Vashj (PvP) Horde Reconnections

Xeroc is playing on Skullflame!

Eivi, Orc shaman for Amethystia reporting in. Just gonna leave this here:

Good to see you Fritjof and Silverpearl! I made a video when we got your thunderfury aswell, but I cant seem to find it unfortunately… :frowning:

Hello there, I used to play on Vashj Horde back in the days like most of you.

I played various character; my hunter Loky, and a rogue called Haborym raided with muffin vendor for quite a while.

Currently playing on Mograine with my friend who’s warrior Shadowknight (aka Greenknight) was a tank in Muffin Vendor back then.

Another friend of mine Baphomet who raided with Intergra is also back for classic.

We were pretty young and noobish back then but w/e.

Good times.

Hey Moto, long time no see :slight_smile:

I played warrior in Muffin Vendor with my first char, I have many good memories from that time!

I’m currently playing on Mograine!

Hello fellow hordes on vashj :slight_smile: !

Your friendly neighbourhood UD warrior Kazimex here, played in Amethystia and Reunion back in classic, rerolled mage for tbc named Maoe and played with Into Oblivion untill release of WOTLK.

Playing on Gehennas horde as a hunter named Plap as a casual :smiley: nice to see some familliar names still on.

Oh wow Joff! When I posted I was racking my brain trying to remember some other names, absolutely remember you. Good times! I still haven’t started classic but sounds like Mograine is the place for old school MV! Loky & Shadowknight are definitely familiar names too.

Do you remember any other names? There was an enchance shaman I remember who would talk about his amazing windfury crits all the time and a troll dps warrior I used to joke with, he had some Nordic kind of name I think.

I will head for Mograine and give you a whisper if I start playing.

Oh my, guys! Joff, Loky, Shadowknight… I remember you all and also much more - Devinos, his gf Miri, Spell, DjCastorama, Lurken, Kroklax (<3), Jormundgand, Radde…

I have some screenshots from our Molten Core and Zul Gurub raids (the moment I received my [Polearm Halberd of Smiting]awww
cheers mates

I am right now @ Earthshaker PvP Classic
Assasyn, Tauren Warrior :slight_smile:

album: imgur (dot) com/a/Nm7B6yM


Fun to see some of the old charater names and guilds.

Played a Undead Warlock named Holmgaard myself, from vanilla until Cata.

Holy! How did this thread die!

Tehbollejan here UD lock, played on Vashj for all of classic, TBC and some after. First as Undead, but after a ban (whoops) got back as Bloodelf warlock Tehbollejam.

I played mostly with Houmn/Houmpje, Vaniz and Jow, sometimes in our own guilds, sometimes in KeKo IIRC.

Raided some time with Biggie (boob shoulders LMAO I was 14), Noon was our main tank back then. Also remember Lubbo - I used to admire his gear so bad.

And yeah Dreiko - annoying little c*nt of course. When he got that kodo on his lvl 40 undead mage, hax.

Loved that time, loved that server.

Transferring our guild to Dreadmist next week, currently on Dragonfang but the server is dead.

Hi, Monster was in DotB with my druid Zoldier. Got you on FB

Hey bro! Stroilas here, the warlock! Glad to hear ur fine!

Existens, (UD warlock). Used to play with guilds such as Illuminati, KeKo, Integra, Four Seasons & Muffin Vendor.
Also used to play a priest called Radiostar in the earlier days of vanilla.

Looking for
Tenshin (tauren druid)
Mongo (orc warrior)

This post may be dead and a reply may be years in the making, but hey, Tenshin! I see you! I’ve often wondered how you’re doing these days!

I remember the Yoh Raiding days. Good times <3

I pretty much remember all of your names :slight_smile:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
Starcrusher - Druid - KeKo - Ascension - The Legendary Ones - Malicious
The name of your original guild on this realm.
Poh i spent the most time in TLO and KeKo i think
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Chiiii, Murph, Glass, Zambosa, Rohirim, arafael, sallion, hawn, drifting, surg, bonfurious (most of these guys i have in my flist though)

I am playing by myself on Mograine (after the death of razorgore server) so if anyone of you can toss me a guild invite that would be awesome.
