Verbal abuse by Blizz employee is oke? But

More to it, he’s tweeted well. The whole 2 gender spiel ‘but infinitely many mental illnesses’ along with choice words like the R word and S word.

But I can confirm a lot of what happened with Tali and all is happening here too - people threatened the employees family more than once.

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not your pal, frie- oh nvm

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Which sorta proves my point in a way. He crashed AD for one night because his transmog comps are so popular. He engages with the community in a way that Blizzard refuse to do and rather than directing our blame to the atrocious server technology we are stuck with we instead go after the streamer that is giving tens of thousands of his viewers a good time in a game they enjoy playing.

I cant speak to most of what you listed as I am not one of his viewers but I will say that going around spitting on store mounts not only fosters a toxic environment but more importantly is completely useless.


Was nothing to do with transmog was to do with Goldshire and the Inn and the rumours about it and he wanted to speak to a well known AD player who makes a lot of problems.

I agree there is just no need for it .

Unless it was for the whole event of him doing an interview with someone there, whom he later made fun of for using a ‘voice changer’ in their call because said person is transgender. Him and his chat had a lot of fun making fun of her for their voice.

He did so without notifying the devs so they could help stabalize the server, or do it in a zone that WASN’T stormwind or another super populated area. He was asked to move it elsewhere with the issues and all. Zones are not sharded on RP servers which is one reason he tends to pick his events there - but he needs to do so without disrupting RP by running around on large mounts and with all of his viewers standing on RPers. He went straight into Cathedral district - an RP heavy area for walk-up RP especially and did that every time.

it’s RP mate

Petition to upgrade our servers because I swear to god they were more stable ten years ago than they are now. :pensive:


Would like that so much ,they have not worked in what feels like an age now . I think the last time i had a stable server was pre WOTLK when they brought in phaseing for quests :frowning:

it’s you internet, servers be fine, one of the only things that are

I dont agree with the threat’s and various other things that have happened to Adam since he made that idiotic post but I also don’t agree with an employee of any company joining in and essentially agreeing with an act of witch hunting just because they don’t like that particular person in real life.

There’s a way to go about things and both Adam and asmongolds follower’s have really dropped the ball on it.

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It’s because you guys have monopoly for justice and treat everything that doesn’t follow your agenda as rude, like wrong pronouns. She is literally calling for a witchhunt and the dev is cool with it. I wonder how you would react if 20k people reported you for calling some guy a “bigot”, including ingame. I don’t follow Asmon, but you guys seem to do because you know more about him than anybody else. Probably to feel insulted, you seem drawn to the emotion. It’s so crazy you think that whatever insults Asmon spews on his stream are something that should get him banned, while the verified dev of a company that actually bans people for being rude is entitled to the same because it’s his private opinion. Don’t get me wrong tho, I think they are both entitled to their own private opinion and the only person who should get the boot here is the crazy person that calls for a witch hunt and any person that follows him in game actually doing that.

Also, I hope that the dev actually reports people who send him death threats to the police. At least in my country not reporting a crime is a crime in itself. Individuals like that belong in an insane asylum, that is if they exist.

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Not really, literally just state that if he/his fans do something bad to report it. Since he has prior history of doing it, even very KNOWN for it in the communities that he does attack frequently.

I know about him because he’s interacted with my community - and my server multiple times and I’ve had the unfortunate disruption of RP from it.

I do, yes. Spouting insults, slurs, and harassment at players is indeed against either game ToS and Twitch ToS and yet nothing happens - unless enough people report it perhaps since there was hope for that in FF if he did so.

As that employee mentioned, calling someone a butt, in which Asmon even agreed he is, is very different than calling someone a slur or actively trying to hate on them FOR THINGS THEY CANNOT CONTROL ESPECIALLY.

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But this is where you are wrong. It is not for you to decide if something is against TOS of anything, it’s for the service provider. If the service provider decides it isn’t then it isn’t. Why do you feel the need to suffer through all this if somebody you consider rude speaks to you or get drawn to their videos just to see if they have been rude? This is how they are having fun, just let them. It’s this horrible mindset that the game can be played only by this group of people and other groups are unwelcome. Also a witch hunt is a witch hunt, we all know what that person wants so lets stop pretending it’s not that.


In regards to reporting it, yes it is actually. The final ‘decision’ is up to a GM - but in WoWs case they only look at reports if they have a certain threshold of reports and more recently since coronavirus stuff they’ve HEAVILY leaned mostly on automated stuff and then if someone gets hit with it incorrectly they can make a ticket.

Not sure what you’re trying to say here, I’ve been shared plenty enough times they’ve said/or done something that I think is abhorrent and then I’ve also DIRECTLY experienced them and their fans ire.

Sorry, I don’t think letting people ‘harass’ ‘belittle’, call slurs, or otherwise make fun of others is an OK method of ‘fun’. When what they’re doing harms others, that’s when people were bringing it up thanks! I’ve already corrected you that it wasn’t a witch hunt in the first place so it’s clear you have a narrative and watch them.

There really is. I went on Twitter, had a great relationship with like 10+ Blizzard employees, hung out and just generally had a good time.

Once I reached about 250 followers I got chased off the platform with a litany of abusive tweets. I closed my accounts, sadly closing my Blizzard relationships with it. None of them are there any more anyway so…

Now; if you’re gonna be a public figure you just have to get numb to it. It’s pretty easy once you get thousands of messages every day. There’s no way you could read them anyway.

But I didn’t want to do that. I just wanted to write short messages to friends.

Twitter is not a good place for that. It’s a place full of hundreds of hate groups operating in parallel, harassing people and chasing them off; and with a head of the company who believes (or says he does) that his company is doing something about this problem, when in reality they’re just banning right wing politicians.

It’s an awful platform. The WoW forums are far better. <3

How do you even begin to control hundreds of thousands of people using random internet platform? He doesn’t stand a chance.

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By actually moderating their chat, watching what they say and how they respond to things. Definitely not by trying to get all your fans to /spit on people, demean and harass them because of how they were born or anything else would be a good start. Then actually showing change, and admitting past mistakes on views to help push people with those bad views away. If you don’t, they think you have the same view you previously have shown.

Which, his fans have shown in quite a few tweets towards this Employee and the other being harassed.

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It’s clear you have a narrative in which you are wrong, hurt and offended every day, by everything while people who call for witch hunts are completely fine because those witch hunts align with your world views. When you report something it is not the GM that makes the final decision, you aren’t part of the process. You are just alerting somebody that this might be a breach of TOS. I’m glad you mention how heavily automated it is, because this is why reporting asmon is a witch hunt. With enough reports you get people a free name change in world of warcraft.


While he cant directly do that, one thing many people have advocated for a long time now is very much within his reach, and that is to take a clearer stance against the behavior his fanbase often displays.

Instead of either lowkey encouraging it, or playing along, when the fanbase begin to geniuenly disrupt things for other people or go into threats and foul behaviour, it is well within his grasp to take a firm, public stance against such things. By clearly letting the fanbase know such behavior is unacceptable, he helps in making it less accepted.

However, most of the time he either encourages it or does nothing at all.

People were not born with a need to post their pronouns on Twitter and even if he moderated his chat more harshly, that won’t prevent people from sending abusive messages on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, or wherever else.

Social media is toxic.


Yes, I am actually. Even Blizzard states so, so yet another thing you’re wrong about. My process is to find bad behavior, or behavior that breaks such rules and report it. It’s up to Blizzard to actively enforce that or not.

Not in FF. In WoW. So again, you’re wrong. <3 Also, in WoW streamers have been protected from such abuse since their blunder in WoD when it was first discovered people could do that.