Vanilla->TBC->Wrath - Rotation servers

I genuinely hope we get a Vanilla->TBC->Wrath rotation server in the future.

Each of the 3 expansions have a special place in my gaming heart and I could probably keep playing them forever.

Please blizzard…provide this to the loyal WoW classic community.

Much love.


I hope for the same. But I think we’ll have to wait until the end of Wrath.


I think they will but it won’t be for a very long time, 10 years at least.

You may get new SoM realms soon and maybe at the end of wrath new Era realms.

But this is all a big guess as no one knows for sure.

Not a bad idea. I wouldn’t have minded a permanent TBC server either.


No. The falsely so called expansions should never return. TBC murdered World of Warcraft in 2006 and it murdered World of Warcraft Classic not long ago.

TBC and WotLK are NOT expansions. How do you STILL not realize that.

These abominations take away more from the game than they add, are expansions falsely so called.

TBC adds flying, thereby removing open world gameplay. Its no longer an MMORPG.

TBC adds Outland, thereby removing the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

TBC adds Paladins to Horde and Shamans to Alliance, thereby destroying faction identity. The same goes for the out of place races and Neutral Cities. TERRIBLE!

TERRIBLE and LAZY games following the same formula that modern WoW “expansions” still follow. TBC was the natural first step towards Shadowlands and Dragonflight, thats where the root issue lies, not with anything later. And because it all started with TBC, we need not even talk about WotLK.

WoW “expansions” are lazy, BAD GAMES. Objectively, as my points prove.


Those are very extreme views and personal ones I must add, and not held by everyone.

By gameplay you mean world PvP don’t you? World PvP is not mandatory and didn’t really exist in Classic.


Just let era servers be, people will crawl back anyway at the end.


Tbc was a better version of vanilla, and isnt so much different than classic in terms of difficulty, droprates, quests and natural progression.

Wrath is where blizzard went downhill by changing the game for the vocal minority.
Wrath is where a fresh 80 could their wellfare epics in a week and made old content irrelevant after every patch.
Wrath is closer to retail than it is to vanilla wow.
Wrath killed whatever was left of world pvp.


Agreed 100%! But not right now. With Wrath still going most ppl are gonna focus on that but after we’re well into cata classic I can see the general appeal for a ‘reset’, as I like to call it.

I just want to return to a current TBC phase 1, I never had as much fun in wow as I did then. Leveling my professions, doing hc dungeons for loot and badges, looking forward to karazhan and Gruul… ahh good memories.

Don’t try to argue with this guy, he’s limited in his ability to realize an opinion is not a fact, and he very much so agressively communicates with everyone who disagrees with him.

No. The falsely so called expansions should never return. TBC murdered World of Warcraft in 2006 and it murdered World of Warcraft Classic not long ago.

TBC and WotLK are NOT expansions. How do you STILL not realize that.

These abominations take away more from the game than they add, are expansions falsely so called.

TBC adds flying, thereby removing open world gameplay. Its no longer an MMORPG.

TBC adds Outland, thereby removing the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor.

TBC adds Paladins to Horde and Shamans to Alliance, thereby destroying faction identity. The same goes for the out of place races and Neutral Cities. TERRIBLE!

TERRIBLE and LAZY games following the same formula that modern WoW “expansions” still follow. TBC was the natural first step towards Shadowlands and Dragonflight, thats where the root issue lies, not with anything later. And because it all started with TBC, we need not even talk about WotLK.

WoW “expansions” are lazy, BAD GAMES. Objectively, as my points prove.

I can read what you wrote before, no need to copy paste it.
Whatever you wrote makes no sense at all.
Feel free to look up the definition of expansion or open world gameplay.

A fresh PTE experience would be great. Without nerfs, RMT, bots etc. PP.

Wpvp certainly existed in both vanilla and classic. I have friends who played it even at early patches. Camping flight paths for 20 hours a day was normal thing back in time. Not sure where you found that idea wpvp was not happening on pvp servers.

That is just ganking, which happens often, like phase 2 of Classic, which although it is world PvP does not give people a fair chance.

By your logic even bgs are not pvp because team setups in pugs are most of the time not equal and fair. Wow was never fair especially mechsnism is heavy RNG based. Who looks for “fair” situations in wpvp? Some people jump in only while having advantage some look for challenge in “unfair” situations to shine in it. So dunno dunno dude, nothing in the world is ideal even you pve isnt😉

He didnt see the servers when there were no BGs enabled, but the ranking system was. This sht was wild

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Neutral cities are already present in classic vanilla though.

But neutral settlements are not the main hubs in Classic.

Sound good, would play