Void elf reasons

Hello there.
Lets about elephant on the room that are void elves. Why are they loyal to Alliance if loyal at all?
All I know are belf that get kicked from Horde for diping in void, do they joined Alliance. And get akcepted because faction needed all help they could get.
But what void elves really think od Alliance and why should they stay loyal?
Are they here just out of convinence and turn their backs on whim?
I really like void elves, so much more happy to get them instead lame high elves :stuck_out_tongue:
But I’m note shure how should I roleplay them.


They’re loyal to Alleria, who’s with the Alliance. That’s it, at its baseline. Supposedly they’re also still loyal to Silvermoon, but in practice they’ll murder Blood Elves whenever it strikes their fancy.

That’s what I’m not getting. Why they murder belfs?

So long as Silvermoon stands with the Horde, there will always be those who mistrust us.

But the Alliance is where our people belong. I am more certain of that now than ever before.

Stay the course, [player]. Show our comrades in the Alliance that we fight for the same cause.

One day the Horde’s grip on our land will be broken, and the children of Quel’Thalas will stand united once more.

I know it.


My followers and I felt no loyalty to the Horde. When Grand Magister Rommath forbade our Void research, we did not hesitate to break away and follow our own path.


We do not stand with the Alliance out of convenience. Nor is it a mere gesture of thanks to Alleria.

Our ordeal has taught us the importance of great powers being in the right hands. We could not allow the Horde to know the things we know, or to use as a weapon in their schemes.

We fight for the Alliance because we believe in its values. And one day, I pray we will bring all of Silvermoon back into the fold.

All from Umbric.

They murder their fellow Belves because those are loyal to the Horde and asking them nicely to stop probably hasn’t yielded great results.


Because blizzard wanted alliance to have blood elves.

Lore wise the horde would have fit them much better, the void elves reaching deep into the void (as opposed to alliance being holy, churches, bishops etc), using their strength of mind to control the whispers and use the void as their weapon.

Same as trolls and undead used shadow magic, orcs using fel magic, so on.

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Umbric pretends to be a communist fighting for the working class but actually licks the boot of an inept monarchy so really that tells you all you need to know about him.


By any and all means he should be against a priest ruler but whatever, right?

As far as I understand they didn’t want to share their secrets with Horde because they could use it to another genocide…
That’s only part that kinda make sense.
Still why they now hate their ex-comrades?

That’s really a made up reason though isn’t it? The first shadowpriests were horde, trolls and undead, they heard the whispers long before the alliance did.

They kill blood elves because faction restrictions, otherwise I doubt they’d be merely interested in confronting one another.

In game explanation is the void elves being banned from Silvermoon because of how void can corrupt the Well and allow powerful void beings to enter our realm, so void elves are now “me kill blood elves” and blood elves are like “void is danger”, kill.

Which is silly, blood elves are fighting alongside shadowpriests on all fronts.


Void Elves generally don’t seem to really hate Blood Elves, so much as regard them as either narrow-minded or misguided. Umbric mentions wanting to one day unify the two peoples once again, so it doesn’t strike me as a personal grudge so much as circumstance of the Fourth War.

Seems like very good reson.
They were scientists, not grinning evildoers.
They tried to use void as a tool just like they use light and any other form of energy.
Just like belf paladins only exploit light like a tool without faith to faight for justice, good etc.
Void elves seems to be their mirror opposite.
I find that interesting.

Honestly I just got sick of corpses knocking on my door every day talking about “our lady and saviour the Banshee Queen”.

Don’t got much else to add to the above as the actual reasons have already been stated, only that every Void Elf has their personal reason as well which might vary wildly from the canon lore… Makes a character interesting.


Unfortunately, the ‘grinning evildoers’ part of them applies when they gleefully throw people into the void.


No idea what you’re talking about :eyes:

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War over tho. Yet still killing belfs like any other Alliance member.
Devs need to bring out some new reson for velfs to faight.
Just like they did with belfs.

Mind, this was mostly a Blood Knight thing (assuming I’m not misinterpreting or misremembering Aerilen’s words), whereas priests and presumably the populace in general remained faithful. Also, with the restoration of the Sunwell, Blood Knights, too, have moved back towards faith in the Light.

They’ll have to go to the back of the queue for that.

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Hi! From Umbric’s lines in the game, they just seem to think the Alliance better than the Horde. They’re loyal to the Alliance, and to Alleria, but he’s said they hope to bring Silvermoon into the fold one day, too. So, yeah, they actually want to be in the Alliance, it’s not just convenience, going by the things said in-game!

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Damn Alliance imperialism. :triumph:


Natalie Seline was the first Human Shadowpriest, though, before the Forsaken were even a thing.

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Nearly forgot to respond to that part. Well, I can’t give you something set in stone, but there’s a guide that might be a bit helpful for you, at least.