Void Elves are not Emo / Goth elves

Ok, let me clear some things out. Just because they have been partially altered by Void does not mean that Void elves should constantly look like emo / goth kids. And it certainly does not mean they should only be entitled to black and blue hair.

It is different to be a goth / emo fan and wish for your Void elf to look that way, and it’s different to say that Void Elves ARE goth / emo. By all means, cosplay with your Void elf in your favorite goth theme, but don’t oppose or sabotage others who want light hair colors for variety.

Void Elves did not choose to have their hair color altered, it was an accident that occurred when they meddled with Void experiments. This does not equate that they should only have access to blue, black and purple hair tones, void corruption can be portrayed in other ways as well, such as through markings, starcursed void highlights and Starcursed / N’zoth style eyes. Making their hair color and skin color the only void aspect distinguishing them from Blood elves is plain lazy and does not serve variety, or the playerbase.

We are not goth / emo kids. We are Void Elves. I do not want to be categorized as goth /emo because I like Void Elves. I am not a fan of purple hair. That does not mean that I dislike Void Elves. I like alot of things about them but most of the hair colors have now become boring and appaling for me because they do not match the new skin tones we got and most look identical to each other, like the grey-blues and the other 3 blues we got.


You literally look like an emo goth elf though. Plus your name in thalassian is Ren’dorei.


Reading this made me so sad :sob:


Its not a phase Mom!!!


Void elves are just recolored blood elves.

Like it’s pathetic how obvious it is, so they had to keep it kinda different by limiting the hair colors


Uhm I haven’t logged in-game on this character in a long time. When most of the options you have are blue and purple you will often try to find ways to make do with that

Better then looking like a steak that got left in the back of the freezer a few years too long and got forgotten about :man_shrugging:



Challenge accepted :fork_and_knife:


But you are literally practitioners of mastered insanity and the primal evil of the Azeroth universe tho…

But your right. Emo’s and goths are more like wannabe Void elves than the other way around.


I like their connection to the Void and their starting zone, as well as much of their void themed looks, but their hair severely lack variety. There are so many amazing combinations that can be used with blue color, and plus the Void has more colors than just blue. But all people come up with is ‘‘awh I wanna cosplay as a goth girl with black hair’’. Ok, we get it. But what about white or blonde with void highlights and blue dipping of the hair? Is black and blue where our imagination stops?

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Zzz. Imagine calling goths kids.

Edit: anyways… I don’t understand the meaning of your post, why it’s so relevant for you to specify that your character in WoW doesn’t belong to a urban culture?


Yes we are!

Side effect of having the whispers of the void constantly in your ear. Compare that to a bad tinnitus; people with such a condition aren’t the sunniest people either - they don’t sleep well (hence the eye circles), they can be driven mad by the sounds they constantly hear and can’t get rid of and they need special training / methods to counteract their condition.

Now put on top of that, that your tinnitus constantly makes you doubt everything, tells you lies or urges you to kill people (or yourself).

There are silver / lighter high colors already available btw. If they ever add other hair colors I seriously hope they still look “corrupted” in some way and aren’t just a blood elf copy paste. I already don’t like the “normal” skin tones we got.

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The colour of our hair matches the darkness of our souls.


The playerbase their obsession with Elves is starting to get on my nerves.


I always thought they should be more Cyberpunk. You know those cool haircuts with long hair on one side and trimmed on the other? Like Judy in Cyberpunk 2077 kind of.


It isn’t just the hair that makes or breaks it. As some would say the entire Void Elf lore reeks of the marks that generally attracts people of that genre (poor, mis-understood outcasts who use forbidden power in order to fight a greater foe).

Their hair also has a tentacle effect to it when their racial procs. Void is generally purple, so there aren’t that many color variations that they can deviate away from dark colors with.

Same as when people associate worgen and vulpera with furries. Character appearance have the tendency to attract certain playerbases, but in the case of Void Elves I do not think that it is strickly due to the “emo/goth” look of their character. It has more to do with the edgy lore attached to them that has about as much edge as an entire class does (demon Hunters.)

Void Elves, even now have one of the biggest customization variety since they got 90% of the customization that Blood Elves got. Could they use more hair colors? Maybe, but I think they only have a limited amount of colors they can go with that doesn’t feel off with purple color (but then, Alleria still retain her hair color, so later down the line anything can happen.)

Customization is way down on the priority line by the looks of it, and even if they do go back to it I rather they focus on races that are severely lacking in options, like Nightborne and Lightforged.

I understand you felt disappointed at Void Elves’ natural skin tones, and we will most likely get natural hair colors as well (which I’m looking forward to), but I’m also 100% positive we will receive many voidy customizations! Have you seen our Void Elf Customization Megathread?

Also, regarding “corrupted natural hair colors”, have you seen Rama’s suggestions, mixing them with Void highlights for instance?

You can have a look at them here:

I wish we had black hair… instead we have a 50 shades of Grey, Purple, and dark blues. (Pun intended)

I don’t see Blonde being problematic when Alleria herself is Blonde. It’s just a hair color. Other games have hair dyes and we are stuck in 2004 with this game. In fact, even 2004 games have better customization than wow does.


You aren’t forced to use them tho. They are there for the High elf fans to enjoy.

Just like Bronzebeard fans are not forced to use the Wildhammer tattoos

And Darkspear fans are not forced to use the sand troll skins