Void Elves are not Emo / Goth elves

Yes we are!

Side effect of having the whispers of the void constantly in your ear. Compare that to a bad tinnitus; people with such a condition aren’t the sunniest people either - they don’t sleep well (hence the eye circles), they can be driven mad by the sounds they constantly hear and can’t get rid of and they need special training / methods to counteract their condition.

Now put on top of that, that your tinnitus constantly makes you doubt everything, tells you lies or urges you to kill people (or yourself).

There are silver / lighter high colors already available btw. If they ever add other hair colors I seriously hope they still look “corrupted” in some way and aren’t just a blood elf copy paste. I already don’t like the “normal” skin tones we got.

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The colour of our hair matches the darkness of our souls.


The playerbase their obsession with Elves is starting to get on my nerves.


I always thought they should be more Cyberpunk. You know those cool haircuts with long hair on one side and trimmed on the other? Like Judy in Cyberpunk 2077 kind of.


It isn’t just the hair that makes or breaks it. As some would say the entire Void Elf lore reeks of the marks that generally attracts people of that genre (poor, mis-understood outcasts who use forbidden power in order to fight a greater foe).

Their hair also has a tentacle effect to it when their racial procs. Void is generally purple, so there aren’t that many color variations that they can deviate away from dark colors with.

Same as when people associate worgen and vulpera with furries. Character appearance have the tendency to attract certain playerbases, but in the case of Void Elves I do not think that it is strickly due to the “emo/goth” look of their character. It has more to do with the edgy lore attached to them that has about as much edge as an entire class does (demon Hunters.)

Void Elves, even now have one of the biggest customization variety since they got 90% of the customization that Blood Elves got. Could they use more hair colors? Maybe, but I think they only have a limited amount of colors they can go with that doesn’t feel off with purple color (but then, Alleria still retain her hair color, so later down the line anything can happen.)

Customization is way down on the priority line by the looks of it, and even if they do go back to it I rather they focus on races that are severely lacking in options, like Nightborne and Lightforged.

I understand you felt disappointed at Void Elves’ natural skin tones, and we will most likely get natural hair colors as well (which I’m looking forward to), but I’m also 100% positive we will receive many voidy customizations! Have you seen our Void Elf Customization Megathread?

Also, regarding “corrupted natural hair colors”, have you seen Rama’s suggestions, mixing them with Void highlights for instance?

You can have a look at them here:

I wish we had black hair… instead we have a 50 shades of Grey, Purple, and dark blues. (Pun intended)

I don’t see Blonde being problematic when Alleria herself is Blonde. It’s just a hair color. Other games have hair dyes and we are stuck in 2004 with this game. In fact, even 2004 games have better customization than wow does.


You aren’t forced to use them tho. They are there for the High elf fans to enjoy.

Just like Bronzebeard fans are not forced to use the Wildhammer tattoos

And Darkspear fans are not forced to use the sand troll skins


Emo / Goth elves = sexy

They’re emo elves but they’re cool.

Their lore is so negligible that you might as well ignore it.

Yes, I’ve seen it - the two colored hair styles and eye costumizations do look very nice; as well as the two colored skin styles. From my experience I’d still categorize them as goth / emo / (metal) and Visna seemed to like them too, so I guess we’d both be happy. :wink:

On behalf of a wonderful Fanfiction I discovered on AO3 I’d also strongly suggest to add void scars (although I think they already got mentioned).

I know - and none of my “proper” void elves wears them. I just don’t like the idea of many high elves running around with a “void elf” mousover. It should be possible to select which sub-race is displayed by the game (same for blood / high elves).

I really think an addon fokussing on “stabilizing” Azeroth after all the recent years of drama etc. which fokusses not on many new events but instead explores and deepens existing lore would be wonderful. All these constumization options (also others for different races) could be unlocked by short questlines (similar to the kaldorei black eyes) / back-to-the-past-raids. If they are worried about new players later on, they could still unlock the options with the next addon “for free”. I wouldn’t mind.

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If my Night Elf can have Black hair why cant my Void Elf?

Free all the colours for all races!


Are nightborne the emo elves of the horde ? :stuck_out_tongue:

‘Goth Kids’!
What the heck? Your original goths are going to be in their early fifties or so now. (I mean obviously I mean people who liked Bauhaus and the Sisters of Mercy, not the Barbarian tribe that sacked Rome.) Even Emo’s are likely to be in their thirties or late twenties now!

Seriously though. Yeah, Void Elves kind of are that vibe. They’re people with a weird interest in the darker elements of the cosmos and capable of making really questionable lifestyle choices that may prove really bad for them in the long term, just like most Goths, (don’t even ask me about the ‘Scene’ in the 90’s.!)

Thing is, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, I mean by definition is it a strong look/ethos. Not bland or generic. I mean look at Warcraft’s Elves, The Night Elves are kind of like your ex-hippy grandparents, who probably thought ‘Easy Rider’ was a documentary of their youth, the Original High Elves were kind of like the ‘normal’ Elves beloved of Tolkein, the Blood Elves were basically Elves with the whole ‘Trainspotting’ thing going on (The book/film and its vibe, not the hobby :stuck_out_tongue: ) and the Void Elves are kind of Gothy…

Which is pretty cool. You get a whole cultural evolution that makes sense.

I mean look at Void Elves, and look at Goths.

Morbid curiosity with dark things: Check.
Reading books by dead people with really sketchy pasts: Check.
Wearing a lot of dark clothing: Check.
Living in creepy places by choice: Check.
Generally sounding a bit ‘posh’: Check.
Mad Hair: Check
Taking too much power/narcotics that will prove unhealthy for you?: Check.
Mocked/rejected by their elders: Check.

Thinking “This Corrosion” was one of the finest musical pieces of art ever: Che-ummm…

Ok, that last one might actually just be Goths. Not Void Elves. But it is. I mean ‘This Corrosion’. Totally is one of the finest pieces of music ever…

But yeah, so what if the Void Elves do have that whole gothic vibe to them. Gothic is cool…I mean Gilneas is an entire city built with a Gothic vibe to it. Undercity has people using coffins as beds, and whilst their males dance like they were in a mosh pit, Forsaken females do the stereotypical floaty hands Goth dance that women used to do all the time back then. It could only be more goth if they took three steps forwards and two steps back whilst doing it!

So whether you see them as brooding dark souls, or vigorous chaos magicians playing with the cosmic building blocks of reality, Void Elves kinda are Gothic themed.

And there is nothing wrong with that.

Embrace your inner Bat. :stuck_out_tongue:

my vethyr, void elf, shadow priest, is pretty emo.

This elf stuff again. Why is it always elf stuff.

Only specie that receives so much discontent it seems.

Bandwagon mentality?

Posts from an Elf character. Voluntarily clicked on a thread which mentioned Elves. Complains about the topic involving Elves…

Sounds legit.

That’s like being in a restaurant, ordering steak and then going “Why did you bring me steak! I’m Vegan!”


I am an emo cow - look at my fringe!

U can’t see it for my pesky top hat gosh darn it

Don’t know about the emo part, but they’re the drunk elves of the Horde, that’s for sure.

Just because I listen to Siouxsie and the Banshees, Bauhaus, The Cure, Joy Division, etc. Keep snakes and tarantulas, and have tattoos of those, does not make me a goth or emo. I don’t like black coffee or Sylvia Plath, so there.