Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

True, in november. But you’re right, an update would be nice.

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I saw many probs in decade and some didnt even solved not whining once… BUT ARE YOU REAL!!! SOLVE 7900xtx DRIVER TIMEOUT PROBLEM!ééé’!é

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I bought a AMD 7800XT and had the same issue with DX12, but not just in Retail, but classic aswell as a handful of other DX12 titles like Farm Sim 22, Sniper Elite 5 and Hitman 3, the issue disappeared once I switched to DX11, not optimal I know since DX11 runs worse than 12.

I would almost always timeout in the middle of a pull in a raid, Classic WoW (DX12) I had 2 timeouts within 10mins and after having 3 back-to-back driver timeouts in Farm Sim 22 (DX12) I decided to completely DDU my system, when I reinstalled drivers I chose NOT to install AMD Adrenalin Software and since then I have managed to go back to DX12 in all of the affected games I mentioned with 0 issues.

I can’t say for sure this will work for anyone, but since it worked for me I hope it may help someone else having this issue.

Blizzard probably blaming AMD for issues they created them self just like daily system freezes that only happen in this game, and now driver time outs as well.

i sended a bug report to amd and they mailed me that the problem is blizzard. amd made drivers neutral for every game and game develepers have the option to implant software commands that works on amd, nvidia and intel gpu’s. it just feels like blizzard won’t or can’t keep up gpu land

btw the fix I posted above is still working flawlessly (after the inital shader compilation that I used LFR for). A couple of guildies have also starting using my fix they both said it runs like dx12 without the crashes. I intend on writing some kind of actual guide on github or a twitlonger or something

If you manage to write that detailed guide on github about your solution, please share it on this thread aswell.

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16 more days until i never come back again not without a full compensation, Blizzard been ignoring AMD issues since before expansion, truely pathetic they haven’t fixed it yet been having issues since before dragonflight, something they changed made PC freeze up once a day, now its even worse im so tired of it.

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I’ve followed your instructions and have been using DXVK to run wow in vulkan.

It’s only been one day, so this is not definitive, but so far, no crashes or driver timeouts.

It’s a pity we users have to resort to this due to blizzard lack of support of its own game, but at least it seems your fix is working. Thank you!!


I bought an RX 7900 XTX last week and am currently having all these problems.
But I remind myself, it goes straight back, I don’t do sh*t like that to myself.

I installed my rx 6900 xt, which I had actually already promised someone, and everything ran perfectly.


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I also have the exact same issue:

My system specs -

7900xtx red devil
7950x3d cpu
64gb ram

My system runs other games perfectly. However in wow classic (sod) I start getting weird graphical issues like flickering, water disappearing and then a driver timeout/crash.

The PC hangs for about 10 seconds with black screens and then it comes back to life. Always happens at the most inconvenient time, pvp!

This needs fixing asap


Anyone with the problem here should also write to the AMD contact, they have to see how many people it affects in total, it can’t be that the error remains there for so long.

everyone hasn’t done it yet…

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AMD is just as ignorant as Blizzard

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I am also having this issue since 10.2.

The DX 12 option is also gone now. Just realized that it doesn’t show up in options anymore. They “fixed” it for good lol

16.01.2024…whats with the issue?

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Its funny game has been broken for since before expansion came out with lot of crashing system freezes reported also by others, and now my sub expires more and more issues arise and they think i just keep playing and re subing without any form of compensation.
This expansion + 1 year sub is the biggest scam yet, if Blizzard gonna stay silent about it, i stay silent and not come back ever again.

That is not a fix that is a downgrade.
edit: its likely cos you have dxvk as dxvk does not support dx12


Im part of the AMD beta program, and I’ve reported the issue multiple times, but ask for more information. I’m not sure what more I could provide, following the standard reporting criteria. Both and useless, cba

I’ve reported this too to AMD, but who knows what they will do. Probably nothing until another big corporation aka Blizzard / Microsoft tells them to actually work on the issue.

Until then, probably we need to live with it, which sucks.

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Hey guys. I wanted to wait until patch day just so I knew for sure updates did not break this solution. They did not… I have written a guide on how I fixed the issue we have all had with DX12 crashing the driver for me and a couple of guildies. We have all had no issues since.

The guide may seem long and bloated but I wanted even BM hunters to be able to understand it and fix their game :joy:.

For those that want a very short TLDR on what it entails. It’s you downloading a file, extracting it, copying some files to your wow directory, forcing battlenet to use dx11 and then suffering with some stutters for about 10 minutes.

As I stress in the guide. The stuttering after this fix went away completely for me after about 2 bosses in LFR. I even posted a clip of my gameplay in the second section of the guide so you can see the performance in raid.

My game does not crash anymore. It runs flawlessly and with the same FPS I had with DX12.

I am aware that I should not have to fix this issue for them but I just want to play game and they seem be useless in helping so…

GLHF all


Game has always been stable on linux it also uses dxvk, time for Blizzard to wake up and fix the game on Windows and compensate those affected, im not re subing until compensated, a simple but its a AMD driver issue wont change my mind.