Welcome to an interesting topic about the potential scope for Venthyr to be added as an allied race in the future
I personally feel there is huge potential for the Venthyr
Not only do they look cool, dark, sinister and cunning; they have nice animations.
[Demon Hunters]
If Demon Hunters were an available class , I would love to see the possible Demon forms available
Nathrezim for starters.
There are hints at Venthyr and Nathrezim having some ties but the form and customisation potential really gets me interested
[Venthyr Nathrezim]
Other contenders for Demon form could be similar to the model of General Grashaal from Castle Nathria Stone Legion Generals
Much more of a gargoyle-esque style, note the tail.
Available Classes
- Warrior
- Rogue
- Warlock
- Demon Hunter
- Priest
- Hunter
- Mage
- Death Knight (maybe)
I don’t see a case being made for: Paladin, Shaman or Druid personally. As cool as it would be to have vampiric looking totems or druid forms.
Possaible mount
Outside of a different colour palette Gargon, I think a Venthyr looking bat would look incredible
Door of Shadows - 2min CD *
== Alternatively, displace as a swarm of bats and reform at a target location == same function, different aesthetic
** Vampiric or nathrezim inspired ** == Fangs of Denathrius / Fangs of Revendreth
Small twist linking to the nathrezim / sire denathrius origins, potential HP drain or stat boost like leech
I hope you enjoyed reading
While I understand it isn’t everyone’s cup of Theotar’s Tea
Let me know your thoughts