Vashj (PvP) Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Vashj in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Hey good ol’ Vashjians!

Not sure how many of you remember, but “Druids of the Beast” is still up and running on Live and has been raiding consistently TBC. We’re currently looking into doing adventures on Horde in Classic, perhaps making another Druid or perhaps an all-Tauren guild this time!

I’ve also been looking a long time for a lost old friend, named “meatballs” who was part of the guild back in the old days. And I’d like to extend a greeting out to"Django" and “Hendax” too. All playing druid of course. And a special thanks to “Borg” for letting me come heal in his Molten Core raids, together with Drbanish and the others; killing raggy and all!

Either way, big shout out to “Muffin Vendor” “Supreme” “Integra” and “Synergy” and also thanks to everyone who believed in our guild; despite the difficulties we went through, being an all-druid guild in the previous expansions.

Our community is going strong on live, but we would still like to expand our community into classic in one way or another and provide a steady home for players, across live, classic, Heroes of the Storm or whatever it might be. We’ve had a good time since 2005, and it all started in Vanilla WoW!

Kind regards, from Monsterbaby; now a Monster all grown up! From 15 years old, to 30.



I remeber being in the guild those days my name was Kansa was pretty young but i remeber the guild and you :slight_smile:

Kansa, sounds familiar :smiley: I hope to see other ppl too! It would be cool talking with some familiar people and hear what people are up to, these days.

Wow, im amazed that after so many years there are still people from this server who i can recognize! “Druids of the beast” ofc i can’t forget about you guys! I had low lvl druid in this guild named Panteon and i remember one friend from there named Brzoza. Hehe.

My main was Keymakerr Troll Rogue. Unfortunately i dont have my old account anymore. But “we shall meet again!”

• Biggie the Orc Rogue
• I was in illuminati for a bit where I had my first raid experience and then raided with Endure I think untill the end of vanilla.

Hoping to see some more Vashj people come classic release! I’ll be playing with a lot of people from alliance side back then


Glad to see you guys are still around! It’s hard to forget that guild

How to forget illumanti! The superbly geared people in the purple tabards, if I’m remembering correctly. :star_struck:

I’ll probably roll back on Horde for Classic, but I’ll probably not make a guild. I’m looking to find ppl who’re making an all-tauren or all-undead guild or something. I still need time to run good ol’ Druids of the Beast :slight_smile:

I played a bit of hunter, and I like the pace of Classic so it will be cool to see how many people return to Wow!

If people got live subs, and just wanna come over and say hi. You old Vashjians are always welcome to pop over to [Shadowsong] Alliance and meet the Zoo, where we’ve been located since Wotlk :slight_smile:

Everyone have fun in classic! :wave:

Hi y’all!

  • Ravuriel the Tauren Druid
  • Aruviel the UD Warlock

And hi, @Monsterbaby, I doubt you’d remember me, but I do remember the short time I was with your Druids of the Beast. Smiled a bit when I saw your post and your name - it’s been a long time!

See you guys around in classic!

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Sup vashj peeps.

Mithax ( UD Rogue ) - Illuminati / Amethystia / Rolls in a chevy six fo here. Will play classic again on horde side(server undecided).


Haha! I think most druids on the Server were through Druids of the Beast at some point :slight_smile: Good times!

I’ll probably be playing on Shazzrah in the guild called [Dead Inside]
it’s an all-undead guild, someone made and I immediately loved it (of course) and I joined. You guys of course also welcome on Undeads, if you got no other plans.

Hi all,

Got more memories from TBC than classic. Maybe in TBC I was more aware of what I was actually doing haha.

  • Seagate - Troll Hunter -> Changed to Blab - Blood Elf Paladin when TBC came out.

  • In classic I raided with the guild Widowmakers. Can only really remember two hunters from that guild (Drix, Drex). In TBC I raided with the guild HordeCore.

  • Hoping to see more people from HordeCore back in the day. (probably not since we all got lifes now and responsibilities and so on)

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I’m looking for some players that showed a silly yongster immesurable patience at the start of his endgame life.

  • My charcter : Sérahaffi Troll priest
  • Guild:Widowmakers
  • Character names i remember: Lethlil,Oi and Drex.

There was also a female troll rogue that played with us quite a bit but i cannot recall the name i want to say Fe but i’m pretty sure, i’m wrong.
And if there are any other widowmakers out there that remember me feel free msg me! I’m sure seeing some charcter names will jog my memory!
I haven’t decited on a realm yet.

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Hey all,

Los the Orc Warrior from the CNF. Been playing on and off after wotlk, but casually only. For Classic will go to PvE server as IRL friends wants to go there. Casually too. Horde PvP will be just alt.

From old guys, I know Tankster/Scorp will play Classic. Sinnerster most like too. I’ve seen Arcanos and his gang online too.

Take care all and have fun in Classic.

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Hi all!

Great to see that you’re still playing MB! I probably will create a tauren druid on vashj, with the same name as then: Droden. But many more might recall me with the infamous name Babekiller.

Looking back on that name, well…

Hope to see you all in-game!

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Hi all!

Dont exactly remember the name of my character it was probably something with Majin. I was an undead warlock who played in a guild called Integra. We cleared MC and BWL etc and when they started clearing AQ40 i quit. Had a lot of fun in it and met some people online who are my friends irl till this day. All due to WoW! Good times. And unfortunately i also know babekiller haha

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I’m also unfortunate of knowing Babekiller :wink: :slight_smile: Cool to see all the faces here and also ppl from Chuck Norris Fan club. If I remember CNF correctly :wink:

^ Sypher Undead Warrior

Hey all, I played in Legerity, Illuminati, few others. What server are you all thinking of playing on in Classic?

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Hey Cypher I do remember you. Was playing UD rogue name Cain in Legerity.
Looking to hook up with ppl who were in Legerity back then.

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