Vent your anger: X-45 Heartbreaker not dropping!

This is fine and I am happy for you. No doubt you grinded endlessly and was duly rewarded for your dedication, patience, sleepless nights and–

Distant frustrated blood elven screaming and furniture being lit with fel flames.


The only reason i would want is that its rare and that i can ignore next years run. But they added a new one. I just did the dungeon a few characters a day but not all because queue as dps can waste 15 minutes on aerie-peak. And the droprate for 2nd bag or more is 1 in 1400. Not worth the time. Also i better have the mounts i want to finish/complete WoW for myself.

But i got the renewed proto drake armor from the event. Wich i didn’t even know it existed. Same for arfus. Didnt know it was on the loot table.

Also ten+ years ago i saw the same
Lvl 24 character every love is in the air event there and further never or nearly never saw a love rocked. And now i see them often on more players. Also on twitter many ppl showed their rocked. Some even with the other mount also in the bag. So looks like the droprate got much increased

Last Year the manuscript did not drop,this year the Broom and the manuscript didn’t drop either :expressionless:

Just a heads up, you still got another chance tomorrow after daily reset and before 10am server time.

Make use of the “drop protection” to get the Sweeper at least.

Fifteen years… It’s been fifteen years…

Where’s my ROCKET??

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Fireworks and rockets are dangerous, have a sparkler instead;

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You get +100 points in life for using a Simpsons gif <3

You know what’s even worse than the rocket I never cared for but got anyway a few years ago? The góddämn Love Armor manuscript. Everyone that doesn’t have the mount seems to have it, yet after 2 years of daily grinding and finding out it can drop on alts hundreds and hundrers of more tries; absolutely nothing.

I’d be happy to trade that dumb rocket to be able to complete my manuscript collection. But nooooo. Gotta run this 20 years before you get it, that’s part of the FUN!!!11!!

No. My Warlock is on Ravencrest. Next question?

The rocket is one of the 3 farmable mounts i have left atm and i swear blizz is blue balling me on purpose at this rate.

It feels love mount doesnt exist so I got this year! It is over now after been farming for yyeeeaaaarrsss! I am :free: !

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spam everyday drop chance increased

The feels when no mount 2025 :anger: :anger: :anger: :anger:

Done my last attempts. Still no mount.
I am sad.


Did this event once in 2009 then again in 2010…never touched it since

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Alright, shelve the hostility.
My experience is that the dungeon pops so fast I cannot even get through my crafting orders in 1 sitting.
I have no explanation.
But queuing as a Tank/Healer when your not gonna Tank/Heal is an arsey move.

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I kept forgetting to try get it :man_facepalming:

I queued as a healer as Shadow, topped the metres every time and kept every single group up with Vampiric Embrace, Flash Heals, and even had the courtesy to use Leap of Faith to pull the brain afkers out the puddles.

I did my job and more imo :slight_smile:

It’s fine when you CAN handle it, a modestly geared SP easily heals via Vampiric Embrace… point is a lot of people leveling don’t. They don’t even bother off healing or using their taunt… just run around like idiots when they got aggro, nevermind the fact they stand in pools or sprays.

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