Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

I tried this an still get crashes and i have a rx7900xtx and a ryzen 7 7800x3d.
( sry for my bad englis)

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Im not buying an NVIDIA card until they cut the crap with 16 pin and their BS low safety margins, even an electrical engineer knows its BS

As for everyone reporting bug do it daily do it every time you crash, nag as much you want in bug report let them know you hate these crashes, its beyond stupid they are tone deaf at AMD

Still crashing its been several months without a fix for this cmon. GPU: 7900xtx


Tip for Blizzard.
NVIDIA shaders do not work on AMD gpu’s.
The same aplies to AMD shaders not working on NVIDIA gpu’s

I used to have this bug in shadowlands which was main reason i switched AMD

The solution was to clear shader cache every time on startup or use dx11
This is also still an issue

Let me also speak from experience that in sons of the forest devs contacted me to figure out what caused gpu driver time outs in specific area with rivers, it ended up being water shader cos when it unloaded there was no driver timeout, when it was loaded it it took usually less then 2 minutes to get driver time out, the devs made the low quality water setting fix this eventually fixing it even on max quality preset.

So specific shaders that have issues are capable of crashing gpu driver or cause all kind of issues.

To say this is just an AMD issue is just stuborn and inaccurate the only thing AMD can do is block the specific shader that causes the issue, and the game having long startup may even be the result of that.

Anyway here is what i want.

Blizzard just contact AMD and work with them, they are more then capable of figuring this out together with dev team.

For what i want from AMD bassicly want them to do the same.

I also want compensation for the game having not been playable state at all since before dragonflight launch the game has caused the video scheduler to freeze or have driver time outs, which is probably the result of it using bad shaders, its kind of funny that the days i had the least crashes where when i cleared cache and shader cache

or to play in linux that uses dxvk that completly handles shaders differently without causing driver timeouts, well atleast it used to i cant confirm if that is still the case.

Everyone here can easily fact check me

Anyway when i said i am done, i mean it, i am litterally done im not gonna assist Blizzard in figuring this out or to even help them debug it, your on your own until you compensate me fully

What a joke this is.

If not forgotten about locking my thread blaming it just to be an AMD driver issue its not.

Stop forcing NVIDIA shaders down AMD throat it does not work, it will not work and it will never work.

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Hey Eyati,

This is not the issue we’re having on this thread (at least by checking the video you posted)

The current issue is that video driver completely crashes the game, screen goes black for 10-15 seconds (or completely crashes your PC) and then recovers after that automatically.

It is followed by the below event in the Application logs or Reliability center logs:

A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 141
Parameter 1: ffff9f8397b47460
Parameter 2: fffff80071054f60
Parameter 3: 0
Parameter 4: 4d9c
OS version: 10_0_19045
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1
OS Version: 10.0.19045.
Locale ID: 1033

Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: LKD_0x141_Tdr:6_IMAGE_amdkmdag.sys-SCH

TY for posting your info but it’s not the same problem we’re having.

Shaders causing driver time outs is very related

The point is that there is a general issue with WoW and AMD GPUs and the only solution right now is Blizzard working together with AMD to find the problem and fix it. People have posted a lot of information so far. More logs wont help further. We just need Blizzard to care enough for us the minority that uses AMD hardware.

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He gets it when i reported freezes many other users reported them to, Blizzard just played it off as a driver issue not doing anything, and they will do nothing again why fix when you can force AMD to fix their own crap.
Heck this is not the only game having issues, try playing Elden ring in fullscreen exclusive

Or dying light 2 first blood questline you get greeted by a rgb laser show on a 7900 XTX that is 100% reproduceable, you think AMD cares about this an issue that has existed since release of rdna3 ?

But Blizzard is wrong to treat this as just another driver issue, they are losing money cos i am not re subbing after this crap, they should’ve contacted AMD as they use their tech like FSR 1.0

And no i am not buying an NVIDIA card just to play this game and even if so NVIDIA has their own issues in this game with directx12 as well that comes back every expansion release.

AMD clearly trying to force new standards that no developer follows, my entire world of warcraft experience has been hell since 22.5.2

guess what changed since 22.5.2

dont let this get buried

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They will just lock it again for being AMD driver issue, while AMD will shovel it under a rug as well.
I really hate this, world of warcraft was always 100% stable for me.

What is abselutly ridicilous is the amount of testing if done on my rig gpu cpu and memory and never found issue even today.

The easiest solution would be to find out that my ram is not stable and then fixing it resolving issues, unfortunatly its not that simple im completely at the mercy of Blizzard and AMD even Microsoft.

Different AMD gpu’s will also react differently while some may get driver timeouts some users get freezes, but hey least AMD is aware that there is a long loading time now while ignoring anything else :frowning:

Keep getting the same issue, with an RX 7800XT. Whatever class I play, be it mage, dh, paladin, it’s impossible for to me play any instanced section - be it battleground, dungeon or raid - they always cause the game to timeout.

Curious thing is that open world is perfectly fine. The moment I start playing some instanced content, there are certain triggers like some animations, or moments assets need to be loaded, when the timeout happens.

Quite sad I have a 12month subscription I already payed for. I would have really liked to unsub and move to something else, at least for some time.

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At launch rdna3 had many freesync issues i wonder if these crashes stop when disabling freesync, i cant test but even if i could i probably lost all motivation to play this broken game, any kind of troubleshooting is a waste of time cos the issue is mainly with the game.

