if you are talking about my PvP exp, I never did PvP “for mogs” so not sure what that comes has to do with anything, especially that “following seasons” you canm buy most of the sets for marks
Not yours in particular, just rated PvP reward tracks in general!
The game would be pretty barren if it weren’t populated by collectors. Practically the only reason why I still play WoW after having done the Campaigns.
was aiming for the ugly rocket, but got the ugly broom instead.
feeling kinda neutral.
I explained it here at length. The drop chance of the rocket is outdated and frustrating. Something has to change.
Same story here! Though I think everyone I’ve spoken to have had the broom drop somewhat consistently across the board, with two friends getting it on the very first run of the event. Its droprate isn’t the same as the rocket, I daresay.
To be honest - Why not?
Blizzard always could ship out a few new items every year and add them to the pool.
They generally do add a new item each year, at least the first time in an expansion.
But adding super rare drops to the boss is gross. Expecially when players have been trying since the olden days when we had to drag our arses up there outselves for each attempt.
Managed to finally get mine this year. Grateful that I was able to sign up on my DPS characters as a healer for instant queues, made the grind much more bearable. I probably wouldn’t have bothered if I couldn’t.
yes the 15 second queue compaired to the 30 second queue.
I occasionally sat 10-15 minute queues on my Warlock, but okay.
I’ve never had to wait more than a min. This is the fasted holiday queue.
Just queued for the event for science and my queue time already went over a minute. Interesting.
apparently the broom has a new type of drop mechanic that increases the drop rate depending on how many day’s you’ve spent farming the dungeon.
The Love Witch’s Sweeper, can only drop on your first attempt of the day (WoW account-wide), and will see an increasing chance to drop with each new day that a first attempt is completed.
Are you on an RP realm, they only queue with themselves so it’s a much smaller battle group.
Atleast i got the new broom somewhere during the week.
No rocket yet, and the hunt continues into 2026
Still not dropped. Maybe I have more luck next year.
Actually only 15 if that’s every year since it was added … but 15 is long enough.
I feel ya, got mine 2 years ago on the first try of the year.
i feel guilty of being an owner of the love rocket. i was so lucky to get it on my first try when i went in to the dungeon a couple days ago, i hardly have done it before so i feel like a criminal now XD