Void elf Customization are revealed!

I guess, but a ‘void’ elf is not really what I want anyway. It’s just being able to play ‘sort of a blood elf’ on the alliance side that appeals to me. :see_no_evil:

Blizzard gives you one of the coolest races in the game and yet you…
I’m cool. I’m cool

Then dont be interested and keep your races you have right now because it wont happen , enough is enough , blood elves barely have any specific customisation at this point already compared to void elves. I did read what you said at the top of this thread and no one cares about the jewellery or the earrings , that is just an excuse you’re using to somehow “prove” your point , but its wrong.

You know the ironic thing here? High Elves, (or rather Void Elves wanting to look like High Elves) would indeed have green and gold eyes just the same as Blood Elves. Proximity to Fel energy does not -care- whether you call yourself a Blood Elf or High Elf (Blizz did confirm lorewise that people like the Allerian Expedition, whilst being High Elves, have fel-green eyes) and I’m pretty sure Piety in the Light is Piety in the Light whether you fight for Team Blue or Team Red. Also, if you were a Blood Elf who lived in Dalaran why the heck would you not have blue eyes…

Yeah, I found like, one option with the new Blood Elf stuff that I like, not for this guy, but my Warlock, she’s supposed to be very much the ‘Tomboy’ so I like the new female short hair options.

To be honest, the Blood Elf options are a bit…lacklustre, but then I suppose it is hard to improve upon perfection :stuck_out_tongue:

Why? Because you said so?
Sorry to disappoint you, but you don’t have any say in it. :blush:

Blatant untruth. They have loads. Your personal bias is clear and you’re letting it influence ‘reality’.

I’m sorry; no u.


Then feel free to tell me what specific customisation blood elves have left that void elves doesnt/wont have , i’m all ears.

  • Certain eye colors.
  • Loads of hairstyles
  • Loads of haircolors
  • Ear sizes
  • Certain facial hair options
  • Necklaces
  • Loads of earrings
  • Bracelets and the like

But now I’m sure you’ll reply that all of that doesn’t count… :man_shrugging:

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Yes they do.

Blood elves can choose between Green, yellow, Blue, and blind eyes.

Void elves can only choose between Blue, Purple, and white eyes. So the high elf and Void elf ones.

Blood elves Can choose Ear length.

Blood elves Can choose Demon Hunter, which comes with its customization.

They can be Paladins.

Blood elves Can choose many hairstyles, even new ones. Void elves for the majority part have unique hairstyles different than the blood elves, most do which have tentacles and some without. Compare the two, Blood elves have more. So that’s ok.

Blood elves have more Jewelry, necklaces, and earrings.

Blood elves have natural hair colors, while Void elves have more of a Purple/blue/ and one grey colors.

Then there is different racials. Which remind me, Void elves turn super voidy when in combat. Blood elves don’t change when combating unless your a Shadow priest.

Different capital cities

Different voice emotes. Void elf emotes sound British, while Blood elves emotes sound American.

Heritage armor is different.

All of these stuff make them Different enough, that’s why I’m going to make a few Blood elf toons. Because there are things not available to the Void elves. But I guess people fail to realize that only skin color alone is borrowed, nothing else.

Again, I’m going to use a quote someone used in these forums.

“people should be more vocal on what they want for the race they like, and not on what they don’t want for other races.”

I’m 100% sure blood elves are not done. They will add more customization to them. We still in beta and they are focusing on core races. But instead of complaining here, I would rather make a thread and list what What you would like to see added towards the blood elves.

  • Doesnt matter
  • Ok ? If you give them to void elves its not in that list anymore.
  • Same as above
  • Unimportant
  • Really minor once again
  • No one cares.
  • No one cares , on most characters you cant see it because of the hair.
  • No one cares.

You’re welcome

If you would like to suggest what can be added for the Blood elves in Shadowlands, please comment here

Feedback on Blood elf customization - #2 by Rasha-saurfang

And please keep the topic relevant To the Void elves. This isn’t about the Blood elves.

Well I’m replying to you on the subject this is about , void elves are already getting more than they should with SL , thus nothing else should be added to them that is related to blood elves. As I said earlier , enough is enough. You people will never be happy with anything you get , its always more and more and more until you have what you want , well bad news , that’s not how it works. You want to play a blood elf , you play horde.

I agree with you. I don’t think anything else should be added other than what is shown. If someone suggest it, that’s their own opinion. I’m personally happy with the current customization we got. I’m going to make a normal skinned elf with dark blue hair. Can we stop the arguments now?

This thread lost its original meaning. I mainly made it to show my excitement for the new customization the Void elves got. Instead it turned ugly very fast.

It turned ugly because people keep asking for more and more , that’s what happens every single time.

It’s normal for people to ask more when it comes to any race. People are never satisfied, or they think that something is missing.

I’m personally satisfied with the current customization. If not getting any new hair colors means it will make blood elves more unique, then I don’t want any new hair colors. I was never a fan of the blonde hair anyway (my hair in real life is black).

I’m all for void elves getting more options , dont take me wrong , but what people are asking for in this thread is the blood elf’s hairs and colors , and that shouldnt be the case. Give them new stuff instead.

Agreed. 10 Chars

They are getting non-tentacle versions of their current hairstyles.

As a Blood Elf fanatic, I do think void elves should get at least 2 of the blood elves’ options (1 male and 1 female) to compliment the new skin tones.

Vereesa’s hair style and hair colour.


This guy’s hair style and hair colour.
Bright blonde and gray should be opened up as they are the most common for the high elves’ distinctive look.

Where is the evidence for this? Has this been confirmed, because as far as the WoWhead dressing room, void-tentacles are still a thing - even with the High Elf skin.

Void Elves can also choose to play Night Elves for basically superior EVERYTHING. Horde has no such option as Nightborne have only like 3-5 customization options in every category so they remain the worst race in WoW, customization-wise.

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They are lacking, but I’m sure more stuff will be added for them. They said they will focus on the Allied races after the core ones are done, but who knows it could be earlier.

I have a Nightborne so I know what you mean. They are lacking. They just have 3 skin tones which is silly