{(Venthyr)A/RP} House Krolock 🩇

So your comment is pointless then?

Chat filter would block WoW inappropriate content.

What were you even saying?

Ha not this time! :slight_smile: Got to have the better interests in heart with the topic!


I’m saying that including rape and explicitly graphic violence in your RP is inappropriate for WoW.

It’s cool that the guild is willing to adjust their stance on the former. Heartfelt kudos.


Good luck with the guild man


if my guild was active it’d be 18+ cos i dont babysit children stay mad

i dont even have any controversial topics to address. i just dont like kids and teens


Hats off to you for making your guild a more welcoming and accepting environment on an OOC level, some topics, even in a medium like roleplaying, are immensely heavy and difficult to justify.

The fact you’re willing to listen to people to make your roleplay better overall I think is a really good sign, I think you’ll do well and I hope you find people to get a little bit of RP life going in Revendreth :smiley:


It’s blatantly overdone too in some media, such as the beginning of Berserk, just too much edge to get “huhuh im evil” across.

Tbh pushing for a 18+ community makes sense. More mature players. Less chance of drama. People value their time more.
And players are at a similar stage of life, which makes them more in tune with each other. You won’t have a teen that plays during the afternoon and is mad because the GM (and the rest of the guild) is off to work.

Like, what are the benefits of having teenagers in the guild, considering the above cons? Rhetorical question.

The guild is interesting though, best of luck!

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Thats a good reason for an 18+ Tag if i ever seen one.

This looks interesting. Here is to we will run into each other in Revendreth at some point! Best of luck with the guild!

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Being able to teach potentially newer RPers how to RP well vs. leaving them to dime a dozen guilds that don’t take the time to teach RP etiquette.
Maybe not a guild-specific benefit, but a long-term benefit for sure.


I mean the 18+ tag still isn’t that controversial, adults are more capable of holding maturity in grim fates then children or younger audiences, it a lot harder to understand the theme of regret, without knowing it or experiencing it, or the sin of pride (No pun intended) without the same. It’s a insurance policy more then it’s a warning. If you are going for Venthyr there is nothing wrong with Grim dark themes. If the grim brothers can portray it to children, and WoW can, I’m sure you can.


And all of this implies that adults, who have experienced these themes, aren’t just trash at roleplaying them out anyway. It’s a nothing policy because people seem to think teenagers are devoid of creative skill / reasoning and writing, yet 99% of the rubbish books produced are all by adults writers. They removed the 18+ flag anyway, so debating it is pointless.

I feel like I peaked at age 16 so I can definitely see the viewpoint.

Well, maybe not in quality of concepts, but definitely in terms of patience, positivity and staying out of drama, which if anything is just as important.

How lovely to see advice and constructive criticism being considered. It must be the first time in
 oh, a century or more? Time does blend together in all the monotonous repetition that is AD drama.

That’s the thing, though; access to publishers aside, those books are made without anyone telling them their bad ideas, vaugely fetishistic descriptions and outright 1930’s style stereotypes are in fact Bad Writing. They’re as insulated from criticism as the most bubble’d RPers, constantly supported and praised for their excesses and if not self published, they found at least one person more interestred in potential profit than any sense of dignity or care for their writer(s) good name.

Collaborative efforts have a way of filtering out the worst when it’s not enabling them but that makes it important to do a modicum of self reflection so that your guild don’t end up ruling Lordaeron in the name of Scarlet Queen Funbags, First of Her Name, the Merciful and Merciless, Peace Be Upon Her.

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As someone who’s been dying to do dredger RP, I truly hope your guild takes off! Good luck!

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Are they though?
Ultimately people are people and will all act differently, regardless of situation.
Some adults are still drama prone and some youths are quiet and well reserved.

That aside

I like the concept, I wish you the best of luck with it.
I expect you to all have plenty of dinner parties, speaking ill of how others are doing their soul redemption work.

Dredgers are precious. They may not have souls but they’ve got a lot of heart.

Dredgers are just worse and uglier goblins


Don’t forget the worst sin of all, they’re br*tish.

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