Hey guys,
Alliance Vashjian here, does anyone remember the Druid “Keeper” in your faction? Anyone know if he is making a return?
Loving fighting that chump.
Hey guys,
Alliance Vashjian here, does anyone remember the Druid “Keeper” in your faction? Anyone know if he is making a return?
Loving fighting that chump.
Oh man! Keeper. He was super awesome, he gave me a bunch of advise on Druid related stuff. He’s so awesome, that we named a rank in our guild after him in Vanilla, called “Keeper”. (Obviously) A rank we still have in Druids of the Beast, 15 years later!
This thread is awesome
I’m Silanah (UD priest), Orfantal (tauren hunter) and loads of alts on horde side. I played in CNFC, Legerity, Four Seasons and for a short while in other guilds until I made my own The Bridgeburners. On alliance I played Detoran (human paladin) and loads more chars. First in Aunans and then Verve for a few years.
For classic I will play on Pyrewood Village (PvE, alliance) under my new names Dunsparrow, Exigency, Shimmer, Summerpetal, Sail and Sordiko.
A big shout-out to my old friends in CNFC, Legerity and especially Aunans.
Hehe, I’m turning 39 years old in a few days, but I still remember that I was a drama queen sometimes back then too Especially after I was ganked!
Maybe see you ingame again
Dear Vashjians,
It’s cool to see how many of the people’s names and guild names I still remember after all this time.
All the best guys!
Hi Vashjians,
Silverpearl UD Mage here.
Guilds: [Core of Insight] - [Amethystia] - [Reunion]
Great to see some familiar names back here on forum.
Hope to meet some of you back in Azeroth
Greets Silverpearl
Hey Huub! Can’t believe I stumbled across you in this thread, I was just casually strolling the forums these last days before Classic hits and I see you posting and even myself getting mentioned! How are you?
Can’t believe it’s 13-14 years ago since we raided with Integra, still remember when we first downed Nefarian and I screamed so loudly out of joy that my mom went and disconnected the internet chord, haha!
I’m gonna roll Horde in classic (Resto druid ofc!). Dunno yet what server but would be awesome should we roll the same server! Havent played WoW or visited these forums in ages, how does one send dms?
Hi Vashj!
Hi Monsterbaby, and Mithax nice to hear you still play!
Have great memories of Vashj!
Silverpearl and i are playing classic, Probably Golemagg
Greetings Dumon
Times change, but Vashj stays on your mind
Ocha, Shaman, played with Disturbed, Minions, Juggernaut and Endure primarily! Tell Dreiko he’s still terrible, and Biggie, ISTILLOVEU
PS: Anyone know if that old spud, Ajaxx is still kickin’ about?
Hi All,
My first ever char was on Vashj: Obit, the orc rogue (and the char I still play today, albeit renamed and relocated).
I raided with Hellenic Legion before starting The Highwaymen - did a backdoor boogie over to another server in later vanilla, but spent most of my time on Vashj. Some of us highwaymen still play together and are rolling classic as a group (including Steroids & Luggage/Ebolarama) most likely on Gehennas - my toon will be called Shockhaus on there.
Happy to get in touch with anyone else from back in the day that remembers me or the guilds. My memory is pretty poor since it was such a long ago, so struggling to remember many (or any) names correctly, but please get it touch if Obit sounds familiar.
ur a bish boy ocha 120 shaman l0l
Yeah screw you Ocha, like 5 of us been trying to contact you for years, and you’ve been playing all along? Psscht
120 and u havent tried getting in contact with any of us u fooking rat ocha
Bloody rat boi
We’ve been trying to get in contact with you for years thinking you were dead and now we find out you have been playing wow all along?!
You better give us your bnet or discord so we can catch up or you really are dead to us
Manakuski here, used to play Orc male Warrior on guilds like Ascension and Thousand Lakes. I remember you Heepo. I’m kinda looking for Ascensions players, i remember Konane my first guildmaster, he was a funny guy.
So many familiar nicknames, oh boy, oh boy
Haohmaru, druid from Illuminati / CNFC / KeKo here.
Would be nice to see good old CNFC getting back together for Classic for sure!
I will definitely play some classic at a very casual level.
Where will you guys be playing? Do you have discord?
Hey guys, Shadowthrone here, been playing mage till cataclysm came out. I dont even remember the guilds I was in, I think Distortion was the first one, still remember our first MC raid, almost didnt make it to the raid group and it was 40 men!!! Maybe anybody from the old gang will also play classic? Mortos, Healsalot, Izzie, Groosaloog, Yiichikawa? Which server is all the Vashj going to anyway? I want to try to go back in time:P
Btw I remember Biggie, Silanah and Silverpearl from the OG AH inspection routine:P
Biggie, Ajaxx and some other horde scum are rolling Razorgore (alliance) on Monday with the Crooks and Liars guild if that helps