Vent your anger: X-45 Heartbreaker not dropping!

Use this thread to vent your anger/sadness or other emotions related to the X-45 Heartbreaker not dropping another year.

It isn’t real, it can’t hurt us.


I’m so jealous of people who can get passionate about mounts. (Or just about anything that matters as much as this)


The event was the same horrible as the years before.

  • The drop-rate on the mounts is abysmal low.
  • 270 tokens for 2 toys and 2 mounts on the vendor, forcing you to run this with many alts
  • The RNG in the daily quests themselves making TP goals/achievements unobtainable
  • And all that in a lovely 2 week period.

Classic Blizzard, having no respect for the player’s free time whatsoever.

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Mount is performing as designed, breaking player´s hearts year after year ::beers:


I’m more annoyed that they added another mount to the loot table.

Like let me farm the Love Tokens for it.

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…rawrrrrrrrrr. :face_holding_back_tears: :disappointed_relieved: :sob:

No rocket from the daily, not enough time to earn the currency needed for the 2 mounts I could buy. I have one, but no chance of earning enough for the other.


I mean I get it. It’s not supposed to be smashed out in a single year.
I was looking forward to an easy year since I got the X-53 a few years ago and only had 1 achievment to complete from the new stuff last year.

Omg i didn’t get it

I’ve been trying since it was first introduced (in 2010 or maybe before?) They should take that into account …

Anger? No. The rocket is hideous.

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The manuscript is rarer than the X45…


I didn’t want either mount and both of them dropped for me…

It’s a good +2 to my collection overall, I suppose, though I do not intend to ever use them.

It’d be nice if they remained rare but with the ability to sell on the auction house if you do not want to use them.

There’s a manuscript? :joy:

Yeah, for the Renewed Protodrake m

Oh, well I’m glad that’s out of the way then (dropped yesterday). It’s also hideous and doesn’t work well with any of the drake colours… :cry:

Imagine being so addicted to gambling to crave that ugly mount just because it’s rare lol

Sounds like a fair few seasons of rated PvP transmogs tbh. They’re not all bangers. Or maybe that’s more of a completionist itch, rather than a rarity one.