A lot of us are going Razorgore Alliance. There are also people going Firemaw horde from what I saw.
Yeah bud! Add me on there and I’ll send you an inv link to the group discord and such Khostic#2405
This is weird, but are you the same Manakuski who was a quite well known CS 1.6 player? Do you / have you driven a taxi for a livin?
Same dude
Small world. I used to idolize his CS skills when i was young. Had no idea Manakuski was on the same server. Another coincidence is my IRL friend (on Vashj nicknamed Okkim) used to go to the same class as him.
I was a hunter nicknamed Suprice back then.
At least 2 Alliance guilds (Crooks and Liars + The Cunning Stunts) from Vashj going Razorgore, any old Horde guilds wanna roll Razorgore for old times sake?
Seems like there’s a decent amount of Finnish ppl going to Gehennas so we decided to go there aswell with a bunch of former Thousand Lake’rs
Contact me for years!? WHERES THE LETTERS, THE OWLS, THE MISSING POSTERS, I saw nothing! Add me so I can get the discord n that! Aasgaard#21896
You rollin’ alliance though? I’m gravely disappointed… A (somewhat) wise man once told me, if it ain’t orc, it’s pork… What happened, Ajaxx!?
Bloody Yani still running amock in these streets, lawd have mercy on us all!
Man that discord tag didn’t even work! (unless it was your bnet tag)
And yeah we rolling alliance unfortunately. I wanted to go Horde but everyone else wanted to go Alliance and I couldn’t convince them
Ajaxx isn’t playing though. He’s too old, grumpy and too stubborn to admit he actually wants to play.
Which guild are you guys thinking? We are on Shazzrah atm but thinking about Gehennas since most of the finnish peeps are going there
Hey, Stroilas the warlock here. Hope some old Phoenix members are stil around!
Damn, lot of names you remember seeing in world back then.
Anyways, used to play as a tauren warrior Fritjof mainly in Amethystia back then
Zeqe troll rogue from Integra here! I can still remember a few names from this thread like Biggie (always inspecting other rogues).
Alot of Integra people are rolling Horde on Gehennas. Myself i choose to play ally and RPPvP for a change…
We gave up with Gehennas and it’s ridicilous 6h Queue times so we moved to Skullflame with couple of original 1k lakes officers and some other finnish friends. Don’t have any specific guild plans yet, but feel free to join us again anyway
Hi everyone!! I remember some names on here but it’s been so long! Nixze (Troll Rogue) here and when TBC came out I switched to playing as Lòladine (Belf Pally). Fond memories raiding with Integra! Hope to repeat with Classic although made the mistake of starting on Shazzrah oh well
Hey monster! I was in DotB with my tauren druid Phryso :o Such a long time ago!
Hell yeah dude,I think you were my fav rogue, Mithrilangel from Integra here. Orc hunter.
People I most clearly remember from Integra are:
Xerox, Taurox : Tauren Hunter
Tacklas : Troll Hunter (sorry to my 2 other fellow orc hunters I can’t remember the nicknames but I want to say they start with M and N)
Banaan, Anthyx, Pyros : Undead Mage (there was one more starting with N crazy mage wish I could remember)
Ouff : Orc Warrior
remembered Huub + Tenshin reading through here
good times, lots of dkp minus
Is Hokan still playing? I got all nostalgic when watching his pvp-videos still saved on my ssd from way back the days…
Todeswalzer here:D
Playing horde on Mirage Raceway atm =)
Started playing again when classic arrived. I mean how can I pass on the opportunity to lure 10 levels higher ganking gnome mage to Tarren mill guards and seeing her insta-resurrect at graveyard. Ain’t that the best feeling ever… At that moment I realized I should have shadowplay on at all times… truth to be told, I might have become soft over these years so we’ll see if there is going to be any new movies.
Queues on Mograine are pain in the butt so I might even consider rerolling into realm without queues, if there is such a thing.