Video driver crash in World of Warcraft with AMD video cards (7900 XTX) on DirectX 12

I found a fix (at least its working for me so far on Win11).
Multi-Plane Overlay (MPO - Windows feature) causes freezing/flickering/stuttering/driver crash.
I am not sure why its affecting only some and not everybody but you guys can do your own research.

To disable download this reg from Nvidia (it works for AMD cards too, its a windows bug):
nvidia.custhelp. com/ci/fattach/get/824301808/0/filename/mpo_disable.reg

or edit with regedit yourself:

  • reboot your computer after

You can also try this tool with multiple fixes:
github. com/RedDot-3ND7355/MPO-GPU-FIX

What else I did (Nvidia only) was to give full permissions to the SYSTEM user to nvlddmkm.sys in system32.

Let me know if it fixed for you. Good luck.

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If you have dualscreen setup MPO is disabled already.

Still blackscreen randomly. 7900xtx, 7800x3d CPU. Had that problem since DF.

blackscreen followed by driver timeout disable MPO can help, it does not help if it times out then blackscreens, the later one is really annoying if you have dualscreen setup, having a 144hz + 60hz screen can be problematic from my understanding, i just cannot tell from experience if this is indeed a problem.

I can still recommend trying to disable MPO but i am just saying, if the timeout happens first chances are it wont do anything.

I know windows 11 has a driver problem it should be fix in 24H2

I thought so to but then i switched to Windows 10 and had same problems, 24h2 may have some wow issues i cannot test because 24h2 is blocked off for me for some reason.

I honestly recommend staying on 23H2, but if you gonna test make sure you can rollback within 2 weeks, after that it is no longer possible.

Insiders is also in a beta state, i do not recommend this for daily use.

FYI this does not fix the freezing for me. unless changing the ingame setting to dx11 isnt enough. still freeze every 4 hours of playing. and its only wow. AMD card btw. and its wow, not my pc.

cool bro, dont see what that has to do with this?

Yeah bro, how much longer till you have news for us? We’re nearing an entire year.

Reminder to myself to not buy anything AMD related on my next PC

I feel for you guys having this problem. It gotta suck big time hopefully they fix it soon

BTW I have Nvidia and intel and still have problems with WoW taking up all my memory and lags my whole PC sometimes

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AMD CPUs are great and Intel f… up with their 13/14gen… so not really a choice there.
GPU wise… well… i always tell people to get a Nvidia card if WoW is their main game but some won’t listen because they want to save a few €.

The trouble and for me personally (because u know it might sound crazy but i play other games too :slight_smile: ) also the lack of DLSS and bad raytracing performance is not worth it to me.
So choose wisely :smiley:

The last time i had a problem with WoW was in Shadowlands with the flickering shadows.

Wednesday maintenance has introduced a weird mini freeze. The display will “pause” for a couple of seconds as if the game is crashing, but the edges of screen won’t gray out as is usual for when a critical error is about to happen.

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Guys, you really need to do steps I wrote before.
If you still have sometimes crash, mainly cache hierarchy error (seen in system log), try to raise DRAM voltage about 0,05V.

At least this seriously get rid of all problems on AMD platform what I had with crashing in mainly DX12 games. This is not only WOW related…

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This has nothing to do with that, Also, I already did this. Didn’t solve the problem.

AMD driver fault in one game (World of Warcraft), a very much more CPU single core and latency based game wouldn’t be crashing if your memory is unstable in that situation it would yield a thread exception error and send you to desktop or just send you to desktop with no error.

Also you missed the fact that here in this forum and this issue is related to those who have flawless gaming with ONLY WoW crashing on AMD GPU Hardware in Win11/win10. All other games for all here work flawlessly. This issue doesn’t exist in Linux. I have been gaming WoW in linux for the last 4 months flawlessly.

