Void Elf Paladins & Nightborne Druids

Stop asking for more classes for elvish races please. Thank you

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Stop telling other players what they can ask for, please. Thank you.


I think Blizzard has commited an error by even saying this.

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Saying what? Sorry I’m lost :upside_down_face:

Of all the desired class race comboes… They went face first with the most comical meme one for this one.

All bets are off… Everybody is losing their minds. Its a battle royal free for all boogalo for Class race combos now. This is the world of warcraft that we play.

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I’m so tired of hearing about elves elves elves elves elves.

Give the other races some stuff, first.

Undead and Gnome Paladin.


Well that’s cause most of us love elves! :smiley:

But sure, more stuff for other races as well :+1:t3:

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That doesn’t mean that 90% of the game needs to be elves.

We already have Void elves, Night elves, Blood elves, Surumar Elves and in Dragonflight we’re essentially getting another elf race, or at least the male version.

Ya’ll’re too greedy at this point.


What stops you from making a thread and asking for what you want?

You know what’s funny? The other races are so much less popular than the elves, that the ones asking for stuff for other races, are elves. Process that for a sec

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I did. The elf crowd is just a louder minority.

Any numbers to back that up with or is that just… some random thing you decided to make up?

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I can’t see why most class / race combos cannot work unless there is an inherent lore reason it can’t.

Dark Paladins can be a thing for Void Elves and Undead, they would need to have new mounts and visuals for the class of course. But isn’t that basically a Death Knight? Just sounds like a new flavour on an exisiting class.

Dark Rangers would also work.

Holy version of the Shadow Priest would be awesome?

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YES a thousand times yes! Disc priest pure DPS spec?

This is what I’ve seen from people making those threads requesting things, or people commenting. Those are often just…blood elves or void elves. Here’s one example from a most recent request:

I can’t just go find everything I’ve seen being requested from blood and void elves before as majority is in the form of commentary.

Doesn’t matter. 99% of the playerbase doesn’t even use the forums so to say that “anyone who ever asks for anything is always one of the elves” is just wrong.

Elves are the most popular races among players. We are a majority in terms of statistics.

Yes but that doesn’t automatically mean that “most of the people asking for stuff are elves.”

I wouldn’t say so. Death Knights don’t use void magic, as far I am aware.

We’re talking about void elves here, not undead beings. A paladin equivalent for them would be something like a Void Knight. They’d be a bearer of heavy armor and weapons but using void magic instead of light magic.

Unfortunately, I think we’re gonna have to look far for a new melee class that is plate. I believe Ion said something about that they won’t be doing any more melee classes, when they were introducing Dracthyr and Evoker to us during the xpac revelation.


Sure, sure, add them. Noone cares about the alliance anyway.

Uhh, Nightborne are a Horde race, sir and/or ma’am ?

It’s still an alliance race tbh, instant ignore/ kick if you play that sheet

no thank you.