Verbal abuse by Blizz employee is oke? But

I and others’ don’t blame the devs, they only implement what the higher ups tell them to. Not like they have a say in it, they either comply or lose their job.

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If there’s something to be learned from all of this is that if you just want to run your mouth off twitter is a much better platform for that than the WoW forums.

Well, did Blizz employ say anything wrong?..Perhaps, perhaps not.

This. Absolutely this.

That Blizzard developer’s tweet was highly unprofessional. It may not have been as bad as Sanjuro’s comments about Tyler1, but he did put his own employer into disrepute regardless.

A games company that calls its biggest community live streamer a butthole for playing their competitor’s game isn’t going to last long…


Well the dev was right, I agree with him.

Asmongold makes videos bashing store mounts (that are free if you are subbed) and how bad Blizzard is when FFIV has the same amount of store mounts and some of them are even more expensive.

FFIV is not this magic game without any microtransactions and it’s all paradise there, and no toxic players at all.

People are just on this “hype train” WoW Bad FFIV good! HAHA POG

It reminds me of people who cancel others on twitter, it’s so uncivilized.



So you like store mounts and big bad streamer hurt your feelings by criticizing them? I’m pretty sure there are milions of players who hate ingame shop and milions who are glad they can buy something.

It doesn’t matter if you like someone or not, mature people don’t let their emotions control them. Grown ups should not act in this way especialy when they are tied to PR of company. They can talk sh in private not in public forum.


You completely missed the point of my response, I said that he is bashing on WoW store mounts but he is saying how great FFIV is and everything, when FFIV has same amount of store mounts that are even more expensive.

Regardless of how you feel about Asmongold, his views or his followers, this tweet from that employee along with other things like all the recent departures from the company speaks volumes about the culture within the company.

This also shows that those within the company really don’t care much for its customers otherwise the tweet would have never existed. Asmongold may have had harsh criticisms for Blizzard however he only represents himself whereas the employee represents the company. Attacking a customer, especially one well known enough to potentially drive traffic to your product/business is not a good look. I doubt that the higher ups within the company will be pleased with his conduct.

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I love putting a prequel meme in my posts and I’m always like “Are they gonna get it? Will they realize? hihihi”


Have to agree it makes Blizzard look very unprofessional. Showing contempt for a paying customer. Not a good look.

A lead trashtalking a player and streamer and ofc replying to the tweet of a “Far left antifascist”. Nice to see Blizzard giving attention to leftwing extremists, But not surprising as there is totally OK to share extreme leftwing views on this forum, Encourage violence and be straight out racist towards white people.


They are better off without him, If I was working at the store and there is a customer that’s a celebrity and every time they buy something from me and spit on my face I would call them out too even if I lost my job.

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That’s literally it? All the dude said? You sound like a snowflake right now mate, if you think that’s “verbally abusive”.

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It makes me sad to see how many people agree with verbal attack on someone just because they have some irrational hate towards attacked person.

I don’t think that anyone should get heavy punishment for words, they both are adults and we all lived throught that kind of situations many times, not a big deal.

But there is no discussion that dev could simply send DM if he want to argue with Asmon.

That only proves how childish you are. Every one of us have to deal with rude customers/coworkers and there are ways to solve that kind of situations without making harm to company and yourself in the process.


A lead of a massive company calling one of their players an Ahole in response to a tweet to “cancel” him by abusing report function in another game without any reason what so ever?


That’s verbally abusive to you? Someone calling someone else an ahole once? Seriously, you peeps are delicate little flowers.

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It’s a pretty big deal really. I think you would be sad if someone said it to you too

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I would not consider it abusive normally no, But in this context it is a representative of a huge company that are doing it towards a player, That is not ok. Especially not ok when you see the kind of person he responds to.


Idk mate, the “aggrieved party” seems to be taking it a lot better than you are.

Doubt it, I don’t think I’d care. Neither does Asmon, according to Asmon.