I’m currently testing this with the latest AFMF2 driver now with Optional GPU Features off. I saw this was fixing different kinds of issues for people getting other crashes and cross referenced it mentally to decide that it’s worth testing as it may very well be a shader issue. Turning Optional Gpu Features off will disable Anisotropic filtering and if this is a shader problem and this holds up stable people should look towards this.

I have tried everything at this point

Disable MPO
Disable HAGS
Linux - Only thing that works
Increase ram voltage
Turn off EXPO
Disabled Game mode
Reinstalled Windows
Yeah we done all that… No one is trying optional GPU settings disabled. So far I have not crashed with this now.

Currently I may have fixed it by turning off


Make sure you thoroughly test this man, I tried this it didn’t work for me, but i went a long time before a crash after disabling MPO. Also, MPO is NOT disabled automatically with multi monitor setup. I have 4 monitors and it has flickering effects while alt tabbed after i disable it so it DOES work for multi mon.

Get on Linux, the more people who have this issue in windows who can game stable in linux with a base to play without crashing while trying to debug it with a multi boot setup we have the faster this issue going to get solved.

We KNOW it works flawlessly.

We KNOW that the mesa drivers in linux have a very bare stripped down existence compared to that of a full install win win10/11

We know that some people fixed this by running 24.5.1 with a lite install meaning no VSR options no bloat in the software for the driver suite. We know that 24.8.1 and both have this issue. I’m currently testing something not tested yet in Win11 that is optional gpu features disabled on the latest AFMF2 driver.

If the game crashes on full installs of these drivers in windows, and linux forces a lite version in essence while some have solved this with a lite install in windows. World of warcraft has a bug with something driver level. That is what we know.


seems like the issue got fixed for me last wow patch, proving once and for all its a WoW issue. not an AMD issue. it saddens me blizzard dont take this issue more serious.

rx 6700xt

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So… uhm, why the heck have we had zero communication since Nov’ 23? Does Blizzard just give no shoots about its users on AMD hardware? Hello? Is anyone there? Can we play the game or are we too poor for you to bother?

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Hi, you look are worthy to help (other were crying manchildren, so I was fu…)

Did you turn off GameBarPresenceWriter.exe ? Search “how to disable GameBarPresenceWriter.exe in registry”, it should be this Windows.Gaming.GameBar.PresenceServer.Internal.PresenceWriter.

Did you turn off all AMD things from services/start up/Task scheduler ? YES, the AMD softwares are in 3 different places where they start up with Windows, and you don’t any of them to game or anything.

I honestly still want big compensation for missing out an entire expansion i mean Dragonflight, for everyone not just me.

But fps is awful GPU is not even utilized at all even at 4k ultrawide with RT on, alto i prefer 100% stability and less fps over what i had when game was in horrible state.

Anyway abselutly depressed right now, i have no friends from during shadowlands anymore, the expansion i actually enjoyed.

I enjoy The War Within without crashes now, but 2 years to get something fixed unacceptable…

Shame on Blizzard for ignoring it so long, Radeon Driver team to even if not their responsibility or their full responsibility, they least have the responsibility to cooperate and communicate with us and Blizzard to make sure things run fine.

I randomly get conversations in my head and thoughts that i should just be having here, or with friends etc, instead their in my head, and i have been having this my whole life so far, it must be catching up to me now i am feeling more ignored then ever.

Started seeing small flickering around dornogal and starter area but it stops, i am on the black myth wukong preview driver currently, Radeon driver team has never been doing so many preview drivers as of now, they seem more cautious now with their driver updates, wonder if Radeon Driver team is also working with Microsoft there is a deadlock issue with every single Blizzard game like wow diablo 4 diablo 3 etc but no problems anymore over here with stability.
I am almost at 500 hours of having not single graphic reset in game or driver timeout etc, but performance is awful but i prefer stability.

Also AFMF no longer works i would love to see Blizzard add FSR the latest FSR3 version, but make it work perfectly without issue, do not add it and introduce new stability issues.