective without any further context, but the reason why this makes prism roleplay so much easier is because on a max quality reflecting prism, the duration is 30 mins+.


Helpful if you want to look like you’re in stealth without actually being said.


Love to see the list grow - always the first place I look into when in need for some cool extras for roleplay :eye:


This guy sells some useful RP items, though you have to have done the quest.


Keeping this afloat but still looking through 10.2’s ptr stuff for potential items of use!

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The Torch of Pyrreth toy from the Secrets of Azeroth is pretty good, you won’t stop holding a torch for nothing other than actively right-clicking it away!