
Make them warband bound and increase the cap to 10k or remove the cap all togheter .
You can only upgrade till a spcific lvl it won’t impact player power .


I don’t see why the valor cap has to be so low in the first place tbh.


So that people dont upgrade everything on day 1 of M+ almost everyone is at cap waiting for next week.

You can’t really do much with just valorstones though. You need crests.


Correct, but it all adds up. They dont want you maxing everything out on day 1. Gotta keep people subbed!

It’s pretty obvious, don’t you think?
Player Retention & Player Subscriptions…

Oh, you’re Valorstone capped for the week? Come back next week!
= Keeping numbers within the game & potentially keeping people subbed

Ever wondered why the vast majority of content/rewards are locked behind a 7 day cooldown? Prior to TWW some achievements took 4 weeks? I also predicted that the renown would change within this expansion; and I was correct. Here’s for more “time-sinking” as they call it;

In Dragonflight it took you a while to reach max renown. In fact, it took you more reputation and longer in general to reach max renown than it did to actually reach exalted with a normal reputation expansions ago.

Now, our starting point in TWW is higher than it was in DF. I can guarantee with almost certainty, that you will see two more rises in max renown this expansion alone. For some people, this won’t matter, but for achievement collectors and people wanting to complete everything, which is many, this will impact them. - Good or bad, they’ll have to decide that themselves.

There is no valor stone cap for the week? Crests are time gated by season and are currently 270/270. Valorstones are capped at 2000/2000 and when you spend the 2000 its back to 0/2000. What is going on here folks?

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people will stay subbed either way, I think the main reason is they don’t want people to forget that this is a game and go farm the currency like people farmed artifact power in Legion with Maw of Souls or Azerite with the island expeditions

no matter what blizzard does people will get angery because they feel like their life will be over if they don’t 100% minmax their character when they aren’t even going for world first or anything of actual value

Right, but there’s no point go crazy spending all of your valor on HC gear because they will get replaced as soon as M+ begins. Sure you may boost some of your HC gear to make life easier, but anyone who is fully capping HC gear and intends to go hard on mythic, have way too much time on their hands.

Its better to keep your valor back until mythic content is released.

There is no weekly cap for valorstones, there is only a limit to how many one character can have stores at a time, discount is warbound so if one character has an item of ilvl X then every other character in the warband will have 50% discount on the same item until ilvl X.
There is no logical reason why valorstones are capped at 2000, you get valorstones from every activity in the game.
Higher ilvl upgrades need crests or other currency that has a weekly limit so the valorstone limit is irrelevant as you can only upgrade 1 or 2 pieces / week anyway, and 1 piece usually only costs sub 1000 stones to reach the next tier of weekly limited currency anyway.
The only people the valorstone limit hurts is people trying to catch up or people with alts. Valorstones have no use outside of upgrading gear so you can’t compare it to honor points which you can store up and transfer over between character in the warband allowing players to get full honor gear right at the start of a new season, which btw doesn’t need upgrading to have max ilvl in pvp.

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But in practice it is just inconvenience. The crests are limited every week, but valorstones have no earning limit. So the cap is just an annoyance. If you run out you farm more.

So giving a higher cap just better IMO, instead of making people specifically go out and do menial tasks to top up after they’ve already done most of the valorstone generating activities which gave them nothing.

Except that it doesn’t apply to Valorstones. It’s just more farming. My point is that the crests do work in the way you describe. They are a limited number we can farm each reset.

So this is just a pointless low restriction that would serve player interests better even if it was just doubled.

Valorstones are not the limiting currency, crests are. Even if you had a million Valorstones stocked up it would barely have any effect on the rate at which you’re able to upgrade things. The only thing the cap acomplishes is that 90% of the Valorstones I “earn” are wasted, because they drop from just about everything.

It’s especially annoying on alts where while gearing, you have to constantly go and upgrade things level by level each time you have enough crests in order to not waste Valorstones. If you don’t do that and just farm crests without paying any mind to the Valorstone cap, what ends up happening is you start upgrading only to find yourself short on Valorstones and having to go out of your way to farm more, despite having enough crest, because guess what, all the Valorstone you looted while at cap went straight into the void.

There’s is simply no justifiable reason for the cap to be this low, and it’s honestly hard to argue in favour of a cap existing at all.


Getting valorstone is so quick & easy though.

I’m at the max I can get currently in terms of ilvl, until next week (without buying crafted gear because I’m smart n stuff).

You can cap out your valorstones, with wax farming, heroics etc.

Overall it’s not a huge issues :slight_smile:

When you find yourself on an alt and run out of Flightstones/Valorstones while upgrading your gear, which can happen very quickly, it’s anything but quick to earn enough to keep upgrading. Easy, sure, but not quick.

It’s an annoyance that’s extremely simple to remove and doesn’t need to exist. Saying it’s “not a huge issue” doesn’t justify it.

I’m sorry to say, that it just sounds like a you problem.

If I can cap out 2000 valorstones in a day, then maybe you’re not thinking about how to most effectively get things done, if you’re in dire need of that currency to upgrade your gear.

You need to have a goal in mind and what you need to do, to get that goal completed.

I know what I need to do, I need to upgrade as I go because otherwise I overcap on stones. And the only reason that’s a thing is the cap.

The existence of this thread and the fact that it’s not the first this has been brought up should give you a hint that this is not a “me” problem.

As for earning a cap in a day, yeah sure that’s great, I have enough crests but ran out of stones, let me just farm for a day to keep upgrading. When without the cap this would not even be a discussion.

I’m sorry but if you need to reply to an issue with “it only takes me a day to circumvent it” and “it’s not that big of an issue” you automatically have absolutely nothing of value to add to the conversation. You’re just defending poor design.

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I don’t remember this being a problem throughout the whole of DF. Sure, the same kind of thread appeared around the exact timeframe of that expansion release. Then people just go to doing their thing and noticed they were capped out before they noticed.

I’m not defending poor game design. I’m pointing out that people want to complain about something, which has no impact on their gameplay, as they can correct this with some effort.

But we all know that when it comes to some players, they want to take the path of less resistance to reach their goals.

So players actually feel free to use them in a way that they were designed for: spending them. That instead of hoarding them in anticipation of [something. Prob a new batch of gear that becomes available].

This is a very reasonable approach when it comes to currencies, imo.

“I’m no defending poor design, I’m just saying that people are too lazy to play around it.” is literally what you’re saying.

If that’s what you want to read into it, then by all means.

If you don’t put in the effort, then you can’t complain in my opinion.