I’ve been trying just about anything, including all the subjects mentioned in the topic (dx11, using VULKAN dx etc.) but nothing has helped more than a day or a few hours.

HOWEVER ! I installed the new beta driver linked earlier in this post, and i’ve had zero crashes, artifacts or driver timeouts ever since. Have been going strong for 4 days now. Hope it might help other people.

Remember to do a DDU uninstall (Google it) and when you first boot up wow again it has to rebuild the shader cache. It takes quite a while, and it will look like its crashing - just chill, and give it time. Might take up to 5-10 minutes but its only the first time.

By “new” you mean the 22.5.2 driver? Because that’s old… a year and a half old. But if it works, who cares, I’ll install it.

Not sure how to switch to Vulkan, but what I did yesterday, was to switch to DX11 Legacy, and it’s been about 10H of playtime, dungeons and raids in which I haven’t had any crashes.

Will keep an eye on this, since it’s not ideal, and would want to use DX12.

There’s no Vulkan in WoW :slight_smile:

There is Vulkan in WoW but you need to add it manually using a guide someone shared.


70 Night Elf Priest

Dec '23

I don’t want to get everyones hopes up. But I think I may have actually found a workaround until blizz/AMD pull their fingers out and fix this. This is a semi guide so if you want to try this for yourself and post in this thread if it works then you are free to do so. This is a long one.

As I said in an earlier comment, I have been playing the game under linux recently where it was 100% stable and performant using vkd3d. This translates directx 12 calls to vulkan. I have had a lot of luck with it but of course that was on Linux so it was not helpful to people that cannot/will not run Linux.

Earlier I saw on a US WoW forum thread that someone was capping their GPU core clock to like 1700mhz with a 7900XTX. I tried it with my 7900XT and queued for LFR to test it. Crashed 30 seconds into the first boss we did (volcoross). So I thought I would just try one last thing before booting back into Linux.

There is a Github user called doitsujin that owns the repository for DXVK, googling DXVK should have it as the first result (DXVK is essentially vkd3d for DX11). Went to releases and downloaded “dxvk-2.3.tar.gz”. Then opened it in 7zip, inside that is another file called “dxvk-1.10.3.tar”, double click that and then extract the folder inside to my downloads folder. Open the extracted folder and open the x64 folder. Inside that is a bunch of .dll files. You are looking for “d3d11.dll” and “dxgi.dll”.

I would recommend exiting bnet completely in case it tries to autoupdate while you are doing this. Make a backup of your World of warcraft folder because if you screw it up you could break it (though a scan/repair in bnet should fix that regardless… back up anyway).

Drag both the .dll files I mentioned into C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_. If it says about replacing files that already exist just do it and if your WoW is located somewhere else or on another drive, just go there and find the “retail” folder.

Now open bnet again. Click the cog next to the play button and hit game settings, tick additional command line arguments and type “-d3d11” as you may already know from the DX12 bug that started happening in 10.2, this forces the game to only use DX11 (which we have modified to actually be vulkan). We do this command as the game might try and use DX12 instead.

Now boot the game. If you have MSI afterburner/Rivatuner installed you can use the overlay to confirm its vulkan and not DX11 (MSI afterburner settings, monitoring, then add “framerate” to OSD) but if not, when you load up it should be a stuttery mess (like unplayable). I believe this initial stuttering is it building a shader cache - this also happened on nearly all games on Linux before vkd3d was a thing and we were all using DXVK. It will be stuttery for about 5-10 minutes in my experience but after that it was smooth as balls. I recommend just standing at the top of valdrakken and queuing for all LFR wings, just playing through the bosses until it stops stuttering. This stuttering only happens after you first boot the game and does not happen on subsequent startups in my experience. Although DX11 usually runs like garbage on this game, translated to vulkan (again… in my experience) yields the same performance as DX12 natively

I have been playing like this a lot today and I have had no issues past the initial stutter. My symptoms were worse than a lot of people where I would crash multiple times in one boss or in one key. On mythic council I actually have a stream clip of me saying “lets just try DX12 and see what happens” and literally 4 seconds after I say that and change it, the driver crashes.

If your game updates this may break it. Confirm first that it actually has broken it (it should run like old dx11 again, so poorly). If it is broken just repeat the earlier process by dragging and dropping those .dll files into your retail folder. This should work on classic too but I have not tried it so your mileage may vary.

I am running on Windows 11, Intel i5 13600k, 7900xt running on the latest AMD drivers. Good luck all.

TLDR: try DXVK and use the d3d11 flag in bnet

Also, @Blizzard, please fix this!

I think they were being sarcastic :rofl: :crazy_face:

Still using 22.5.1.

I have tried everything else but it only kept giving me problems, if not in wow then with video players and hardware acceleration in browsers. This one works just fine but conveniently I don’t play anything else so I didn’t experience any trouble.

You may have to block specific windows updates because they’ll overwrite to a new generic graphical driver. You can only do this manually and isn’t usually accessible through the default Windows UI. If you don’t do this, wow will keep nagging you that you have outdated drivers each time you start the game.

Windows will attempt to update at a completely random time and you’ll notice this because your screen will go black for some time without initiating anything. Immediately after this happens you’ll again notice the problems.

There is no official Vulkan API support WoW.
It literally says in the guide you linked “I have been playing the game under linux recently where it was 100% stable and performant using vkd3d. This translates directx 12 calls to vulkan.”.