If he ninja items then it’s justified and normal thing he’s got bad rep around.
But this is different topic. I’m 100% sure if some normal player who’s minding his own bsns would get to rank 14 on his own would recieve the same type of whispers, insults and rep affecting abuses, 100%.
Remember at the end of the day, you’re not paying for his sub, his play time. He does (probably)
Ninjaing items is baaad, and getting bad rep for that is what you get.
I can just echo what has been said, you, and only you, destroyed your own reputation in the server. Guild hopping and insulting everyone for not being good when you, yourself, lack skill. Anyway, some of your behaviour is pathetic, like that one time you spammed /LookingForGroup saying that everyone needs to make a level 10 alt and get x amount of HKs. Or when you talk to yourself in Ironforge expecting people to talk to you back so you can boast and boost your own ego.
I’m happy that you’re considering not playing again, please do so.
lol…he didn’t get R14 on his own…he was stacking up with the rest! he just tried to break rank on his last week! probably thinks he is the only one who can do that! or no one has ever thought of doing something like this!
Bracket stacking is mutually beneficial to everyone because it lowers honor caps rather than artificially raise them with head to head competition. Most “normal players” that I encountered during my rank 14 grind were happy to cooperate for the benefit of everyone. On the flipside, if a “normal player” does not wish to cooperate, the stackers usually just outfarms them, meaning they will never get 14.
Regardless, the whole point here is that he didn’t “just farm rank 14 by himself” - he was included in the bracket stack until his final week, where he realized he had nothing to lose by deliberately breaking the cap and potentially setting other players a week behind on their ranking.
I have very little sympathy for Critshield, whom time and time again has proven himself somewhat of a Trump-esque pathological liar. He did the same thing when screenshots and gifs of him using macros to anti-afk in the AV cave while grinding honor surfaced. His response was essentially just “fake news” and “I wasn’t banned so I didn’t do it”
The reason why no one wants to group with him or invite him to a guild has nothing to do with bullying, and everything to do with his repulsive behavior.
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I still cant understand why this guy still trying to be the victim.Im glad WOW is a game with a good community and whoever is a dumbass is gonna be pointed out.Just stop trying to make that this whole thing is not your fault,and yes im sure ppl tried to mess up your logs ccause you are too good and they didnt wanna lose you :'D .I saw you mentioned that you are gonna stop playing ,i think thats a good idea firstly for yourself and then ours . pst we dont care about you being twink or other crap
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The server has spoken now! 1 person vs every guild on the server… nuff said
Yeah maybe that dude got your bad reputation since day 1 xD .but even without him it was a matter of time to prove yourself
Get some help mate,you obviously have mental issues
I wholeheartedly agree. x Well said Nethielka
I wish you the very best Critsheild and hope one day you can reflect on some of these comments.
But yeah he did bring this on himself. He even whispered me “uwu i’m gonna get r14 tomorrow DONG xu2” nobody cares
Just xfer and start from scratch on a new server, be nice this time and work on your rep.
Pzyho at the start of classic, you gave me a hard time and said I would never get rank 14, so here it goes IN YA FACE!
I never said you wouldn’t get Rank 14.
I simply stated “I don’t give a sh*t”. That was my exact words, and i stand by it. I still have the screenshot of it. And yes, you were botting for R14. You don’t deserve it, im not trying to be toxic, i’m just being honest. #BanBotters
Actually, now that i think about it, i think you shot yourself in the foot here Critshield.
1- You became r14, which means now everybody knows who you are and it will be even more difficult for you to find a guild that wants to raid with you, as if it wasnt before
2- You created 2 topics on the server forums, which drew even more attention to the situation and people who didnt know about what a poor team player you were, now they do.
You left yourself with 2 options: Character migration or quit the game. If it wasnt over for you when you ninjaed that item, now it definitely is.
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I know Critshield from Hillsbrad pvp before ranking was a thing and I happened to join a pvp group he leaded.
He was level 45 grouped with 60s and he was not doing much than dying, but his narcissism seemed over the top. I thought what a weird guy, left the group and never wanted to group up with him. I also owe my 2 dishonororable life time kills to that raid group.
Later he joined Pvp Ranking Discord and happily bracket- bosted with the others for many weeks until he got to last stop where he didn’t need others, so his self importance kicked in. I remember warning Dasha about him when he first joined, so I am not surprised at all. I didn´t even know about his PVE actions and problems with other guilds.
To me it seems like he is suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. He cheks all the boxes with being manipulative, self-victimizing to twist the truth, exploiting others to get what he wants, exaggerating his abilities and accomplishments, lacking emapthy toward others, having a sense of self-importance and grandiosity which influences his decision-making and interactions with others. There are times he even talks about himself in the third person which is super weird and I don’t blame anyone who does not want to deal with that kind of behaviour.
Please get some professional help if you fail to self-reflect. Life will be much enjoyable for you and for those have to be aroud you.
I am not a pvp player. I am strongly pve-only, never set a foot in AV or any other battleground.
Having said that, I still know who Critshield is. I was standing in IF and sorting out my stuff when I happened to see him converse in say chat with someone else: ‘When I hit that rank 14 I wonder what the server will do, (an action that if I described again would get me probably banned)’ I still have a screenshot of that somewhere.
This was not the first or the last encounter with the special kind of warrior. He cut ties with many people and guilds over the past months and his toxic behaviour has insulted many. I have never heard anything positive said on the server when it comes to his name or any other of his multitudes of warrior alts.
Begging people in LFG to join the honor system to boost your rank, begging for gold, insulting everyone who does not agree with you, assuming the worst about everyone, accusing people of faking/botting etc.
I sincerely wish you well Critshield, I hope you someday realise that toxic behaviour will not help you in life.
I wish everyone else takes care of their mental health.
My first and probably last post on forums, but I felt it needed to be said.
I love reading these comments, its so funny. So many of them aren’t true, anyone that knows me knows I spend most of my time playing solo, if I require to grind a dungeon I do it with my other chars, I been grinding PvP for weeks with very little input from others, the whole bracket stacking think is a damn right lie and the PvPer’s are twisting everything. I didnt decide to bracket stack I got forced into it. There were a number of players in bracket 14 that were duo playing I could not keep up with that so I had to wait until I had my chance thus letting them get rank 14.