Hey man, I remember you Picked a realm yet - Golemagg or Shazzrah?
Havent decided yet, leaning towards Shazzrah tho.
Will make a char on both i think - name reserve 30 mins away
Heej guys ^.^
I was Huub, restoration druid for Integra and Synergy back in the day.
It was really funny to read names like Borg (my ex , bf back then) and Cain (I’m sure we talked back then aswell)
30 now, still playing aswell. Would love to talk to some of you again. Battlenet is #romy2854
My plan is to make a horde pvp resto druid on shassraz (Huub) and a pvp alliance resto druid on Golemag (Romy) (my husband will play there as an alliance) .
I would love to see Monatojja (wrong spelled?) my class leader back then and Tenshin , fellow integra druid.
Also other players from integra I had a close connection too feel free to dm. (Or if anyone needs a no-life-farmer-resto-cow)
<3 - Huub
Indeed you do remember.
Fun fact: Sinn wanted to make Ron Jeremy Fanclub but ‘Ron Jeremy’ was banned in guild name.
Miksu 60 Undead mage
Anyone from Thousand Lakes or Yoh etc
Hello Huub, I remember you I’m pretty sure you are talking about Monottaja
1k lakes master race
You are right! I looked it up, I think he is still playing <3 So cool to see. Love this nostalgia feel.
Hehe yeah, fun times Miss those Vanilla raids with Anthyx, Ouff, Citronpeppar and dozens of other players who’s names I can’t remember
I remember killing Raggy with you guys in Synergy. That was the best raid moment I had in vanilla, probably!
Unfortunately outside of raiding I didn’t get to hang out that much as just my alt was in Synergy (and my dr00d in Dotb, being placeholder or backup or whatever you call it) Borg is probably the one I remember the best!
I also remember raiding ZG with muffin-vendor…! Like, I mean I just joined whatever raided needed a druid I guess, so I’ve been around. But unfortunately the names of most players have vanish from my mind after so long.
I’m also 30 today. Tiny little drama queen I was back then lmao!
Dat Muffin Vendor tabard I remember that once one our tanks fell through the floor In the middle of BWL bossfight, and we blamed Muffin Vendor for delivering too much muffin for him.
I was an officer in Muffin Vendor around the Ony/MC/ZG era. Definitely remember you joining our raids Monsterbaby. I was an UD rogue called Moto.
Might play a little classic but will be extrememly casual due to life commitments, great to see so many people still kicking around though.
Few fellow Muffin Vendor names I remember: Junjie, Rushuna, Spell, Devinos, Lorm, Miri.
I remember Moto!
I’m going to play Undead on Shazzrah. I’ve been making an all-undead guild (of course) named “Dead Alive”
I’ll be playing on a Character named Spawned or Monsterbaby.
Also people are welcome to hit me up any time on retail too or whatever.
Good old days<3 ROTHOS
Hey peps,
UD mage Horten speaking. Greetings to all Vashjians and especially to folks from Supreme
I saw some familiar names here; thats great.
After the classic release, I want to make a comeback. Lets keep in touch and take care ^^
I wonder how Daveyoyo’s doing
Hey Biggie - I remember you!!
Me I was the undead warlock with mohawk and a lost jaw.
Played mostly in ‘Highwaymen’, ‘Disturbed’, ‘Juggernaut’ and ‘Endure’ as far as I remember.
Does anyone have any old screenshots to share?
I need to visit my parents to get my old harddrive, would be so epic to find ALL the old screenshots
Clwn! How could I forget about you <3! You playing classic by any chance? I’ve got Dreiko, Adran, Khivra, Keyes and more already!
I lost all my screenshots unfortunately