Void elf Customization are revealed!

The bulk of what?
The Mag’har that survived Yrel’s attrocities? Yeah… a handful. :blush:

Not really. Void elves hardly have lore.
And we already know that blizzard changes lore at a whim. See: Blood elves, if you want a good example.


Not 60-80%

That is incorrect, since you seem to believe Blood Elves and High Elves are the same thing, when they aren’t.

Nope! Less than 90% of Quel’Thalas surviving population became Blood Elves. The number does not include any other High Elves, nor does it include the substantial death toll since joining the Horde.

Read the sources instead of parroting false information.

What makes them different?

they absolutely are the same thing,

Biologically speaking, yes.
Culturally speaking, not even close.

What, culturally, makes them different?

I really wish blizzard would release a statement clearing this clusterf**k up

some people seem to think they become aliens by renaming themselves

Not distancing themselves from the alliance for starters!

High Elves did that for their entire lifetime.

Only a handful did not.

What makes them different?

High Elves have forever been xenophobic and not really caring much about the Alliance as a general rule.

Wut? Start making sense.

Maybe you’re thinking of night elves? :face_with_monocle:

You’re just making stuff up now :rofl:

What makes a Jordanian different from an Egyptian? A Libyan? A Saudi?

Are you saying their separate identities don’t exist?

That’s a wee bit racist, isn’t it?

you’re just being nonsensical - and projecting some real world example onto a fantasy story where it doesn’t fit in the slightest

you need to refresh your high elf lore knowledge I think

starting with their king

Honestly… I’m SO glad I transferred to Alliance. This childish behavior of crying “Alliance bias” for everything and actually suggesting that some customization needs to be removed Because they don’t like it, is just pure childish behavior.

These new customization make me Very very happy. And it makes other people happy too. We still have the voidy hair Colors so we haven’t lost our identity. No natural hair colors at All!!! So I’m very happy about it. At the end of the day it’s coming for Shadowlands whether you like it or not, and I’m just ending it at that.

High Elves and Blood Elves have different identities. It’s racist to assert otherwise.

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They even killed each other in Dalaran and Mist of Pandaria. But good luck explaining it to them. :rofl: I would ignore them completely.

Not at all.

The High Elves have always only had a alliance of convenience with the human kingdoms.

It started with the troll wars when they needed help against the trolls. The general distaste for the Alliance showed in the form of Anasterian refusing to provide actual help in the war against the Horde… of course, until the Horde reached Quel’thalas.

As a general rule the High Elven population diassociated themselves from the Alliance, with a few (Including Kael’thas Sunstrider) actually being kinda warm towards the Alliance, with the added risk of looking untrustworthy to the rest of the High Elven population.

What makes a danish zealander seperate from a danish jutlander, more likely.

Well, it is not that close, atleast we have very different dialects.

High Elves and Blood Elves don’t even have that.

High Elves killed Blood Elves.
The Blood Elves did their best not to kill their own kin.
For that single reason, because the High Elves are their own kin.
But blood was spilled, of course, out of necessity.