deffo true. Most of us have been here from day 1 and seen him join the server and 1 by 1 destroy his relationships with guilds he;s been in with his toxic attitude and constant abuse to ppl. You guys have no idea what he’s like
choosing to purposefully cause another ranker to do another hundred hours of pvp because he wanted to “teach them a lesson”… i mean did you read the same post i did?
He happily stacked to reap all the benefits of stacking right up until his FINAL week and chose to upset people on the way out for vengeance, now the people he intentionally harmed aren’t happy and don’t want to play with him anymore.
the whole argument “I can do what i want” “He can do what he wants” goes two ways, the community is also free to decline playing with him.
I personally don’t need to no what he is like you currently are bullying him
Rolfl how is it bullying to not play with a player you don’t like? That’s your choice
hes been kicked from multple guilds, its not just the pvp’ers that know him, the pve players know of his name from the way he’s behaved, been rude, ninja looted and he comes here to act like he’s never done something wrong, its a big yikes, people don’t want to play with him just because he broke brackets there are 100’s of other reasons.
I checked that other post he linked, actually taking critshield’s side on this one clearly the player trash talking him on the forum doesn’t have a clue how to play priest
Lol yeah sure read a few of his own posts and forget the last few months of experiences by literally hundred of players actually on the server, I don’t think any one says he’s not actually a good player he’s just toxic to be around and ruins others experiences
After reading this post it seems like the pvp community are butt hurt and now trying to right there wrongs on this forum.
I cant believe they are bullying him on this post right in front of blizzard to see.
ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, all silly really.
I don’t think most of us even pvp? It’s a pve server … AV rep grind is most of the pvp that happens
Can any of you define what we’re doing that is bullying?.. if some one has given you cause not want to play with them that’s your choice, every G kick isn’t bullying every application to a guild that gets denied isn’t bullying… if you want people to play with you be nice to them
I’ve had great experiences on the server and find it amazing in general for people willing to help you without a gain in it for them
Do you really have to support yourself with your own alts? Come on man.
Guys thread has been reported to blizzard lets keep this tame.
If Blizz come into this maybe they can confirm that yes this guy is pretty toxic through complaints, i don’t pvp often at all and i know his name from back when i was levelling to 60. First thing i heard about Critshield is that he ninja’d something from a group in SM, subsequent run ins with him when they brought out the honour system didn’t paint him any brighter.
The reason why you are considered as a poor group/guild member is because:
1- You are acting like a sperg. Calling people outside to duel with them in the middle of a dungeon out of nowhere is not considered as a “normal” behaviour.
2- You are selfish. Gold sellers, bots or w/e they may be, you still didnt communicate with them, didnt try to be friendly so that everybody could get what they wanted. No, you thought you were entitled to it and while everybody was holding back for someone, you went ahead and took advantage of the situation.
3- You isolated youself from the rest of the communicty. Everybody thinks that they are the best in this game, but they dont act that way. You did. As a result, nobody wants to play with you because you think you are better than them and you treated everybody else as if they were garbage.
And despite all of this for months, you still havent learned your lesson. Still you blame everybody else.
Firstly I would like to say it is human behavior to listen to the first thing your told thus avoiding anything else that goes against it, or picking parts of information out of a wall of text that fits your needs.
- that post i link what gave me the bad rep be 1 individual for weeks was /w people to stop me getting in guilds.
- i got kicked from 3 guilds in quick succession because I found out that an officer of a guild that i was in was altering logs, yes they were using spreadsheets so members couldn’t see there real dps for some weird reason
- you all read what you wanted to and completely missed the point that they were abusing the report function and got me banned for 8 days that’s what lead me to the end result and we are now here.
- if you decide to not play with someone that’s fine, actively trying to remove people from guilds and threatening guild leaders and and then blocking that player from raiding thats not fine you are influenceing others
- I believe in karma.
'Blizzard can you please make people take a test before they are allowed to play classic wow.
I took a week off work on the release of classic. dungeons where fun very little deaths, allowed me to play with people of the same caliber as myself, In short it was fun and people seemed to have a reasonable IQ.
now here is the problem…I’m not a well liked character, in fact you could say hate…I’m fine with that. Problem is it forces me to play with puggers, that is still fine if they were the same caliber of people that played in the first week of classic. People are damn right idiotic they have know clue healers don’t even relise they can use lower ranked healing spells. warriors think they have to have a shield to tank. People join a group for SM when they are stood in SW and then we have to wait 30 mins for them to walk there.
in short blizzard a large amount of the player base muse either be drunk, on drugs or younger than 2 years old with out the use of there arms.
this was a response to the other thread that was locked. dates wouldn’t indicated that coz his post got removed and reposted
you can click on your profile and see when you posted this, it was in november
read post above, I say ppl only read what they wanna read