Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

Hey guys. I wanted to wait until patch day just so I knew for sure updates did not break this solution. They did not… I have written a guide on how I fixed the issue we have all had with DX12 crashing the driver for me and a couple of guildies. We have all had no issues since.

The guide may seem long and bloated but I wanted even BM hunters to be able to understand it and fix their game :joy:.

For those that want a very short TLDR on what it entails. It’s you downloading a file, extracting it, copying some files to your wow directory, forcing battlenet to use dx11 and then suffering with some stutters for about 10 minutes.

As I stress in the guide. The stuttering after this fix went away completely for me after about 2 bosses in LFR. I even posted a clip of my gameplay in the second section of the guide so you can see the performance in raid.

My game does not crash anymore. It runs flawlessly and with the same FPS I had with DX12.

I am aware that I should not have to fix this issue for them but I just want to play game and they seem be useless in helping so…

GLHF all