I did an hour at the blood gate and got 10, but it was really tedious.
Got about 5 from LFR raid bosses as well.
At 27 now.
I’m not going to knock my pan in for them. Will get it this week at some point.
I did an hour at the blood gate and got 10, but it was really tedious.
Got about 5 from LFR raid bosses as well.
At 27 now.
I’m not going to knock my pan in for them. Will get it this week at some point.
Got the set at Bloodgate 40/40 in around around 3hourish. Seems like the best place to grind.
If you do the once every 24 hour method you get more drop in one.
If you do the farm method, it varies and you only get them 1 at a time. We were roughly getting one every 20 mins but sometimes you wait longer in between.
We had two monk statues up at one point, it was glorious and complete carnage.
That hearthstone is really cool. I love the effect.
It’s all good, you went for what you liked and were true to you!
It seems that way, you get a burst of 5 then the odd one every now and then (15 to 20 minutes apart.)
I’ve got 33/40 now
This is not a bad grind, nothing gated in it, same as for the bee mount, you can grind as much as you want, as it should be imo
Did Bloodgate for 4h in a party of five this morning, everyone in party was getting them, all except me that is. I don’t know what’s going on, I’ve been stuck at 25 since yesterday, I bought a mount with a “quest” a quest I wouldn’t have minded If it wasn’t a god awfull grind fest for something I’ve already paid for Blizzard.
well money doesnt entitle you to get everything instantly in a game
Bruh, are you serious? You pay for something that is locked behind a grind. I honestly wouldn’t even mind the quest if it was fun or there was some lore attached to it. This is “we’re rushing out pre-purchases so go and kill hundreds of mobs because we flunked the drop rates accidentally.”
well its you being in a rush thats all. you get those items over time anyway. and probably would have it by normal playing.
I have to agree that it should have been a fun little quest line, not a dull grind with an appalling drop rate.
I wish it would go from bottom to top instead. Having just your head float there at the end would have made it even better. But it’s great already.
Got 13 by clearing ML normal… and I mean clear it all (neutral goblins as well) and 2 up to first boss SOB HC.
I’ll give it a try, doing ogres in Arathi atm last time I did them I got 6 of the first mob but up to now …still at 25 and nothing dropping.
The last 3 days got 5, 5, 6 respectively … dropping in less than 5 minutes of starting …then for the next half hour to an hour get nothing after the initial drop each day… so at this rate I should be done in 5 more days … not in the mood to grind this one so happy to treat it as a daily quest !
TBH after today I think I may just follow suit and do the same …like you yourself I too am just not in the mood to grind anymore.
While I do join the “the grind is rather stupid” the easiest way seems to be to let it happen over the course of ~8 days or something.If you want it fast go to some spot as the blood gate with a group of 5 and simply farm as many mobs as possible. Took me about ~1-2 hours to be done with the quest.
I guess Blizzards idea is to have us naturally progress, but they keep forgetting that we always want everything asap and will do some stupidly boring grind if needed, while hating it xD
Since I’m barely playing my main atm, I also picked up the quest on an alt and am 10/40 now. I’ll probably get there quick once I have time to do all the quests for mogs.
You don’t really need to grind it per se. Just have the quest active and you’ll get drops as you do 8.3 content.
got it! finally!
much nicer on than in pics, I’m impressed
and I just mogged it onto a lvl 7 so bonus there