Vanilla, TBC, Wotlk ERA servers

Blizz should have made classic era servers for the first two very popular expansions, and made it possible to clone characters into each expansion from former releases and expansions.

This would give people the opportunity to play through each expansion at their own pace.

I have played through classic era with 5 toons by now and would like to clone one of them into TBC Era for new adventures.

I wouldn’t mind a small fee for the cloning service if that would make Blizz consider it


Preach Brother!!! #TBCHYPE


Give us some TBC love.


Considering the technology is there, have at least one server (or perhaps even one pr region) for the different versions of the game would be cool. Options are always better.

Hype has settled down abit, so I don’t think massive traffic will be a problem.

The vast majority will probably always go with the flow to the latest release of something. Whether or not it is a brand new expansion or a re-release of an old one. But after a bit, they keep crawling back to whatever their favorite is.


Fresh tbc please!


Looking at all these post about classic TBC, WOTLK and even Cataclysm. I’m not sure why blizz isn’t responding to these? It’s a great idea to keep open a server for each expansion as we all have a favourite. Mine would be a classic MOP server as I don’t think I’d ever cancel my sub again.

I love classic so I’m happy with for now. Apparently in their last interview I watched they said “we hear you” but they never provide evidence for this. Maybe for the refail players. Reskinning old dungeons and raids to bring back us classic players won’t work either. The modern game is a mobile game built for the rush rush rush generation high on caffeine.

If you “hear us” blizzard, that would mean all of us. Keep open at least two classic servers per expansion. One for PVE and the other PVP.


They really should not have put “classic” on anything after vanilla/TBC. CLassic MOP, Im having a chuckle here.


That’s great…

Don´t be offended, Panda boy.

Offended by what?

Its pretty obviously why blizzard isnt giving us tbc or wrath servers…they want to control the player base and they cant make games as good as either of those. They dont want players making their mind up on where they want to play. They want to build a house then they want you to rent it from them.


And PvP servers only so we can keep ourselves entertained with killing bots when those get neglected too.

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Nothing. Just takin a pIss. People that use “…” instead of just one “.” usually have something to say.

That’s great…

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